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  1. Past hour
  2. Seriously, scale these up to 1/8 or 1/7 - or, dare I dream, 1/6? Reach for the stars, even, 1/4??? - and I would jump on every single one of them.
  3. Today
  4. https://twitter.com/hobby_magazine/status/1788003403899310095?t=oI1QTzSQC2YZcHLb5xKjrQ&s=19
  5. Aw yeah, some more prototype shots of Kotobukiya's 30MM... Armored... Core... wait a minute!!! Yes, that's Kotobukiya's (presumably 1/72 scale) model kit also of the Steel Haze, Rusty's AC from Armored Core 6. I imagine it'll be a size class bigger than the 30MM and feature a more involved build because of it. I wonder if it'll have blade effects parts as well...
  6. Gonna have to get that Ryu. Agent Venom is actuslly pretty great.
  7. I like the Minnions, but I hope there is more Gru and kids in it than that.
  8. Yesterday
  9. I thought the show was over. Oops so the new suits are mostly the older suits? And did Storm lose some of her newly gained powers of instant sailor moon clothing changes? and I really think the glass case with dummies wearing costumes looks cool but is totally stupid. If they gotta rush, they gotta open a case and undress a dummy, then get changed. I get it that Batman has a butler that does that for him, but for the superhero on a budget, I think a drawer or a decent closet should be fine
  10. I still think the lack of the Ba was at least partly due to structural problems. They would have been fine without the head, because everything's the same as Keith's, but the pope head on the models was an incredibly fragile mess. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't come up with a way to make it structurally sound.
  11. Watching this thing evolve just blows me away. You're doing such an amazing job!
  12. That's cool and all, but honestly, if he has a panel, that'd be the only thing I'd be interested in seeing there. Aside from that, maybe getting an autograph would be cool on a poster, but meh. I already have a couple.
  13. First thing that will stand out is Revival is matte finish. I don't have any of the Revival releases, but I believe the joints are probably tighter. As most new stuff do. You can also check @jenius review to see what else is difference here:
  14. Forgive me if this has been answered before, but is there a difference between the Revival version and the Renewal version? I bought a VF-25 Micheal a long time ago and it became a floppy mess and I swore I'd never buy another Frontier Chogokin but these Revival versions got me curious. I don't even know if I have the original or the Renewal version, is there a way to tell?
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