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Everything posted by slide

  1. I haven't taken a magnifying glass to anything I've purchased that's been marked like that, but my experiences have been great. their labels are very honest in my experiences. good example: VF-22 Gamlin marked "opened used, package damaged" package had shelf-wear, and a torn corner, VF-22 had obviously been displayed, was a little dusty, most stickers [lovingly and skillfully] applied, is in 9/10 condition, and cost me 20,000yen. I've had no complaints.
  2. What an Angry/Amazing looking Whitestar! what scale is it?
  3. some of us live in Canada, so YES
  4. Indeed, someone needs to tell them Flush rivets have been a thing since the 20's guys... this one looks even MORE lie it was designed in a soviet tank-factory... but it's an HG license, so that tracks.
  5. this is a batman movie... which precedent has established have EXCEPTIONALLY LITTLE to do with the comics, LOL. damn, they're funny!
  6. the biggest problem is going to be when they seat all the passengers center-line, place all the cargo out to the sides, and have NO WINDOWS for me to look out of!
  7. We've also learned that you can't be super-mean to people or they go around playing the victim and it results as a detriment to the community. Hell, we even play nice with the ROBOTECH fans!! [jk guys, love you ] This is either a case of confusion: his info might be spot-on, however not realizing [or even being aware of the Hase 1/48 models in the first place.] the knowledge base on the boards and us being able to tell a [very nicely finished] model kit from a mass-produced transforming collectible/toy, perhaps the poster in question's eyesight is poor, and they literally can't see the differences?, or it's purposeful trolling, and either way, it's just easier to be nice about it while sustaining our own hopes/dreams that Bandai do actually release a complete Vermilion team... Meanwhile, I just want my TV Roy-1S, as I don't own a TV Roy-1S in any toy form yet.
  8. **FACEPALM** This one has even MORE rivets than the KC one... sigh... One would hope, since this one isn't advertised as a speaker...
  9. none of mine are built yet, however: My plan is to drill a hole into the arm/arm armour, epoxy a brass tube into it, and telescope that over a brass rod mounted in a base. depending on how well they balance [likely better than a 1/60 because of the weight difference] a flightpose stand might work [or 2 FP standsonly using 2 arms each, might be a better option]. Yetistand makes acrylic stands and adapters. he's a member on MW (@ChaoticYeti) and has several mount/interface options.
  10. Let us not encourage the trolls and/or fake news... ... still funny though!
  11. this is a ~$2000 US assemble-it-yourself collectible. your math is not wrong... sadly.
  12. back in the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLDEN days [before his backstory was revealed, so specifically the first few batman stories], batman used a Colt 1911... mostly because they were shamelessly ripping off the Shadow...
  13. slide

    Hi-Metal R

    the VF-4 in FB2012 is an A, these, and the yammi and forthcoming arcadia release are VF-4G models. The proportions are different: This picture is from the VF-4 Masterfile, so grain of salt, but the canard vs. engine nacelle for the A outline feels more accurate to the FB2012 animation to me. so technically even the FB2012 HMR VF-4 didn't appear on-screen, but they got the paint scheme correct at least.
  14. I heard that too, but as a firearms enthusiast, that BS makes me giggle! did he laser-cut it down the middle? +smh...
  15. Now THAT demonstrates and understanding of your target audience!
  16. Feios Valkyrie Debut: Macross Digital Mission VF-X (Video Game, 1997) Pilot(s): Timoshie Daldhanton Other appearances: Macross Digital Mission VF-X2 (Video Game, 1999). Original mechanical designer: Shoji Kawamori According to Macross Mecha Manual
  17. that's a way cooler board than Silver Surfer's
  18. I was going for industry shills and access "journalists", but yea, some of them too! either way I'm likely to get dragged to this flick this weekend.. I hope its not the same level of disappointing that suicide squad was
  19. I recall the Pre-order on the GW site not being up for very long... had no idea BBTS had them either
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