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The Transformers 3 Thread--A Michael Bay Thread

Transformers 3  

204 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you want in Transformers 3?

    • Unicron
    • Dinobots
    • More Triple-Changers
    • Omega Supreme and more Gestalts
    • More robots and less human characters
    • A better actress than Megan Fox
    • Mudflap and Skids blown to pieces
    • A better group of script writers
    • A more competent director than Michael Bay / Zoom the camera out during fight scenes
    • Michael Bay's head on a stake
  2. 2. Will Transformers 3 suffer from the "Third Movie Syndrome"?

    • Yes
    • No

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Just wondering, but was anyone as upset as I was that the movie didn't "flow" well? I don't mind the bad editing, and I did like DOTM better than ROTF, its just that I wish that they went with the battle flow of ROTF in DOTM.

Rather than have a bunch of set up scenario stuff with maybe a little skirmish or so in the middle leading up to an hour long feature of the battle in Chicago, I wish they went with ROTF's Battle, plot, battle, plot, big battle, end scheme.

Beyond that, the battle coreography was much better in ROTF imho. Besides a few moments in the Chicago battle, I couldn't really recall anything I would say was "Epic". On the other hand, in ROTF, I can recall each battle almost perfectly. They all had something "special". The starting battle sequence wasn't great, but the end bit with sideswipe was quite awesome.

I don't even think I need to explain myself on the forest battle scene, as that was fairly epic. And the final battle sequences with the Dynasty of Primes and Jetfire Power Up made that quite awesome as well.

Lastly, what was the point of having any transformers except for Optimus and Decepticons in the movie? They pretty much wasted money putting in CG models of all the other autobots, as they all did next to nothing in the movie :angry:

Why did Prime get all the kills? Are the other autobots not capable warriors? The only others that got any sort of real kills were Ironhide, Bee, and Dino (just barely at that)

I don't know, maybe the battles in DOTM were TOO epic for me to grasp :o

What do you think about this ^_^

This, I think, was my biggest complaint as well. The original was epic just because it was totally new (and I think it had the best Optimus vs Megatron fight...Megatron not only put up a good fight but actually "won"). ROTF had several memorable battle sequences.

I think DOTM tried to make size = epic but failed in comparison to the other two.

Edited by jwasko
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Just wondering, but was anyone as upset as I was that the movie didn't "flow" well? I don't mind the bad editing, and I did like DOTM better than ROTF, its just that I wish that they went with the battle flow of ROTF in DOTM.

Rather than have a bunch of set up scenario stuff with maybe a little skirmish or so in the middle leading up to an hour long feature of the battle in Chicago, I wish they went with ROTF's Battle, plot, battle, plot, big battle, end scheme.

Beyond that, the battle coreography was much better in ROTF imho. Besides a few moments in the Chicago battle, I couldn't really recall anything I would say was "Epic". On the other hand, in ROTF, I can recall each battle almost perfectly. They all had something "special". The starting battle sequence wasn't great, but the end bit with sideswipe was quite awesome.

I don't even think I need to explain myself on the forest battle scene, as that was fairly epic. And the final battle sequences with the Dynasty of Primes and Jetfire Power Up made that quite awesome as well.

Lastly, what was the point of having any transformers except for Optimus and Decepticons in the movie? They pretty much wasted money putting in CG models of all the other autobots, as they all did next to nothing in the movie :angry:

Why did Prime get all the kills? Are the other autobots not capable warriors? The only others that got any sort of real kills were Ironhide, Bee, and Dino (just barely at that)

I don't know, maybe the battles in DOTM were TOO epic for me to grasp :o

What do you think about this ^_^

I noticed it more the second time I saw DOTM, but it was not a big distraction to me. :)

Edited by aerocombatpilot
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I just hope they fix all the random jumps on the home release. They've made enough money to go back and fix it, now the only question is if they feel entitled not to.

Yes that would be nice, also extended fight scenes would be great!!! :)


Edited by aerocombatpilot
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All I'd really want to see on the Bluray is the scene showing how

Bumblebee and group get captured. Literally, it shows bumblebee driving away heroically after saving sam, and not 10 seconds later,

gets captured randomly with ALL the other autobots (save for the wreckers and prime). Also, I wouldn't mind them

throwing in the scenes with Skids and Mudflap, if they made them. I'd like to see them both get blown to pieces by Sentinel...

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All I'd really want to see on the Bluray is the scene showing how

Bumblebee and group get captured. Literally, it shows bumblebee driving away heroically after saving sam, and not 10 seconds later,

gets captured randomly with ALL the other autobots (save for the wreckers and prime). Also, I wouldn't mind them

throwing in the scenes with Skids and Mudflap, if they made them. I'd like to see them both get blown to pieces by Sentinel...

It'd also be nice to see a scene of Sentinel actually transforming :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

10 days and there are STILL people who haven't see it? Didn't you believe the HYPE? :D

Hype is vastly overrated. Look at Shadow Chronicles



Does that mean we all have to kiss Micheal Bey's ass? I'll pass on that.

Edited by Wanzerfan
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Blu-ray version is out, but I'll pass on it. I'll wait until the DVD version comes out here.

I bought the Blu-ray. Only $20 at Target for the Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy combo. Sadly, the site to get the digital copy is not working at the moment.

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Does anyone know, which of the 23482398 different releases will be coming with bonus features/extra content? I heard the standard blu-ray doesn't, so I'm holding out for the one that does....

Hollywood's like that these days. They release a bare-bones Blu-ray version and wait until X number of people buy it before they screw them over with a 2-disc version with days worth of extras.

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Does anyone know, which of the 23482398 different releases will be coming with bonus features/extra content? I heard the standard blu-ray doesn't, so I'm holding out for the one that does....

I think the current release is just the movie. But inside it is a coupon for $10 off the "Blu-ray 3D combo" (which doesn't exist yet). According to the slip, it'll include the Blu-ray, the 3D Blu-ray, the DVD, a digital copy, and will be "loaded with never-before-seen exclusive bonus content."

If the bonus content turns out to be cool, I'll use the coupon and get the newer edition, and give this one to my dad. If not, I don't have a 3D TV and rarely watch bonus features anyway.

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posted in the wrong tf-thread. ^_^;

anyway, hopefully i get my TF3-order (bd/dvd edition) delivered tomorrow, even tho it's slated for monday.

really thought i should've just went out and bought it locally today. for $2 less...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never commented on it, but I like this the best of the three movies. It had Optimus' character down perfectly and he wasn't getting punked all the time.

A bit let down that Megatron and Starscream died the way they did. No more sequels, I take it?

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Never commented on it, but I like this the best of the three movies. It had Optimus' character down perfectly and he wasn't getting punked all the time.

A bit let down that Megatron and Starscream died the way they did. No more sequels, I take it?

What was wrong with Sam ans Madox killing Starscream on their own?

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No more sequels, I take it?

Worldwide gross as of October 6 2011 = $1,119,126,378


Of course they're going to do more sequels.

And I liked starscreams death. Movie starscream is such a groveling sycophant, it just felt right having him go out screaming and flailing around with both his eyes poked out by f*cking Shia Labeouf

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What was wrong with Sam ans Madox killing Starscream on their own?

Nothing really. his one finally solved the things I most disliked about the other two (Optimus being punked liked a biotch and the action too shaky-cam/close up to know WTF is going on. This one was just about perfect with the giant robot pr0n being clear and well executed. I was kinda hoping there could be more and maybe some sort of homage to Unicron reincarnating them (which I guess is still possible... there was nothing left of Starscream in G1, of course).

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I'm just concerned about who's going to be directing the sequels. Bay's just proven that cutting-edge CG and Transformers alone will sell tickets, which means the higher ups will not concern themselves with getting a good director.

Pretty sure they won't stoop to Uwe Boll, but even Rattner and McG are enough to make me shudder in fear.

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there was nothing left of Starscream in G1, of course).

Sure there was, after his ghost got its ass kicked one more time, it traveled back in time and possessed Waspinator....

Edited by Keith
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Never commented on it, but I like this the best of the three movies. It had Optimus' character down perfectly and he wasn't getting punked all the time.

??? :huh:

"Perfectly"? The guy was more merciless than Megatron. They should update his motto to: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings... so let me exercise my freedom to blow you all away, conveniently ceasing your sentience. Sayonara, suckers." BOOM.

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What was wrong with Sam ans Madox killing Starscream on their own?

Yeah, I like it too. One of the things I liked about this movie was how humans were not COMPLETELY helpless against the transformers and if we could get a foothold, could start to inflict some damage to them.


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Speilberg has mentioned he himself might take the helm.

Sure beats Rattner, Boll and McG, but not by much, given his latest works. Well, at least we won't be subjected to titanium testicles and robo pee anymore.

I would really like to Jon Favreau direct the next one. Dude knows how to make CG heavy comic book adaptations that are mindblowingly awesome.

I second that. He did great with Ironman.

Still need a good script though.

If they could get Goyer to write the script, problem solved.

Yeah, I like it too. One of the things I liked about this movie was how humans were not COMPLETELY helpless against the transformers and if we could get a foothold, could start to inflict some damage to them.


I agree. I personally like how in DOTM the humans used subterfuge, covert tactics and ingenuity while working with the Autobots to bring down the Cons. They exploited weaknesses and used ambushes [sniping the bots' eyes and planting bombs on their feet] to take down a physically superior foe.

But one thing that gets to me is how the first two movies seemed to irrationally worship and kiss military ass. I know all the explosions and fireworks from a bombing raid looks cool, but to me it just feels empty and fake.

I totally hated how the first movie and ROTF resorted to Godzilla-style carpet bombing to save the day. Honestly, the script literally forced the situations to enable the humans to win. Starscream could have easily wiped out those fighter jets in the first movie. When he ambushed the Raptors in mid-air, he could have easily used his Gatling gun and missiles to take the whole squadron down in mere seconds, because the fact that he's firing from his hands makes his aim far more flexible than the Raptor pilots who have to move the whole plane to aim. And where the f@#k was he in ROTF when the bombers came in?

At least in DOTM, he was long dead when the cruise missiles came in, and Megatron had lost his flight mode. Either way, it was far more palatable than watching an army of battle hardened giant robots get their ass handed to them by a pitiful group of tanks and jets.

And don't get me started with the humans being able to hold Brawl off by hiding in a building armed with a few grenade launchers. All he had to do was convert to tank mode and fire a shell into the damn place. Bye-bye squishies.

I'm not against humans fighting back and winning, but it has to be done in a believable manner like in DOTM.

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