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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I really would hope they aren’t just teasing us there for no reason. I’d definitely buy a couple. They’d probably be really easy builds
  2. I kinda get that symbolism, but a scout should probably blend in, but I still think they look cool in white. Their bike blends in fairly well on Endor, but in the Mandalorian even the bikes were white. It’s almost as if they understood camouflage but didn’t at the same time. Well that’s sci-fi and that’s why I tend to forgive it.
  3. I liked the first Captain Marvel movie, but it definitely wasn’t the best of the mcu. This one as you said isn’t getting the talk the first film did at all. I like the other characters, but just like you said, almost nobody has an attachment to them. With the lack of advertising, I get the feeling that everyone including the mouse has doubts for its success. Hopefully the movie ends up far better than it appears, since they were supposed to be adding in Rogue if I remember correctly as well as finally giving more than a hint about mutants this time around. I’m almost having doubts about Rogue even being in this thing anymore. I don’t remember seeing any ads with her. oddly, from the last line in most of the ads , I’d almost expect a Six Million Dollar man cameo
  4. I keep forgetting this movie is coming out. If this little update here didn’t show I mnot have be aware. There seems to be very little advertising for it in comparison to the other mcu films.
  5. It’s really just the rule of cool in sci fi. Why make a stormtrooper bright white? Or even worse, why make the scout troopers that mostly are trying to stay hidden bright white. It’s because they’re a fictional military and sometimes the colors or bling are for symbolism or status rather than for function
  6. I’ve seen the VF 0S in local hobby shops here in So Cal, but unfortunately Bandai can’t do the stuff Toynami can do. Basically the og Macross stuff is still off limits for Bandai in the States. But who knows, if by some super slim chance Bandai makes a compromise with HG, but that would probably never happen.
  7. Sorry to hear about that mistake. It really was a horrible decision that they made to go with stickers. I wish they would at least sell them separately for those that bought the wrong version. At least they eventually figured out that most people don’t like stickers and started including waterslides. Bandai should learn from them. Stickers can be an option, but water slide decals should be a standard with all model kits. I didn’t know that they did not mold the nav lights. Maybe you could use the stickers as a scribing guide for them. There are brushable chrome paints as well as markers these day that may make it look pretty cool even if a clear part would be ideal
  8. Honestly, for all the crap Hikaru put that thing through, it might be light on the weathering. It does look heavy, but this guy crashed a few times, got into hand to hand combat, had armor blown off, 80’s rolling in fire fights and practically nuked just to name some of the things that poor 1J had to go through
  9. The closest I got to Disney land was back at the beginning of July. We went to the House of Blues a few blocks away to see Emperor, which would be the most anti Disney thing to do.
  10. I still think it’s a bored military. There’s probably no taxes to worry, just people serving for the most part. I know they make a wage, but they never got into all the politics or economics. The need for a military may not exist, but the need to be ready just in case does. Either for non connected humans finding the planet to have resources or troubles from within. just the other day there was a massive breakout of violence at several movie theaters around the U.S. just because it was a four dollar movie day. If people are stuck on a planet and tired of meaningless labor, they’re gonna eventually cause problems. If the government tries to keep a slight bit of discipline, they government may feel that’s enough to at least keep the people from rioting. And giving people a status symbol may be their thinking of making the people believe they’re serving a greater purpose, even if it’s just for useless bling. Quite a few mass produced mobile suits were bright orange or yellow, and funky purple and not just for the aces or commanders, but for basic grunts as well.
  11. He’s gonna play Macross idol music from the Japanese version over a loudspeaker at their office, if they even have one
  12. I’m sure the scout will come back in stock. And I’m totally with you on the Glaug. I’m really hoping for it.
  13. It’s sci fi and anime no less. It’s basically the same thing I was saying about the safety issue. It might not be a modern thing, but as far as anime and such, Gundam has ornaments of all kind on mecha and leaders. Even Macross has some wild coloring. The movie had some with gold bling on the enemies and shoot at me please red stripes and a red spot to let the enemy know exactly where the pilot sits. Southern Cross isn’t even a serious show. I don’t think reality should be expected anyway. The bling for southern cross is probably just a status thing since before the zor, they weren’t fighting anyone. It seems like an ornamentation of a bored military and it looked neat. If the modern military gave you a storm trooper style armor and there were no competing nations to actually fight, I think more people would think about joining.
  14. Thanks for posting, I rarely see the Arii versions of the regult actually built. I think you’ll love the Hasegawa kit. If you haven’t built one of their regult kits, they’re a surprising joy. I hope you post the pics of that kit as well
  15. Until the zor arrived, they didn’t really have an enemy. I think there one major city and most of the military seems set up just to keep people from being bored. I always take sci-fi safety as an afterthought in every genre. Where’s the safety rails in Star Wars. Or I’m pretty sure Hikaru would have whiplash from every crash or quick stop. Sniping in mobile suits in atmosphere often has the pilot dangling in their seat face down for hours, although it was surprising to see they eventually had air bags. Even with seat belts, in the first Avatar movie they drop the mecha straight down in a way that would crush your back.(haven’t seen the second one yet.) and almost every Mecha anime has mele combat that would be like the worst car crash ever and even more ridiculous in space when they go full thrust at their opponents. Basically, I tend to try my best to ignore safety concerns in sci fi almost completely. It’s getting better, but it all needs a lot of disbelief and in some cases you’re way better off just pretending everything will be alright
  16. I don’t like the face without the mask, I have no idea who that was modeled after, but it definitely looks good if you never use that head and I’m definitely tempted
  17. I usually see this kit built as rider on the bike and then the non transforming armored up kit built next to it. Transforming kits have come a long way, but I still find them frustrating and prefer transforming toys over transforming kits.
  18. It took me a while to even see the kid. I kinda thought the same about the machine though
  19. That’s why they have super cool armor. not only that, but one mode is just for fast travel and the other is supposed to just be long range artillery. After that the close combat mode is covered. Not that they cared enough about their training to be able to use them properly
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