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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/09/11/the-legend-of-korra-book-four-premiere-date-announced Holy s@%&, we get new Korra on October 3, of THIS YEAR!
  2. Well Leftovers unfortunately ended, but it was an incredible finale, the book's story ended at the end of the season so whatever comes next season is completely fresh content, so that will be interesting. Fortunately however, Sons of Anarchy and Boardwalk Empire are both back, and they both had some really amazing premieres, plus as others pointed out The Flash officially starts soon, I loved the pilot so I'm looking forward to that.
  3. So I have a question, is there a thread dedicated to co-op games, or co-op gaming? Is there anywhere MW members can go to find people to play co-op games with that they might not be able to find others to place with? The reason I ask is that Monaco What's Yours is Mine is free on 360 for Gold members, I love the game and I've had it since the day it released, but it's terribly frustrating to play with most random people I connect with, and my two cousins I regularly play with called it, and I quote, "indie garbage". Monaco is a fantastic co-op game, I'd just like to play with some competent players.
  4. Resident Evil Revelations 2 officially revealed, it will be releasing on 360, X1, PS3, and PS4, oddly enough it's not releasing on any Nintendo devices, not even the 3DS, where the first game initially came out. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/09/01/resident-evil-revelations-2-officially-revealed
  5. I need to grab one of these guys, he'll be the toughest beast in the collection until my Cockroaches from Terra Formars arrive, no organism is tougher than the Cockroach...
  6. Just purchased and watched this again last night on my Xbox, I still love it, I still think it was an excellent new introduction for the King, and I still believe I'll be buying the Bluray. Bandai MonsterArts is releasing a figure for Godzilla 2014 in October I believe, from what I've read a MUTO two pack with the male and female is actually one of the most requested figures to be done next in the line, we may see them announced sometime early next year.
  7. Next up, Paul Anderson will reboot the god awful Resident Evil movie franchise, and it will be just as terrible as before.
  8. What the f#%@ did I just watch?
  9. About a half a year ago I stopped collecting Hot Toys, before that I was on a hot streak buying up a bunch of different ones for about 8 months straight, it was Hot Toys and not a single other figure. I purchased 11 different figures, from them, 6 ended up getting damaged from, I don't know, dust? Both my Keaton and Bale Batman's got rips in their armor, my Bruce Lee had weird tears throughout his abs, my Ezio's clothing pretty much fell apart at the shoulder pauldron, my Mime Jack Nicholson Joker had weird oil or something on his face then his face literally began to melt and smudge off, and lastly but definitely worst is my Hulk and Bruce Banner combo pack, which I actually got just about 3 months ago, has a tear under his left armpit and a nice tear on his right bicep. Hot Toys are beautiful, detailed figures, I just think it's better to be more selective with these figures then literally anything else on the market you can buy, from what I've read, Iron Man armors seem to be pretty nice across the board, I'm thinking anything with rubber skin or armor is where you're going to want to stop and think about it, I saw Hot Toys Gamora the other day from GoG and thought that looked like a train wreck waiting to happen. I'd love the own an Iron Man or War Machine armor, Maybe a Robocop even, they seem to do mechanical stuff well, and vehicles, but too many other releases seem way too hit and miss. I've still got Keaton Batman and Hulk, mostly because I love them to much to get rid of them even with their flaws, I've also got Marty and the Darlorean on pre-order, Doc Brown too eventually. Back on topic though I know, my bad, I'm just still pretty upset about it all.
  10. My favorite zombie game ever made State of Decay is getting a release on Xbox One with all of it's DLC, plus some apparently new content, also a possible co-op sandbox mode from what I've been reading on their site and Twitter. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/29/state-of-decay-year-one-survival-edition-coming-to-xbox-one Seriously good game, I highly recommend it, created by a tiny team and it's their first game release no less, I'm very happy to see the game sold well and was well received, I'll be double dipping when I get my white Xbox One.
  11. Yea sorry about that, probably a bit aggressive on my end. I just have to decide by the end of September if I'm grabbing this guy or not, and I'd really, really like to be able to pull the trigger and set aside at least $200. I wasn't sure who Mr.K was, I thought he was just a mod or a very close associate of someone at Arcadia, I haven't purchased a new mold of a valk in quite a few years now, from what I've looked up now, he definitely seems like the guy to look to, so definitely my bad.
  12. Nobodies arguing here. If I'm buying one of these I need to start worrying about moving funds now, I'm moving soon, plus Christmas is coming up, I am absolutely going to stress the color until I see it's fixed, as I said, I think it's weird that the first official magazine photo showed the same color as opposed to confirming the color is fixed. Yes Mr.K or whoever confirmed it should get fixed, but I'm at the point now where I have to either start preparing for the pre-order or just bowing out. Yes, it's obviously a prototype, everyone has confirmed that, but until then I refuse to "relax" on a figure that is probably going to end up costing me a very pretty penny. Hopefully in a month or two we'll get a new set of photos in another magazine confirming the color fix, until then, to me, it seems a lot of people are okay with the color, so aside from a Tweet or whatever from some guy I've never heard of, I'm not 100% they'll change the color. This happens with every new toy release, it's a new mold and essentially an entirely new toy, people are going to nit pick every little thing they see until release, if you don't like seeing that, I'm thinking you're on the wrong website.
  13. I never read any Marvel NOW stuff, but that's also the look they adopted for Ultimate Hawkeye when Ultimate Marvel comics started launching, and it's also obviously the influence for Hawkeye in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  14. The mold looks good indeed. I'm a little curious as to why they'd release photos for a hobby magazine if the color isn't finalized yet, does this happen often? I'd think they'd wait until they were pretty much done messing with the prototype before they'd promote it, the color looks slightly better in the clearer scans, but it's still not doing it for me, that blue is still fugly.
  15. So you won't even give it a shot? I'm sorry, but that makes absolutely zero sense to me, the show is getting stellar reviews across the board, it's an undeniably good show with some excellent performances, you're missing out due to a really idiotic bias in my opinion, I get that a lot of people didn't like Lost and Prometheus, but wow.
  16. That's Ultimate Hawkeye, that's how he's looked since the Ultimate Marvel comics started releasing, they dropped the purple tights and full head covering, he's looked like that for years now.
  17. That's why I'm glad Capcom is releasing REmake on all the current consoles, everyone who missed out originally, plus a whole new generation of gamers now get to try out Resident Evil as it was in its glory days, before things got too ridiculous, before Resident Evil 6...
  18. I still think to this day that REmake for Gamecube and Wii was the defining Resident Evil title, best puzzles, best enemies and BOWs, Crimson Heads added a whole new gimmick to how you deal with the most basic enemies, the zombies, and the graphics were astounding at the time. They cut the fat and cheese for the most part and gamers were left with an incredibly polished survival horror experience, tank controls be damned, the whole Lisa Trevor content they added was fantastic, she was terrifying. On a side note I finally tried Silent Hills PT over the weekend on my buddies PS4, it was pretty, but I was unimpressed, it was barely unnerving, fun to beat though, is Silent Hills PS4 exclusive? I'm finally getting a next-gen console when Sunset Overdrive drops, I'm getting that ultra sexy white X1.
  19. I can't wait for pre-orders to go up, hopefully the pre-orders won't get ridiculous like Bandai's Frontier stuff usually is. I need a Hikaru 1J, then I'm selling the armor, then I'm done with Macross valkyries unless Arcadia actually fixes the 0D's horrendous color.
  20. Is that really the color they're sticking with, I thought Mr.K or whoever said they were looking into fixing it? If that's honestly what they're going with then I'm out, I'd like to have a new VF-0 in my collection but this isn't doing it for me, I don't want a Max VF-0D, that blue is just way too ugly, oh well, more fun money for something else.
  21. Last two episodes were great, they really kick up the eye candy in the finales, the final battles are always epic and beautiful.
  22. I thought it was barely okay, extremely forgettable like the second, and I thought the visual effects looked much cheaper, like the budget got seriously chopped and they spent all their money on getting as many people in the film as possible. I can definitely say Antonio Banderas and Wesley Snipes were my favorite parts of the film, Terry Crews and Jet Li may as well have not even been in the movie or promotional material at all, and the final Mel Gibson fight was a tremendous let down.
  23. I liked it, I saw it in VFX 3D, it was pretty amazing, a very pretty film to watch just like the first. My only complaint is that the separate stories didn't intertwine quite as well as the first film, but that said I enjoyed each of the different stories, Joseph Gordon Levitt is awesome, and I can safely say Eva Green was smoking hot, and there was plenty of her in the film.
  24. That's a pretty big difference, I forgot Roy had that colored flight suit in the show, I always remembered him in the big shoulder pad DYRL flight suit. I always thought since he got the badder valkyrie with the extra horses and head lasers he'd have the cooler flight suit with the shoulder pads, either way I think the DYRL pilot is more iconic, I'm grabbing that Arcadia while I can, maybe down the line I'll look to see if I can get my hands on a TV Roy pilot.
  25. What are the differences between a TV Roy pilot and the DYRL Roy pilot, is it shoulder pads? I always thought they were pretty much the same.
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