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Hilarious Auction Description


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Graham? Asking the permission of the mods?! Does... NOT.. compute!!

Does anyone else find the humor in this quite reminicent of Douglas Adams?

Edited by GreenGuy42
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Graham? Asking the permission of the mods?! Does... NOT.. compute!!

Does anyone else find the humor in this quite reminicent of Douglas Adams?

I was under the impression Graham was the site admin :unsure:

That description was priceless :lol: Some people will buy anything.

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Graham? Asking the permission of the mods?! Does... NOT.. compute!!

Does anyone else find the humor in this quite reminicent of Douglas Adams?

I was under the impression Graham was the site admin :unsure:

That description was priceless :lol: Some people will buy anything.

Well, I'm sorta more like an honorary admin. I have the power, but Shawn, when he's around does most of the actual admining.

As for the Mods, well they've just been given full licenses to kill and been let out of their cage. They're lean, mean wildmen that shoot first and ask questions later, so it pays to be polite. :ph34r:

Be afraid, be very afraid.


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You guys are right! It is somewhat funny. :lol: Why is this guy ranting about a useless piece of junk and why is he selling it? Instead of selling it on ebay, why doesn't he just sell it to a scrap yard? Is this guy brainless or what?

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Graham? Asking the permission of the mods?! Does... NOT.. compute!!

Does anyone else find the humor in this quite reminicent of Douglas Adams?

I was under the impression Graham was the site admin :unsure:

That description was priceless :lol: Some people will buy anything.

Well, I'm sorta more like an honorary admin. I have the power, but Shawn, when he's around does most of the actual admining.

As for the Mods, well they've just been given full licenses to kill and been let out of their cage. They're lean, mean wildmen that shoot first and ask questions later, so it pays to be polite. :ph34r:

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Aw Graham... Honorary? Take the power! Don't let those "mods" push you around!!

...You got the touch..... You got the powaaaaaaahhh!!! YEAA!

Note: GreenGuy has exams. Exams have broken GreenGuy's mind. Please disregard madness. Thankyou.

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I sold, last week on ebay, a Rick Hunter MPC. Yes, someone actually PAID $50 for me to send them an MPC through the mail. Just when I thought actually getting paid for the MPC was amazing, this week someone else would rather have episodes of Robotech than $100! Next week I'm thinking I'll put Rick Hunter's toejam up and see how it does.

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Why is this guy ranting about a useless piece of junk and why is he selling it? Instead of selling it on ebay, why doesn't he just sell it to a scrap yard? Is this guy brainless or what?

He's not ranting about the useless piece of junk.

He is ranting about the cretinous swine that seem to populate the internet in abundance, and most of the world as well.

If I had to guess, I would say the auctioneer works in the Tech Support industry, and is used to having to explain what should be simple things, to the idiotic, unwashed masses that infest the Earth.

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