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Everything posted by slide

  1. There is a blog about the build, but I can't seem to find it via Google at the moment. I believe the answer is yes
  2. it's the Hasegawa 1/4000 Cruiser-mode kit, iirc.
  3. I was just thinking the same thing... seem my Ebay-Fu is weak because I totally missed those.
  4. They grounded the Rafael-B models for at least 24 hours because of it... then re-instated them. Which leads me to believe some maintenance personnel got one hell of a chewing-out.
  5. According to Quartz [c. 2018]: so yea, not a big % of a $100 Million modern fighter...
  6. Roy probably jammed the throttles forward and burned the paint going mach 5 on the deck... you know, just Roy being Himself but yea, it's a little stark... probably shoulda put 1 or 2 more really thin coats of white over it to tone it down... or maybe if she was supposed to be gray instead of white this approach would've come out more subtle.
  7. Now THAT'S an experience most civilians will NEVER get!! no "eject button" that I'm aware of... however there are "canopy jettison" buttons on some older jets and even prop-driven fighters... but looking at the Raphael's seat: That yellow/black stripey-thing sure looks an awful lot like an ejection handle to me...
  8. "For Villeneuve, this 55-year-old story about a planet being mined to death was not merely a space adventure, but a prophecy." Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm back to 50/50 on whether this will suck as hard as the Lynch version I think I'm going to dig out my DVD copy and re-watch that, because it's most certainly the best yet. The spice must flow. Long live the fighters of Muad-Dib!!
  9. That's a handsome bow there, @tekering! That's a mix of a Hase TV Cruiser-mode and Attack-mode? I'll need to take notes, that looks great!
  10. I'd say sell me a ticket, but... Looks great, I'm in
  11. I feel like we should be churning out said plaques, with differing dates, like license plates...
  12. and some people say "Playing wit toys is dead"............................................... that was AWESOME!
  13. Would have to be 1/2000 minimum if someone's going to fleece me for a Thousand Canadian Dollars...
  14. I'll have a TV SDF-1 for THAT kind of $$$$$$$$$ please!
  15. Yea... in 1998 money, which is $30,269,721.02 in 2020 money.
  16. +1 Extra Bright side: That just means some future collector might want to find out "who the F is this [Name Redacted] person who was lucky enough to get this made for them?!" someday.
  17. Virtual Burning Lake Airshow is happening on Twitch if anyone is interested:
  18. they're not shell deflectors, they're blast deflectors, to make sure the windscreen/intakes dont get all gunsmokey. the spent casing chutes are on the bottom.
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