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Everything posted by Frogze

  1. Farewell Yamato, hello Arcadia. I can use a couple months without buying a new VF but a stunning CAD or even a teaser would relief everyone here... Meanwhile, Yamato VFs stock will vanish at full price hopefully and help them fund the next valk you can get it right now under 160 shipped at hkcollectibles.com
  2. I'm not sure it's the right thread to post such things but last night I started putting together this thing by using tape to see how it would look. This is the first time I'm attempting a kitbash, I've never even worked on a model kit before so I'm a little nervous about starting the tweaks and fixes I've planned to make the kit more solid in both forms and more adapted to the rider. Source material : rider : myth cloth mermaid ride : 1/12 Imai transformable model kit VR-052 additional parts : Imai 1/15 armor mode vr-038 model kit There's going to be some scratchbuilding for the front of the ride, the canon and the rider's armor parts. Here's a couple of pics in both modes. This figure looks good and most importantly it can ride! In armor mode the chest area is way to wide from the side so I'll try to make it collapsible for a closer fit to the rider's chest.
  3. I love them and I have completed the set of all 4 but overall the figures are flimsy and the motoslaves are parts formers, fiddly and lack a proper paint job (except for Priss metallic edition which is a beauty)
  4. Seeing Mickey Rourke as Marv will make me want to see it and as long as Robert Rodriguez can keep Frank Miller away from doing things related to directing there's a good chance this will be an enjoyable movie. The book itself was great, even if in my opinion it wasn't as good as the first and fourth books.
  5. Amen to that! And the Highway Star too, by Yamato. A 1/10 Viper from Viper's Creed would be epic, and I'd be in trouble if Yamato decided to finish their 1/24 Patlabor line by adding a Griffon, Type Zero and Helldiver
  6. Is the crotch locking mechanism on the 17D tighter than on the S? It was a bit loose on my sample and I know many other people have mentioned the same looseness at the hips on theirs that made the legs dangle a bit. I hope Yamato tried to fix this little flaw of an otherwise stellar toy design
  7. Frogze

    VF-9 Cutlass

    Outstanding work!! Gerwalk and Battroid do indeed look better in the lineart thanks to anime magic but your fighter mode alone makes me want a model of this done in 1/60 scale
  8. I'm thinking the opposite about this one, although Shyamalan directed the atrocious adaption of the last airbender I still think he has the ability to make interesting and different movies. But so far the trailer looks very generic with lots of beautyful scenes packed with CG action but so little story. Basically it reminds me of Lost, minus the character interactions. I hope there's more to it than this, as it wouldn't be the first time he pulls a trick at the last moment right?
  9. To be honest I'm more thrilled by the few images of the kaiju in this trailer than by any of the robot designs. But I'm still really looking forward to this, because Del Toro has always delivered interesting movies for me
  10. Thanks everyone! Reïvaj> Surprisingly it was much easier than I had expected, I just added the YF-21 after every other battroid was set and it let me take a couple shots before starting the domino effect...
  11. There have been some fantastic displays show here lately, great job on the missile effects, Benson! At some point I was tempted to pick up a 1/48 for that purpose and I was thinking of trying to do a missile effect with optic fiber wires and clear putty then I also got a 1/48 model kit to replace the 1J head with Hasegawa's 1/48 which looks a bit better to me and also features more details. But I'm just too lazy I guess Here are some pics from my brand new camera :
  12. Awesome, the torn out arm and the cockpit figures are exquisite details, no wonder it won a customs contest!
  13. Very good stuff, your Mospeada is really cool!!
  14. This one has been on my wishlist for a while :
  15. Good question, an opening missile hatch would be cool like the Experten version here : http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/2011/08/22/110822a_2.jpg
  16. Thanks guys! Actually there was a couple of other ideas that came in mind first as to where the antenna blades should have gone while I was doing this but I thought the bunny ears on the shoulder was the cutest ^^ Jasonc, I'm not getting what you meanwith Shadow Technology. But maybe that's because I've never took the time to see the Shadow Chronicles
  17. It's a Nice mix atually, I thought the transformation to be possible so I gave it a try (and a touch of Macross Mecha Manual ) :
  18. That's just what I thought watching the trailer. I guess there's nothing wrong with another fun scifi blockbuster... but I wish they had put their millions into something that hasn't already been done. So what should we be expecting the next Verhoeven remake to be, Starship Troopers? At least he is working on a new movie now
  19. This is probably one of the coolest toy commercials ever made : and the 80 also spawned this gem of a toy : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6V-tuOf3dE
  20. I tried to watch it but stopped halfway because while it had some great production values I quickly lost interest in the story and felt that the main characters were flat boring. It has some nice shots though and the usual modern day kung fu cgi fare which I'm not so fond of too... There's a very strange kung fu flick I'd like to recommend although it might not be for everyone : Jade Warrior (2006). It's got some sort of a northern gods meet kung fu world feel, and a fresh mystical feel which is why I enjoyed it very much. Here's the finnish trailer : It's the first finnish Kung Fu film ever, directed by Antti-Jussi Annila. It is his first film too, the second and last to this date being Sauna (2008) which is in my opinion a masterpiece horror movie.
  21. So it's true... WTF Bandai? Personally, adding a neck cover on my Firevalk in fighter is as far as I'm able to stray from PT.
  22. Thanks for putting this one back on my radar, actually all the lame advertising about this movie made me totally ignore it.
  23. you're right EXO, screw spoiler tags LOL! as no one else could understand what David said, and his "every child desires to destroy his parents" words are really pointing that he said something that was really meant to cause this reaction from the engineer. I'm still wondering what it could have been though... maybe you're right about this one Free will, yes of course they have! They have IA, but it doesn't mean they are puppets, they're actual beings. I can remember a couple of scenes with David who gets offended about some other characters regarding him as a simple machine. Vickers and David have totally opposed reactions, which may also explain why she is such a disappointment to Weyland. He might have created her as his perfect woman, but as he grew old and viagra didn't work anymore he just lost interest in her and wanted to have a son-like creation which is where he created David, who as opposed to Vickers is made to be curious and daring (like Weyland himself). I think they are not trying to "destroy" mankind, the black goo is a genetic rearranger which destroys to create a new form, like the worms that turned into the weird snakes or the engineer at the beginning. They are like clay sculptors, they try to turn their creation they're unhappy with into its primitive shape in order to rebuild it in a more satisfying form It's strange how people around me either loved it or hated it. I'm by no means trying to convince anyone that this was a great movie, or that every bit in it makes sense or should make sense. And I understand why people think this movie is a failure story-wise. Personnally, I've left the theatre with many pleasant memories of the onscreen fun and lots of discussions about the stuff that seemed strange or silly afterwards, trying to sort out things that made some sense. I really like that this movie makes me ask myself why this or that, and strangely it's also what the movie is all about too Also did anyone understand what was represented on the "Sistine Chapel" kind of painting the scientific team finds on the ceiling where the metal urns are stored? I also think the painting changed in a creepy way when the cylinders started leaking...
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