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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Yup MonsterArts Godzilla 2014 is officially on pre-order! He's set to release in October, I already pre-ordered two, I can't wait, the NECA versions just, uh, didn't do anything for me to say the least. Now the real question, will we get MonsterArts MUTO 1 and 2? I'd hope if they do they would decide to sell them together in one package, I would hope they wouldn't nickel and dime us be releasing tiny little male MUTO separately.
  2. This looks...Interesting I guess. Is this going to be a complete reboot or are they still going to try to somehow tie this into the original films, is this going to be in continuity with all the movies or what, where does Sarah Connor Chronicles fit in, was that retconned?
  3. I thought Monsters was okay, way too slow and the love story just didn't do it for me, Skyline on the other hand, was so bad is was offensive. Monsters 2 looks cool, I take it Gareth Edwards isn't back to direct? He totally rocked Godzilla, so I'm looking forward to what he works on next.
  4. Dark Souls is free on Xbox Live right now for Gold Members, if you're ever been slightly interested in the franchise and have a 360 I'd highly recommend downloading it.
  5. Ugh, such a stupid release, where's the VF-1s Arcadia?
  6. I'm kind of interested in the Figma Avengers, but they are stupid, ridiculous, expensive. I get it, they're The Avengers, and it was the biggest comic book movie ever and so on, but damn, there are 2 versions of Iron Man for sale and they range from $80-130, and $80 for a Captain America figure? I'm guessing he has a shield, some hands, a different head and maybe a pistol, so...$80? If I end up getting one I'll probably get the rest, so I don't know why I'm complaining, I just thought it was odd when I saw the Avenger's prices compared to other Figmas. I've heard mixed things about the Attack on Titan figures, they're getting pricey too, I may have to pick up the core 3 then be done, I don't need Levi.
  7. I can personally agree with a lot of that list, including the order, but I can definitely say I wouldn't put The Dark Knight anywhere near that high up. I don't see how it's anymore ridiculous than any other list based off a single opinion, grow up guys, nobody likes a snob.
  8. I like the power armors in this artwork way more then the final versions in the film, the film doesn't even technically have power armor in my eyes, more like an advanced exo-skeleton with a bunch of crap hanging off of it.
  9. I can agree the Legacy Megazord was lacking, it was half-assed as far as die-cast and paint apps go. I look at Legacy Dragonzord and I see where my $80 went, it's repainted in silver with die-cast, I just didn't see enough in the Legacy Megazord to justify the original retail price let alone it's crazy third party and Evilbay prices. That all said, the pictured Megazord is actually the 2010 Mix N Morph Dino Megazord, I never upgraded to Legacy because as I said above I didn't think it was worth it, got this 2010 version for $10 at Target on clearance, it gets the job done.
  10. It's here, it's finally here! After years of never owning one myself to complete the set, I now finally have one, the mother-frakking Dragonzord! I pre-ordered this guy about 7 months ago, then I waited, then it was delayed so I had to wait some more, but it finally arrived and it is beautiful. No it's not the original one, this is the just barely released Legacy Dragonzord, it's a heavy die-cast filled beauty.
  11. So I finally sat down and watched HBO's original movie The Normal Heart, I've had it on my DVR recorded for about a week but I've been stupid, ridiculous busy lately. I gotta say, I haven't shed man tears like that in quite a while, it was immensely powerful, with some incredible performances all around, it was gripping and amazing all the way through. I always have to thank HBO for putting out projects like this, the same thing happened with Behind the Candelabra, the material was deemed too gay or not profitable enough for a major theatrical release, so what happens next? HBO comes in says "Get the frakk out, we got this", and boom, another amazing film rivaling anything I've watched in theaters in the past several years. So in all, if you have HBO, do yourself a favor and DVR this or watch in on HBOgo, it was a truly fantastic film and I couldn't recommend it enough.
  12. I love all the controversy Eva's new poster is getting, extreme blood, gore and violence is okay, but God forbid someone accidentally sees a nipple which I'm pretty sure most humans on Earth have two of. This could have been the studio's end-game all along, to put this out and stir up controversy and interest in the new film, but it seems a lot of people appear to be getting pretty pissy about it, I think it's hilarious.
  13. Fargo! Watch it people, it's good. Another intense episode tonight, too many excellent scenes, also Key and Peele were FBI.
  14. Just a question, are there any threads dedicated to co-op games? I recently grabbed a copy of Splinter Cell Conviction for $1 and I can't find anyone to play co-op online, also, co-op games are awesome.
  15. I looked up some images and reviews, I can definitely admit Strafe and Slug look pretty cool. It's just odd that the leader class Grimlock is so disappointing, the leader line used to be the most accurate, detailed, and usually the best choice for the larger bots. Prime and Starscream had excellent Leader classes in previous movies, I saw the Leader Prime from this movie and damn, what happened? I also saw the Voyager Class Prime that I guess is going to be the form Marky-Mark finds him in, I can say it's a pretty cool throw back to the G1 Prime, aside form a lack of paint apps I think it actually looks pretty good.
  16. Seriously at this point I could give two shits less about any upcoming valk figures, I really just want to get my hands on a Hikaru 1J and Roy 1S, then I can be done with Macross valks for a while. Of all things they decide to re-issue the 19 Kai? The hero VF-1s like the Hikaru 1J and Roy 1S are selling for insane prices, especially the 30th Anniversary ones with the extra parts, I know myself and many people would also like another shot at a 1D, I'm pretty sure I can buy a Kai right now shipped for about $160 USD, the Kai is not rare, we don't want another Kai. If anything it seems like people would just like the extra mini pilot and band figures, sell those bundled with that never released sound cannon thing or whatever then everyone can be happy.
  17. Eww these colors are gross, I was hoping for a fixed re-issue of the cannon fodder 171, you still get nothing from me Bandai.
  18. Good lord all of the toys look awful, the entire new movie line looks terrible, I don't think I'll be buying a single figure from the new film, even the Leader Class stuff looks bad. I bought one figure from the last film line, it seems Hasbro is going downhill further and further with these things, they're cutting corners everywhere, so many crappy shell-formers, so many dulled down re-releases of previous figures.
  19. I loved Chronicle, I saw it twice in theaters and I bought it on BluRay day one of release. It had a very Akira feel through the second half, especially into the final act, which was cool. For me, this film was like District 9, another giant stand out hit that crap on all the big budget competition for the year, a cast of nobodies, a tiny budget, and yet it was incredibly well done.
  20. I want to see it now, I love Ben's suit so that actually gave me more hope and peeked my interest a bit more, I don't mind the title either, I'm whatever about it. At this point I just want to see Gal In costume as WW, and I want to see Cyborg in costume. One thing I wondered about the title, is why they didn't just go with World's Finest, Batman V Superman or Batman & Superman World's Finest. I mean the holy trinity is Bat, Supes, and WW, the original six has been changed up a lot but that always refers to the original six Justice League members, but Bat and Supes on their own are often referred to as the World's Finest, short for world's finest heroes. I mean we don't know anything about the story, but based on the Dark Knight Returns inspired suit I think it's pretty obvious BenBat will be going toe to toe with Supes in an amored Bat-Suit like in Dark Knight Returns, I just wonder how much actual Batman Vs Superman we'll see in this movie, will it become redundant? Will they not even fight or be at odds that long to the point that the title becomes a bit pointless? I don't know, Dawn of Justice obviously means they're trying very hard to set up Justice League, until I learn more actual plot details I'm just going to reserve most of my judgements.
  21. Because he's supposed to, he's Old Logan, that's how it was in the comic as well. No he doesn't age, but they still wanted a slight physical indication that this man has been alive for over 200 years.
  22. I don't dislike gerwalk mode in general, I just personally feel like outside the VF-1, hardly any valk looks good in gerwalk, Mac7 in particular had awful gerwalk modes pretty much across the board. I will say I used to own a renewal Bandai Messiah, and while I disliked the figure in general I liked the gerwalk, I also think the SV-51 had a pretty cool gerwalk.
  23. I don't own too many 1/6 figures, only 3 Hot Toys, but when something catches my eye I'm sold. It appears there's quite a few companies doing incredible 1/6 figures these days, my question, has anyone heard of World Box? World Box recently announced these two 1/6 Mortal Kombat figures, and I pre-ordered both. I'm excited, I think these two look great, obviously I'm now hoping for a Liu Kang and Scorpion to compliment these two.
  24. The Order 1886 looks like a prettier steampunk Gears of War to me, honestly, nothing special at all, I haven't seen a single thing that interested me yet, also, 24 frames per second? That's weird, everyone is complaining up a storm about resolution and FPS this console generation and this game comes a long with fairly low film level FPS, I know it saved on hardware power, and they were going or the movie feel throughout, but as far as being a game goes, I can't get excited.
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