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About twich

  • Birthday 10/14/1975

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    Valley, Washington USA
  • Interests
    Macross and all things Mecha

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  1. I hope that with the World Wide Macross thing, that some of these lore and statistic books will be translated to English(and/or other languages) for people who do not speak Japanese, but are fascinated with the minutia of these statistics and facts for the lore behind Macross and Variable Fighters! Twich
  2. If I am not mistaken, the VF-27 has a refined BDS/BDI system that only works with cyborg implants. Twich
  3. twich

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I have found this as well, and the cradle has to be constantly reseated to the stand arm! Twich
  4. twich

    Macross 30

    I hope they do a release for present day consoles for this game with possibility of subtitles. Never played the game, but loved the trio of PSP Macross Frontier games. Twich
  5. I just watched this movie myself, as I found it on Netflix. I have to say that I really like the movie and I thought that it was very well done with a nice nostalgic vibe that harkens back to to the original movies that were on tv when I was growing up in the late 70's and 80's. I still like the current slew of movies, but the old movies hold a special place in my heart as I remember watching them with my dad growing up. Twich
  6. When I saw the video someone posted, it showed the hip rotation and it acted like a tract to allow the connection bar to move. I guess we will find out when these arrive in hands and I can watch Jenius do a review on anymoon.com. Twich
  7. Maybe to allow the bar to stay connected while allowing hip rotation Twich
  8. I never was able to get any version of the VF-25S. This makes me very excited and happy that this is going to be available in a bundle! Chances are it will be around the price of the YF-21 release. Cannot wait for more details! Twich
  9. twich

    Macross Books

    I hope that one of the resident Japanese translators would be able to start relaying some of these statistics for these Valkyries! Twich
  10. I concur wholeheartedly! Can’t wait for this! Good to see you around the boards M’Kyuun! Twich
  11. That is a whole lot of Macross goodness right there! Twich
  12. I do believe I would like this, and if they made a DX Chogokin VF-4A or any VF-4, I do believe I would also purchase one of them. Twich
  13. Not familiar with the story or origin of the gundam, but it looks like ZZ Gundam and a lion had "private time" and this was the result......not sure what I think of this... Twich
  14. This seems right out of the blue, but I suppose that if this will be a WWM release, they already have the mold, so re-release it for the world to get, and no issues with it being a VF-1 derivative. I have the Hi Metal R VF-4G release and it is so much like my Arcadia 1/60 VF-4A, but just easier to handle and transform. Twich
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