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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. So I thought I'd ask this here since this thread seemed the most relevant. I've got a line on an Arcadia DYRL Roy 1S that I can get locally, I've read that Arcadia went with the nice TV bright white as opposed to the nasty off white that Yamato used on their DYRL valks, my question is can the Arcadia DYRL Roy pass as a TV version Roy 1S? I'm not building a Skull Squadron, I mean I liked DYRL but I'm not double dipping on an entire squad, I'm trying to finish off my TV Vermillion Squad and I need a Roy 1S and Hikaru 1J, Arcadia is releasing a Hikaru 1J with the stupid missile armor so I'll get him then, but I just wanted to know if I'd be safe grabbing the Arcadia Roy 1S to finish off my TV squad.
  2. I'm ready for the Bluray, I loved this film, and I was excited to read that Legendary got the rights to Mothra, Rodan, and Ghidorah, I'm thinking the sequel will be fantastic.
  3. Mecha Ghidorah is pretty cool I guess, I have the original Ghidorah so I'll stick to him, I think he's much more iconic. I'm getting a little pissy with the MonsterArts line, they keep putting out a lot of re-worked figures, and they keep giving us more Godzillas. Another Kiryu, another Ghidorah, another Godzilla? It's getting pretty old, where's Titanosaurus, Anguirus, Showa Gigan, Hedorah, Kumonga, Varan, I want some more variety, these past couple of releases have been pretty meh in my opinion, and future releases aren't looking much more interesting, as I said, another Kiryu, Ghidorah, and Godzilla 2014. Here's to hoping they fixed his wings, my Ghidorah never had any breaks, but I've heard plenty of horror stories from others.
  4. My supposedly re-issue 0S pretty much fell apart on me, one half of the right foot thruster broke off while I was transforming it, so it could no longer stand in battroid, it was a floppy mess pretty much everywhere, arms couldn't support the gunpod, front landing gear became loose and had difficulty supporting a rolling fighter, gerwalk extension joints were flimsy and I had a very hard time standing the figure in gerwalk, the monitor thing inside the cockpit was glued down or something ridiculous to the point that when I tried to maneuver the seat in the cockpit up into the battroid position the monitor snapped off then got stuck inside the nose of the fighter for about a year. I was very excited for a VF-0, particularly the S, I could care less about Shin or the A, I waited, then I got my re-issue release and it was awful. I'm still on the fence about this release, I want a VF-0 in my collection, but I have too many bad memories and experiences, by comparison my SV-51 Ivanov was gold, the only reason I sold him was because my stupid 0S fell apart. I need more final production shots, or at least close to that, I need a truly fixed VF-0, and I need a better blue, with how expensive I"m sure thing thing will be, I refuse to settle for anything less then exactly what I want this time around, if it's not looking up to snuff I'm gonna have no problem passing and completely leaving anything Zero related out of my collection.
  5. HLJ replaced a Revoltech Batman for me a couple of years ago. Pretty much the same situation, I opened him up, moved his right arm, and the crappy Revoltech joint at his elbow split in two, Revoltech toys are like that, they are entirely too hit and miss sometimes. After my Jehuty and Anubis Revoltechs broke I swore the line off and haven't come back. I'd contact HLJ, it wouldn't hurt, I'd also recommend SH MonsterArts Alien releases instead, they are better in pretty much every way, durability, articulation, better mold overall.
  6. Dishonored is free on 360 for Gold members right now, get it people, it's a quite brilliant stealth game.
  7. I just got back from an impromptu trip to California, and I had all this goodness waiting for me! Not pictured are my 3 30s that showed up safe and sound, my girlfriend then packed them all up nicely, those weren't for my personal collection though as I don't care for them myself, so enough about them. I've been waiting patiently for my first and probably last Figuarts team, I can't wait to break them all out, plus I got Battra in California at a little comic shop by my friend's place for $60 out the door!
  8. I'd honestly like to get one with armor, but if it's almost guaranteed to break if I attempt to take it out of fighter, it's still an easy pass, if I'm unable to transform my transforming toy without issue then I have a problem.
  9. A quick review for the ThreeZero Atlas. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/atlas It seems early reviewers are receiving prototypes, so I'm guessing the actual release isn't far off now! I personally didn't order one because Atlas is like cannon fodder, but it is an incredibly gorgeous piece, I'm definitely in for a Stryder when they announce it.
  10. I'm moving to California in November, it's going to expensive, I've also ordered three sets of all the Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy releases. It is what it is folks, after seeing the 29 Ozma and a couple other releases disappear, I figured it was a good investment and an easy way to make some cash after the move while also leading into the super expensive holidays.
  11. My first 30 is due in today, I've got two more due in by the end of the week, then, all three are off to storage! I'm tempted to mess with one before I store them, but if I do that I can't sell it as brand new later, quite the conundrum, fighter looks pretty cool but the rest is very meh in my opinion, especially that brace thing, that is totally weak.
  12. I'm in for a sequel, I enjoyed it. Maybe Hot Toys can give us some Turtles for the next film, I'm really selective about their releases because they're really spotty as far as QC goes, but I'd be in for all 4 if they made them, a Shredder too.
  13. Just got back from my 7:30 showing, I loved it, haters gonna hate. The Turtles were badass, Shredder was badass, Splinter was badass, the comedy was surprisingly tasteful, some stuff like the crushing on April drags a bit, but overall well done. The Turtles banter was spot on, I liked the voice actors, aside from some really obvious holes and cliches in the story I liked it, it was exactly what I wanted from a rebooted Turtles franchise, lots of call backs to the classic material both comic and cartoon, and the designs grew on me. Also, Shredder killed it, did I mention he was badass? I was also surprised to see a certain female Foot-Clan elite that I had heard no mention of before-hand, she didn't do much unfortunately, but still a cool nod to the recent series on Nick.
  14. Wew, that's good. I'm fine with it being a DYRL release, I don't care what the box says, and if it's like the DYRL Roy 1S, it will be exactly the same as a TV version, bright white, which is what I want and am ready for. Grey goggles would be cool, I could care less if it's accurate or not, I just like how it gives a little contrast to the head/camera area, it breaks up all the white nicely in my opinion, I'll paint it myself if I have to.
  15. Wait so is thing weathered then, or just the armor, or is that whole thing a custom? If it's weathered then that sucks, I just want a bright, clean Hikaru 1J, I'd have to pass if it's weathered.
  16. I gotta get this guy, he looks good. I've got Showa Gozilla and Millennium Godzilla, I need the Heisei one you've got there, and of course Godzilla 2014, I need a version of every era of Godzilla in my collection!
  17. Hm I didn't know that, all I remember was seeing Max Factory on the box, I guess it was before they started the figma line then? Either way, I'm excited and I'm getting one, Guyver unit 1 is badass.
  18. So I haven't been following this at all, I could care less about Robotech, I figured it's been dead for a decade now anyway, and the only actual bit of Robotech related media I've personally experienced is Robotech Battlecry. I've spent the last half hour reading back pages of comments, damn, this KS business is crazy, it's funny, sad, stupid, a whole mess of things at once, the main thing I wondered, and I'm sure it's been asked, is why didn't Harmony Gold fund this, isn't that kind of what they're supposed to do as opposed to asking the fans for money? I became intrigued, all of this is damn amusing, but I came in late, it's already cancelled, I missed the party. That said, I decided to go through the KS itself and read comments, hilarity ensued, then I decided to go the ye olde Robotech.com main site, just to get a glimpse at the much talked about forum, and damn, it did not disappoint. As others pointed out, lots of playing it down, they expected it to fail, it was just to gauge interest, yada, yada, yada, but then I came across this gem, and I felt I had to contribute before this sucker gets locked up. posted by a dude named, of course, robotechisbetter: Why did you cancel? Maybe in the last day some rich guy would back all that is left. We still had hope. It is all macross fans fault, have you guys ever gone to a macross forum? They are all criticizing Robotech, they are all scheming against Robotech future plans. They are happy the Kick Starter got cancelled. Look at this post: Guess it's safe to call it... Time of death... exactly 10am, Aug. 2, 2014 Joking about the failure of the KickStarter. Why can't they just let us be happy? That's a quote from this thread here on MW, we truly are the ones to blame, these Robotech people have apparently been monitoring our escapades here, and they are angry. I needed this, good solid laughs were had. The blatant BS and crap being shoveled by that Mckeever guy is hilarious, not a single straight answer, and everyone's okay with that.
  19. I broke down and watched a torrent, I'm a bad person. The movie was okay, several actors got almost no screen time and became pretty much unnecessary altogether, like the second film, and the lack of R rating was disturbing, I can safely say Wesley Snipes was probably my favorite part of the film, he was badass.
  20. I know GoT is over, but is everyone with an HBO subscription watching The Leftovers? If your answer is no, I can assure you you've been wasting your Sunday evening, the show is quite amazing.
  21. I'm totally in for Guyver, I never got the original Figma releases because they became stupid expensive, but I'm definitely jumping on this one, and Guyver 3 whenever he gets re-released.
  22. Holy s#@%, there are actually other people out there that didn't think Last of Us was the single greatest gift to gaming? And more then that, the people showing disinterest aren't being jumped on and bashed for not praising it as the greatest game in the history of man kind? My mind is blown.
  23. Got back an hour ago from my 7:30 showing, I loved it. I don't read Marvel cosmic so I can safely say I'm not familiar with the GoG themselves, but seeing NOVA, Nowhere, and some other really cool, important, major locations in the cosmic universe was awesome. Remember people, this is a Marvel Studios film, stay after the credits, it's not a scene that I would call integral or even necessary, but in my opinion it was f!$@#%& hilarious.
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