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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Pretty cool test footage, I have zero faith that a full fledged R rated Deadpool movie would ever happen, anything less than R and the movie becomes completely pointless, in my opinion of course.
  2. Wow, I'm glad I have zero interest in Macross Frontier, Ozma, or the 25 Messiah, but I know everyone has been spazzing and twitching over this re-release for awhile, good luck everyone.
  3. Well I would definitely recommend Mass Effect, but if you're not feeling that I get it, it's also an RPG, so it's really slow at times. I'd also recommend Vanquish, any Halo, Halo Reach was good, you can't go wrong with a Gears of War, I recently started playing Splinter Cell Conviction again, it can be a shooter, or a stealth game, Half Life 2's campaign is always fun, I recently got back into State of Decay as well, AKA my favorite zombie game probably ever made, Crysis is a competent enough shooter, Borderlands is very addictive, the Bioshock series is great, Red Faction Guerrilla gets overlooked a lot but it was a ton of fun and had a gorgeous destruction engine, the Transformers Cybertron series is excellent, hell the first one is co-op so I'd be willing to buy it back, Lost Planet if you're into that, the new Deus Ex was pretty fun, a lot to digest I know, I've just played a lot of games so I'm a bit all over the place when people ask me for suggestions, I tried to fit the criteria though.
  4. So Expendables 3 leaked online, not just a trailer or a clip either, the whole f#*@!^% movie is online. I'm tempted, I haven't fired up Utorrent in months...Nah I'm no pirate, but I also didn't plan of watching it in theaters, this is a true dilemma, either way Stalone's probably pissed and people are going to get sued.
  5. One or 360? Games with gold for 360 is getting Dishonored in the second half of August, depending on your platform I could make some suggestions, any particular type of game your looking to play? FPS, stealth, indie, platformer, etc.?
  6. Yup, looks like a VF-0 in gerwalk, I'll pop in now and then to see whenever they fix the color, because the Max look is just not doing it for me at all, molds looking good though.
  7. At this point I'm 100% in for one, seeing as I don't even have a Hikaru 1J, so now I"m just wondering about price. As I posted in the last page I'm going to sell the armor, I really don't want it, but I'd like to have a reference for the whole figure's price so I'd know what would be fair to sell the armor for by itself. I'd like to get back what money I can for the stuff I don't want, and here's to hoping that by release they give us the grey goggles, I'll paint it myself if I have to but I don't want to.
  8. Lol whatever, typo, The Demon. Also apparently WIldcat is coming too. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/27/sdcc-2014-ras-al-ghul-and-wildcat-coming-to-arrow Pretty cool news, and as I said above, Brandon Routh is Ray Palmer, who eventually becomes Atom.
  9. While Ant-Man is like the Aquaman of insects, he uses and communicates with what he needs, he primarily rides around on flying ants, that's his default ride, also, that's a cool f$*#@!% helmet.
  10. It looks like Solid Snake is coming first, then yes, we will eventually get a Phantom Pain Big Boss/Punished Snake, which is awesome.
  11. So I would be in for Marty and the Delorean, but if and only if, we get a Hot Toys Doc Brown, if he doesn't get announced, it's no dice for me.
  12. I never liked the original films, but this looks interesting, good to see actual cars getting tossed around and not a bunch of CGI.
  13. Extended trailer is out, provided by Stephen Amell himself, nearly the same footage until the end, we get an official confirmation of the main villain of season 3, he's been teased for awhile, but it seems the Dragon himself is finally coming to Starlin...er...Star City. Plus it's good to see Brandon Routh back in something DC related.
  14. I would be interested in a deal like that. At the end of the day this will probably be the cheapest VF-1J Hikaru on the market, and I desperately need one to finish my Vermilion Squad. Chances are good the armor will be together in a separate plastic tray below the main valk and other goodies, I'd honestly be willing to sell it off and hold onto the rest.
  15. Like I said I'd prefer stand alone, I don't want to pay extra for crap I don't want, if anything Arcadia needs to release some stand alone super parts, there's plenty of Yamato/Arcadia releases that could benefit from that.
  16. Damn I hope that's not final, that blue is ugly as f#%@, if it is I'm passing, seriously, I can easily go without, I'd prefer a re-tooled VF-0S.
  17. Damn this kind of sucks, I was hoping for a stand alone release, I don't want the armor.
  18. I love the new Bat-Suit, but I really dislike Wonder Woman's look, too boring and dark, I mean I hope it's just because of the ash and dark grittiness, but there's not enough color for me. I want this, Wonder Woman needs some more color, look at the new Superman suit, it's much brighter, hopefully her costume isn't finalized yet.
  19. I wasn't exactly impressed by trailers, and like others pointed out, each one that starts with then builds off of human's only using 10% of their brains makes me cringe in anger and pain. After seeing nothing but mediocre to outright damning reviews this is an easy pass, oh well, I got Guardians and Turtles in the coming weeks so there's that.
  20. This project is extremely worrying, a cool piece of promo art is cool, but damn, are they really going to be able to release this next July at this rate?
  21. Meh on this color scheme, still a pass for me, I just want a fixed cannon fodder release so I can own at least one VF-171.
  22. I gotta wonder, are people genuinely still disliking this movie even after all the incredible trailers and TV spots, or is it because people still see the word Bay so hate, hate, hate? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac0ZRiGmHnc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm-GQSLkNf8 These international TV spots are killing it, the final Shredder fight looks insane. At this point I can totally understand why Shredder got upgraded to a mecha power-suit, the Turtles stand about 6 to almost 7 feet tall, Oroku needed an upgrade, and it definitely looks like he moves fine within his armor. At this point I have zero to complain about except for Megan Fox, there's been a suspicious lack of footage of her, so I'm hoping she gets as little screen time as possible and the Turtles are the focus.
  23. Holy crap did anyone else accidentally run into a super high level Golem yet? I believe I accidentally ran into legendary one, he was a really high level, and I totally shot him straight between the eyes and it popped up "immune", I promptly got the f$@% out of there. Can these guys be killed, has anyone done it yet?
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