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Star Trek: Enterprise SERIES FINALE is tonight.

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The parts of the episode that were leaked online earlier in the week looked really bad.

Another terrible finale from Berman and Braga. They didn't even have the decency to send Enterprise out with respect, since the last episode is more a TNG episode than an Enterprise one... even the farewell montage during the last minute of the episode before fading into the credits doesn't give the focus to Enterprise.

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ok, it casts Troi and Riker in that episode...

unless they are pulling some Imzadi stunt, then it must be some sort of in the future of the future thing.

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Berman and Braga have been doing a piss poor job with this franchise for years, so why should Enterprise's send off be any different? Here's hoping that, should Star Trek ever come back with a new series that B&B won't be involved with it.

One thing is for sure, however, after this weekend I'll have no reason to tune into UPN ever again...that network has absolutely nothing worth watching anymore. Enterprise may not have been anywhere near the best Sci-Fi series on TV, but it had it's moments, specially in the last two seasons, and at least it was something worth checking out when a new episode debuted.

Edited by mechaninac
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It's kind of sad that this Paramount let those two idiots drive the franchise into the ground with mediocre product these last few years. Even TNG started down the road of suck that last season. Well, hopefully the next movie just won't happen and they'll put Trek on the back burner a few years until someone with some GOOD ideas can revive it.

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I stopped watching Enterprise when they had an encounter with the Borg...WTF??? So the entire intro by Q and consecutive Borg eps in TNG were crap? Not to mention "First Contact". Meh...good riddance to bad rubbish IMO.

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Man, the last episode was just plain awful. Why did they think bringing in Riker and Troi was wise? They're supposed to be in a timeline of TNG that was what, 12 years ago? They looked plenty older to me. Seems just insulting to the cast of Enterprise to squander the last episode on Riker and Troi. Let each show mind it's own business, especially if it's the last episode.

Yes, Berman and Braga are retarded. They need a coup at Paramount. <_<

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The Riker and Troi angle could have been left out. Thay had plenty of material they were working with already, and it would have been much better.

Above all else though, what pissed me off was they killed my favorite character of the show when there's 20 minutes left in the series. Wasteful and disappointing.

They timed it during the Pegasus episode of TNG. Rike and Troi both looked too old for that. If anythign it should have been on the TITAN, with CAPTAIN Riker, and let them show what class of ship Riker got, which they failed to mention in the last movie. To force yo to reminisce about the Pegasus episode, it took away from this show's story.

Not the best way to do it, and it was kind of disrespecful to the Enterprise crew to take some of their spotlight away.

I could have forgave it almost though if they didn't kill that cast member so close to the end.

I was also pissed at the ending of the episode beforehand.

Now I want to pull out Babylon 5 and purify myself again.

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That show was only on for what...a few years?. I can't believe it but somehow I missed every single episode, including the last one.. :lol:

Seriously, I have never seen a single frame of that show, and am better for it. As soon as I saw the concept sketches of the ship, I knew the show would blow goats, and decided it was unworthy of my time.

See you in hell dinner plate.

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Above all else though, what pissed me off was they killed my favorite character of the show when there's 20 minutes left in the series. Wasteful and disappointing.

The way they killed him off was terrible. It seemed like such a waste. Unless I'm missing something, he killed himself so Archer could make his speech on time.

Also the aliens getting on board the ship was so rushed.

They spend so much time getting Trip and T'Pol together during this past season, only to show in this episode that they broke up.

Way to end the series. The whole episode was lame.

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Granted while it was great to see Riker and Troi again, their actors shouldn't have played those characters in the time period they put them in. They would have been better off putting them on the Titan but I can understand why they didn't. They haven't even designed that ship yet. The first Titan/Captain Riker novel is out yet they are still holding a contest for the actual design of the ship.

With that I though as a Enterprise episode it was just wrong to do and really did seem like a slap in the face of the Enterprise cast. The story without the TNG parts, was decent enough by itself I feel. If anything they should have simply cut out the TNG parts of part 2 of the finale and just made one extra long episode around 90 minutes or so or how ever long the part 2 parts would have been when added onto the first part.

Damn Berman and Braga. I can't believe they are being allowed to do a new series, thank god it isn't Star Trek. They've done enough damage already. Since they are moving on to something else, things can only go up with new people taking control of things. I just hope this new film will be fresh start.

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In all honestly it felt like too much of a TNG episode. Which by the way Riker and Troi looked horribly out of place considering this took place during The Peagasus. HECK. They couldn't even get Deanna's hair the correct way.

I'm also pretty miffed at Trips mediocre death. WAY WORSE THAN the way they handled Kirks.

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Actually this was the first time I think I sat thru a full episode of Enterprise...my interests just weren't peaked when it first started...I can still see why....it just felt so damn wrong.

But I'll tell you what it was great to see the old NC 1701 again....though I am curious to know just when in the TNG timeline this lil "Vacation" fit in....wasn't the Defiant in DS9 able to cloak?......I really don't care much of the Startrek Universe anymore.....not since the TNG movie....god I REALLY wish they only made one and not ......4?

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I quit watching before the title sequence even ran. As soon as the holodeck grid popped up, I left.

Apparently I'm that much better off for it. The Terra Prime arc was a massive letdown after the mirror universe, but it beat the hell out of another NextGen episode that just happened to feature the NX01 in the holodeck.

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In all honestly it felt like too much of a TNG episode. Which by the way Riker and Troi looked horribly out of place considering this took place during The Peagasus. HECK. They couldn't even get Deanna's hair the correct way.

I'm also pretty miffed at Trips mediocre death. WAY WORSE THAN the way they handled Kirks.

yah it was pretty bad how he died, even worst was the acting before. I felt he was playing the role of a 5 year old.

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Man, that final episode was horrible. I haven't watched Enterprise since the first season and something tells me there were far better episodes during other seasons that would've made a better epilogue. It just felt really uninspired and boring. The definition of anti-climactic.

Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis look out of shape. Even Marina Sirtis had the older Kirk paunch going on. :lol:

I could see why the Enterprise actors felt pissed about having that as their farewell episode. They were relegated to being holograms for Riker to run and stop at will.

The only good thing about that episode was seeing Picard and Kirk's ships rendered in CG.

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The Defiant being able to cloak came into play later in the timeline. They were able to make it cloak by basicly borrowing a cloaking device from the Romulans. The Peagasus starship was a good 15+ years befor ethe Defiant was made when Starfleet itself was trying to develop cloaking in secret but wasn't able to, not to mention it was against a treaty they signed.

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I too have never seen a single episode of enterprise (gave up on the franchise 2/3rds into Voyager), but now I'm curious, exactly what happened now? Holodeck? Why were all the ships rendered into CG?

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I too have never seen a single episode of enterprise (gave up on the franchise 2/3rds into Voyager), but now I'm curious, exactly what happened now? Holodeck? Why were all the ships rendered into CG?

The final episode of Enterprise fastforwarded twice.

First was 10 years into the future, so it was at the NX-01's retirement.

Second was 200 years into the future so it could be dropped into a holodeck on the Enterprise D.

I get the impression it was more of a new NextGen epsiode that HAPPENED to feature the Enterprise cast than it was a proper Enterprise episode.

Of course, as a NextGen episode, it had to have an exterior shot of the Enterprise D. And I'm sure they sold the model ages ago.

For what it's worth, the majority of Enterprise was far better than Voyager.

Edited by JB0
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That has to be the worst Next Generation episode I've ever seen - oh wait, that was an Enterprise episode. I guess I can try to convince myself that the Enterprise series actually ended one hour earlier - much like the Star Wars series ended over 20 years ago (at least until next week ;) ).

I would have liked to see the return to Earth with a number of NX class ships in orbit. I also would have liked it more if Tripp and T'Pol's relationship had continued. Maybe his death would have meant more. Speaking of which, it seemed to me that Tripp died simply out of a need to kill off a character. It was nice that he died saving his best friend but I'm sure that Malcom would have arrived with the commandos any second.

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Well, what did you expect for a series that is getting cancelled.

The Actors and writers are pi$$ed off so this is the end result. Crappy scrpiting and uninspired acting. I don't blame them one bit.

They were happy enough to give us the mirror universe episodes, which in my opinion were some of the best of the entire series.

I think Paramount just wanted to make sure no one asked for movies.

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Worst Enterprise Episode Ever.

I kinda wished they ended it with the mirror universe episode or just ended things at the end of the Terra Prime ep. The last ep with Riker and Troi was really lacking.

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Worst. Trek. Ever.

Everywhere I go says this is a bomb episode. Why the heck did paramount think it would be a sucess?

The last season was awesome. Much of the story was good, and they paid attention to cannon! OMG! No F'ed up 'the borg return' crap, or anything to do with TNG for that matter (outside of maybe section 31). They explained the Klingon forhead problem in a very interesting light, and the fix The Reeves-Stevens pulled on the Vulcans was superb. Not sure about the Andorian-Tellerite arc though.

Then they do this.

Terra prime was bad, but it had some good parts at the end. This last epside was indeed a travesty as the actor for T'pol was allegedly supposed to say.

For the episode itself: BAD. These were not the crew of the NX-01- these were clever imposters meant to think that we were watching the same show we were seeing just an hour before. Trip wasn't trip- he behaved irrationaly for the last 10 or so minutes of his 'life'. There was scantly any emotion when Trip died- not even close to the same reaction the death of Trip and T'pol's kid gave in the episode before.

Seven- The Consitution rendered in CG was- if anything- meant to appease the fans. It had only what, three seconds of screentime with Kirk's dialouge? It's as if they rationalised since they had the Defiant model already, might as well remake it into the enterprise and show it off for posterity's sake. Heck, even the fugly Enteprise-D got more attention than the 1701 (The NX01 even!!!)

Yeah, this smacked of a Next Gen episode. Why did they even bother to use Enterprise's intro when they could have recycled the Next gen thing again? They did for part of the dialouge.

In short; this is another B&B brainchild. Wa-ho. They seem to have their minds trapped in the Next Gen, where it has been staying there since they boarded trek. Ever since they've been on the cast things have just gone downhill from there. Voyager, excuse me, was a disaster- how it managed to go on for seven seaons is beyond me (Oh, I get it- everyone's glued to their sets to see if 7 of 9 will run this season!)

Sorry for the rantage, Trek is one of those childhood shows of mine and I happen to be quite upset that this show was burned _again_ by a staff that constantly fails to perform, and is dissapoinging more and more fans with thier 'Star trek.'

At least Star Wars is picking up. Who knows? maybe Darth Anikin will finally kill off Jar Jar.

And with the end of Enterprise comes my withdrawl from American Television. It will not be missed. :angry:

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The way they killed him off was terrible. It seemed like such a waste. Unless I'm missing something, he killed himself so Archer could make his speech on time.

:D Yeah, I was so annoyed with Troi and Riker being there, I forgot to even mention Trip's death. Your right, he died so Archer could make his speech on time... that's just bizzare.

For the record, I always felt there was real potential for Enterprise. Archer, T'Pol, Trip, Flox and Hoshi are pretty good characters. (Hoshi really started shining towards the end, especially as Empress ;) ) You always got the feeling they were being held back and even interefered with by B & B.

The only wiggle room is that when trip 'dies' they mention it's 5 or 10 years later, I think they meant 10 years total after launching Enterprise. So there's 5 years of history they could play with. I think...?

Anyway, I like Jolene Blalock (T'Pol) because she's openly stated that she felt Enterprise was being messed with and that she wanted the show to continue (without B&B). Too bad Paramount wouldn't listen to the actors or the fans.

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Yeah, I was disappointed with this episode as being the TNG episode. Riker and Troi look so old now. I like the character Tripp. Too bad he died but he died saving his best friend. What I dont get is that there is no grief shared by the rest of the crew. They look so excited at the Federation signing ceremony... I mean you have been with this guy for 10 years thick and thin and you casually blow it off?

I have to say this ending was better than Voyager.

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