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The whole point of this, is that Unix Square is trying their hand at a reinterpreted design of the VF-1. One can like that or not, but coming in here expecting it to be anime/line art accurate is kind of a fallacy. There are already plenty of options for that "accuracy" in toy or model kit form available.

Personally I am liking most of it – especially the slimmer chest plate and heat shield not being flush with it as well as the smaller spacing between chest and backplate. A reminder that the VF-1 is supposed to be a compact mecha in Battroid mode and something that is mostly lost with the current toys by Arcadia and Bandai.

If I could have my way, I would flip the inner and outer lower leg casing, shorten the fuselage to nose cone transition and I hope the head will sit lower.

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Reinterpretations of this nature such as Unix Square's VF-1 are always tricky, because there aren't any other direct media tie-ins like anime, movies or comics for these designs. So these toys have to stand purely on its own design merits subject to our very own personal biases, and Sentinel being one half of Unix Square, as I understand it always like to take risks like this. Some do payoff, like their Riobot Mazinkaiser or the Re:Edit Iron Man lines, whilst others appear to have bombed like their Fighting Armor line.

That said, I like what Unix Square is doing overall for the reinterpreted 1J and although there are some design concerns in Fighter, I like that it is different enough but still has direct lineages to the VF-1. The same though, can't be said of Moshow's current iteration of the Cyclone lol.. but no biggie, everyone's preferences are different.

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My problem with the reinterpretation is that it’s interesting in battroid, but the fighter looks messy. The legs look like they don’t fit the frame of the plane and look really awkward and pushed out. They appear to have redesigned the battroid without thinking at all about how it fits in fighter mode, so it kinda looks junky so far. Maybe further prototype pictures or a re redesign might help

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  • 7 months later...

Looks like they forgot to fully remove the super packs from the back of the legs

By the way, did anyone tell them that Unix might be a bad idea for a company name. Someone might think they’re all castrated or something 

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I will be more excited for the Unix Square transforming action figure of the VF-1J/A/S/?  Not really into the static figures


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2 hours ago, twich said:

I will be more excited for the Unix Square transforming action figure of the VF-1J/A/S/?  Not really into the static figures


"Introducing the new Robotech Veritech [Trans-Action Power] series action figure! This VF1J action figure is a stunning blend of style and function, with three impressive transformation modes. Made with passion, our team put their heart and soul into designing this piece, taking inspiration from the iconic Robotech anime series. Stay tuned as we will share more photos very soon."

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4 hours ago, MKT said:

Those hip intakes really do look very large. It’s totally opposite to the old Revoltech VF-1s, their intakes were really small instead lol.

These might even put the hasegawa battroid hips to shame

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