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Everything posted by slide

  1. SSRN Seaview from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (c1964) is an even more questionable "windowed bridge/command deck"... My question is why does it bother you? The hull armour of the Macross got penetrated by any Zentran weapon that hit it, so what's the difference when we're talking about "an energy barrier is your only real defense" level weaponry? also: *ahem*Ovetechnology... I'm sure they're onto things like Transparent Aluminum, right?
  2. ^ Likely. Roy was the Mega-ace of the UN Forces afterall...
  3. my inner child: "Yay! a DX Roy" my wallet:
  4. slide

    Macross figures

    No wonder they Crashed their fleet into a Black Hole...
  5. And is she going to look more, or less impressed than the lady in the photo?
  6. that crap needs to be outlawed, post-haste! the second we can just "unleash the robots" at somebody, we're all F'd... and if they were going to do it anyway, you gotta keep that BS so classified that people "randomly pass away" after even considering talking about it...
  7. Looks Like Hase's 1/72 VF-19 with HMMs will FINALLY be re-released! https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10183104 As well as the 1/48 DYRL Super/Strike https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10242344
  8. I had the Ent-D, Warbird and Vor'cha... such wonderful toys! I miss them....................... and I agree fully with the 4-button sound-system being superior... sometimes you just need to fire the weapons, cloak the ship, or jump to warp9!
  9. oh Christ... the ZIP-TIES holding that anachronism together are what makes that pic for me!!!
  10. I had to look at it again, because I didn't even notice the English the first time.
  11. the TF-51 and SU-25T have been upgraded to the same standard the FC3 aircraft were, AFAIK. most of the free mods are based off of FC3, thus it is required for them to function.
  12. I'm not sure how much I'd pay for a VF-1 of YF-19 in DCS, but it would be more than nothing! lol. now a VF-4 would be irresistible...
  13. you can purchase the F-15, Su-25, Su-27, Su-33, Mig-29 [3 variants, depending on how you count them] and A-10A for not alot and they are not full-fidelity models. no flight manuals needed, and they're perfectly viable for some online PVP if you ever wish. you may wish to make a kneeboard with your controls layout and some simple checklists though... some modules come with missions and such. some campaigns can be purchased, and other missions/campaigns made by the community can be downloaded for free. skins [liveries] and mods like the A-4E, MB-339 are community-made and free [they're not perfect, but they're still fun as heck] I was daunted at first, but they've got me hooked!
  14. That's what I did... I threw my hat into some ebay bids and wound up with 5 helmets! going to be a bit more work than I had thought, but Eventually I will end up with a TV and DYRL Roy, and 3 customs.
  15. DAMN!! That's sweet! What I'd do for a kit of that....
  16. Very nice! I like the white leading edges!
  17. Not my work, but I can't NOT drop this in here:
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