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1/48 Vf-1d Custom


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I won't even mention how long this custom has been sitting on my workbench, but it's finally done. The MW member who commissioned it holds the official title of "world's most patient person" in my book.

Overall, I was really impressed with the quality of the conversion kit. It had a few quirks, as is always the case with custom cast parts, but the finished valk looks great. I gave many of the markings a distressed or worn look to give the appearance that this trainer is heavily used but well-maintained. I spent a lot of time going back and forth about what exact shades of brown and orange to use, eventually settling on a custom mix for both. I chose to not include the black stripes on the heatshield and legs because they have always looked a little out of place to me and without them, the color scheme seems to flow a lot better. This custom started life as a CF.

This is my last commissioned custom. Life is just too busy these days for me to accept any more projects. Decal and sticker production takes up far less time and mental energy, so I will continue to do that for as long as possible.

I hope you enjoy the pics.








Edited by Anasazi37
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This is my last commissioned custom.  Life is just too busy these days for me to accept any more projects.  Decal and sticker production takes up far less time and mental energy, so I will continue to do that for as long as possible.

I think I've heard that line somewhere before. :p

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It was a really hard decision to make. I like making customs, but they take up so much time. Between Macross projects, work, finishing my PhD, and getting married (next Saturday!), something had to give....

This is my last commissioned custom.  Life is just too busy these days for me to accept any more projects.  Decal and sticker production takes up far less time and mental energy, so I will continue to do that for as long as possible.

I think I've heard that line somewhere before. :p


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I had forgotten how much I liked the 1D until I started working on this custom for you. It makes me want to build one for myself, but it would be about #40 on the list of kits and customs I have lined up....

Looks great. I have always been partial to the 1D.

Does anyone make casts of Hikaru and Minmei to fit the 1D cockpit? Please post or PM me if you have any sources.


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Yeah, I had to go about three feet to my ALPS printer, then another 15 to my garage workshop. :D

That's one spiffy VF-1D!

Nice Job!  I guess you didn't have to go far to find the decals you were going to use on it.  :lol:


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Well, I have had this valk on my workbench (including conversion kit) since before Christmas. Maybe even Thanksgiving. :unsure:

I think Vermillion One got the kit directly from Captain America....

izzat the kit that I sold here a couple of months back? (or isit last month?) I kinda recognize the scuffed top corners of the chest plate. nice to see its in the hands of a pro.


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very clean and shiny.... maybe its just the flash.... but i bet this thing looks 100% better in person than in those pics.... plust i don't think i've seen that shade of tan/brown on the 1D... its a bit dark...but i like it....

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