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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Awesome MOC @M'Kyuun. I hit the pause button on my Bricklink purchases after finishing up some MOCs and haven't really been tempted by any official sets in a while, but I think I might have to get me a Voltron when they come out.
  2. Regarding Bird of Prey designs, I recently put together a LEGO mini-MOC of one the be along the same scale as a refit Enterprise. I started to get concerned about whether they were in scale together and went looking for specs on how they compared and was surprised to see that basically they all have the same outline but can be of just about any size since the Great Houses do indeed build 'em to fit their particular moods (really whatever the writer needs for the episode or movie.) They go from small crews of 2 people to TNG Enterprise D size behemoths, albeit without the wing maneuverability of the smaller vessels. http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/bop-size.htm
  3. I agree with this. One of the compelling aspects of other shows more recently, such as Walking Dead, is that they are willing to loose principal characters. Or in the case of Game of Thrones, entire clans. Trek, while constant putting our heroes in danger, rarely kills them off. It's a balancing act, to be sure, but if your heroes never loose battles, what is at risk? You fall into the Doctor Who trap where you know the dreaded Daleks will show up, and just as surely, that the Doctor will defeat them, again and again. I'm not saying you gotta kill of Indy, or blow up Vulcan, but there has to be real peril, else the Federation is really just leveling up season after season to essentially be the last great super power. Klingons, Romulans need to have real Pineapple power. That being said, I don't just want space battle after space battle from my Trek shows. That isn't what hooked me on Trek as a kid. Sure the season ending cliff-hanger better have plenty of explosions, but what would be the point of 5 year missions if the Enterprises just become prettier Galacticas.
  4. I never saw the Saber Riders or Bizmark, but having listened to both opening themes on YouTube just now I'm gonna have to disagree there: MIO / MIQ's voice just drips with soulful, pop awesomeness. Another good one by here is the Aura Battler Dunbine opening.
  5. Incredible, really! Curious, do you think there you could have added the hip joints and still kept the transformation? What kind of joints did you use? Also, I'm not sure if you have answered this, but what paints did you use?
  6. Curious, do females watch Anime for fan service? I suspect not, but not being one myself, and not being Japanese or grown up there, I can't be sure. I'm not sure women get aroused by cartoons as much as men might, so I don't think that including shirtless boys will help gain a bigger female viewing audience. That might help with another portion of the audience with is attracted to young males, however, but I digress. In any case, as for me, I'd rather skip the fan service, and get on with fully clothed character building.
  7. That's the thing though, I don't think they will be there. For example, we see The Iron Giant from the late 90's, not a japanese mech. We also see Deadpool and Harley Quinn, not say Marvel heroes. And what's with the Voldemort looking cyborg guy? Don't remember him from my crusty 80's childhood. I don't think WB wanted to pay out to license the various characters to be really faithful to the story, that said, lots of these could be replaced by other, similar characters from similar shows and movies. However, Iron Giant isn't Voltron or Ultraman. I doubt we'll see half of the spaceships and mechs mentioned in the book.
  8. I've never seen the Nausicaa and her Ostrich kit built. This is awesome. You really nailed the color scheme.
  9. Continue 9.. 8.. 7.. Insert Coin You must defeat Shen Long to stand a chance"
  10. That is a very nice Glaug. If I didn't already have an HM-R, I might be tempted at slapping together one of my own.
  11. I've fallen behind on my 1/55 custom plans, but have very much in mind to do an M&M set.
  12. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm still waiting on the Nousjadeul-Ger and some Zentrans. HMR all the things! Hopefully after they do some more Macross they dive into Orguss. It would be hope beyond hope to expect any Southern Cross.
  13. "Kennedy promised a new director would be announced shortly. Sources say Ron Howard is in talks to take over the film, but there is no deal as yet." Richie Cunningham? Well, he is a good director with experience on both action and character driven stories. Gotta say I'm a bit sad though, cuz I really love The LEGO Movie. I mean, a Han Solo flick has to be the fun SW flick, filled with all kinds of scoundrelly double crosses and gotcha moments. I feel like Lord+Miller could have pulled that off well. Oh well, fingers crossed though.
  14. I'm currently re-consuming the Dune novels and can't help but see parallels with the way the human empire of Dune's future makes use of the underlying technology everywhere. Holtzman engines, which power space folds, also power shield technology, "no" ship cloaking devices, and seem to be involved with anti-grav suspensors.
  15. Wow, can't believe another of the Babylon5 cast is gone. So many gone so soon from that show.
  16. I think this would be a good candidate for a reboot, if HG didn't fight selling the rights to someone like Netflix, but I doubt that would happen since something tells me Sony has rights to it now. Regardless, I like the story and the characters, just wish it had had a proper ending. In that regards, it's inclusion in RT at least added weight to it.
  17. Damn, that's one nice Apocalypse. Oh, yeah the 171 isn't bad either.
  18. Articulated fingers huh. They should sell those hands as an add-on to the first two releases.
  19. I credit myself on having watched just about every obscure 80's and early 90's cartoon. How Galaxy Rangers escaped me, I have no idea. Regarding Silverhawks, it's sad that the Thundercat's reboot on Cartoon Network failed because it actually alluded to shared universe with Silverhawks with Mum-ra as the big baddy. Mon*Star was actually shown delivering a report to Mum-ra in one scene.
  20. Just saw it. It is an improvement over Prometheus. Still doesn't feel like Alien/s, but it's not a bad story on its own. I appreciated the sets and especially the depiction of the various space craft. As expected, Fassbender was quite good. I'll probably go see the 'next' one.
  21. Oh, the animated series! Love that it is now considered cannon by many. Some really good eps in there. If I recall correctly, wasn't the time-travel, cousin visit referenced in one of the JJ movies? I seem to remember it mentioned in a live action setting.
  22. I'd love a VF-4, 2012 style. Damn if only....
  23. Do tell! Seems like the current discourse is that the A-10 is an unloved but proven workhorse and that the F-35 is a costly boondoggle. Did he echo those sentiments?
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