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Everything posted by slide

  1. they sold out almost instantly IIRC...
  2. Don't forget the space Glam-Vampires, who had their very own Knock-off Godzilla...
  3. CHEWIN' GUMS? NAH! Ya jus' needs mo' DAKKA!!! As far as I can tell, it's still the collective psychic gestalt explanation
  4. Not when it comes to terrible movies getting green-lit...
  5. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    I think the displayed shcemes are a good modification of the M3 game versions: TBH I prefer Bandai's take over the VF-4 Masterfile Version, which are actually Periwinkle Blue, and Pink undersides, respectively. Regardless, they're gonna get me for 2 more VF-4s if they release the Max/Miria Set... but Roy never flew one, so keep trying Bandai! Indeed... What's the holdup on that I wonder?
  6. I'm kinda hoping this drives the used market for the Yammie VF-4G down... I have two of the HMR FB2012 VF-4's... don't really need another in that scheme... but I do always need more VF-4 in general!
  7. slide

    Macross figures

    Quite an intersting read: Ages of consent. I didn't know there was such a variance across the world. Apparently Japan's Base age is 13, but most prefectures have local statutes that raise it to 16-18. Thumbs up on that one, bud! Different strokes indeed....
  8. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow, my monster Arrived from Manda today... that's gotta be a record or something!!
  9. interesting... what convoluted fenangling that is... and it all basically ammounts to "we promise not to stuff these as full of long-range nukes as is theoretically possible... HONEST!" ... is it just me or are the nuclear-arms control treaties starting to remind anyone else of the Washington Naval Treaties? Also: So a refit with 'conventional payload only' capability would, in theory, be 100% kosher... as the entire language of that link is focused on "B-1 heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-range nuclear ALCMs"... guess that really is proof nobody wants to Nuke eachother: USSR: The B-1 can sling too many nukes! USAF: We'll weld over the external pylons USSR: You... You have Angle-Grinders in America, yes? USAF: Yea... USSR: ................................................. USAF: We Promise!! USSR: *Glares at USAF as they sign the treaty*
  10. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    It's a very colourful aerospace force, isn't it!
  11. RIP, Mr Douglas 103 is a run we would all be lucky to have.
  12. I always heard that they didn't use the external pylons so as to maintain the radar cross-section of the Bone... why would non-nukes on the pylons be limited by START?
  13. slide

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Who's to say the VF-14 wasn't on the fleet that made it out to whatever globular cluster delta happened in? In that case the airframe would be a classic hot-rod screaming for a one-off restomod! Macross The Ride is a thing, and they scrounged an SV-51 for that... and the Windermerians kept THE VF-22 that [allegedly] wrecked their planet in a museum, and it started first try! My theory is more than workable, however wrong I turn out to be. lol plus if it IS a VF-14, we might actually see one in a collectible form!
  14. slide

    Bandai DX VF-31

    VF-14 given recent Macross, probably a VF-14EX...
  15. I didn't realize the B-1B is the Heavyweight Champeen of Air Warfare... At a whopping 125,000 lbs [75K internal+50K external] of hate and discontent.... Tu-160 tops-out at ~99,000 lbs [internal only]
  16. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    total with shipping came to 20,750 yen now, to not get cartjacked the next time a Regult missile set pops up
  17. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh no, the Koenig Monster is on my list. I might pick one up down the road, if the price is right. But tbh I prefer the OG "Big Chungus" monster... no gimmick, just FIREPOWER!
  18. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I was going to share a headsup about an HMR Monster at Mandarake for 14,000 yen... but I decided that was a good price and pulled the trigger. My HMR Collection nears completion! ... now I need a detolf to display them all together.
  19. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    needs one of those batman-style word bubbles that says "KLONK!" or something similar, lol!
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