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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. What the... available again? http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=7160 Did they find a case in the basement or something?
  2. Frame Out Models is doing a Caliburn something - it's in the Wonderfest thread.
  3. I want the 1X++ simply to have its decals. The head doesn't do much for me, but I'd really like to have the warning stencils in waterslide decals. Does the kit include the leg super parts?
  4. The 25S, which I shall privately call the Phoenix for obvious reasons, is available at NY again: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318
  5. Here's a question: did the V.1 Yamato 1/60 VF-1s ever have super/strike parts sold separately? If so, what's the difference between their box's appearance and that of the V.2's? Thanks!
  6. Nice. I like the storage spaces. Just 2 problems: the shipping from Japan and the large base size. Yeti has a better, if pricier, stand.
  7. I had a stupid thought - something that can clip onto the knees in fighter mode - they seem solid enough - then the knee covers can fold over them, hiding them. Or perhaps the thighs in fighter mode.
  8. The Air Force, for whatever reason, has always disliked the idea of moving mud. Bombers yes, CA, not so much. It's very believable that many in the AF want to be rid of it. But there's other reasons for that as well. I can't say what they are, but the reasons are valid. The thing is, in my opinion, those reasons are outweighed by the Hog's effectiveness and the fact that nothing in the current inventory can really take its role. The Strike Eagle comes closest, but it really doesn't have the legs or survivability to battle damage. As for airmen not being able to express themselves freely - that's true, always been true, and don't believe differently.
  9. Very cool looking. That anime was... just... ick.
  10. Just amazing work there. I am in awe of your skills and perhaps even more, your equipment.
  11. How can you not think so, when the bloody anime shows them as such? I didn't know they were supposed to be thrusters until I read bits of the Master File.
  12. There's another pic floating around showing a similar craft, in side view, launching them. It's just funny how so many of these Macross designs seem to be about stuffing missiles everywhere they can be stuffed.
  13. In my opinion, your loadout looks better. This is also the series that had that Valk equipped with missiles on its fins. Nobody, it seems, wants to see that on a model, but it is canon. What I'm trying to say is, don't get caught up in minutiae. Do what looks good to you.
  14. I'd love to know about these things, if anyone has any thoughts or tips. Thanks!
  15. That looks great, I'm glad I'm getting one. Thanks IXTL.
  16. Well, I got it done. Grasped the nose cone, prayed to Ghu, and pulled and it came undone with no apparent damage. That can't be the approved method, but perhaps it is. Rotating the legs didn't do a thing for me. Pics in aircraft mode, along with a pic of its successor. Wow, the 25 is a brute by comparison, although it's easy to see the design evolution. I'd still like to know how to maintain the rainbow effect and avoid the cracking others have experienced. Is there a trick to attaching the ordnance? From what I can figure out, the stores have to be angled toward the nose to fit over the wing posts, then you can rotate it forward. Problem is, it interferes with the other stores you try to put on next. I wanted the mini-missile launchers to be on the inner station and the AAMs on the outer, but the bulk of the launchers prevented that. Even this arrangement was fraught with peril, since the last thing I want to do is break the thin flange around the wing post. And now, with my VF-1 in hand, I must do... well, what most everyone does when they get a new, lovely Yamato 1/60 Valkyrie. Yes, off it and I shall go, into the sunset, to... Troll the internet for super parts, of course. I won't be picky, either. TV, DYRL, in box or no, I won't discriminate. All I need are all the pieces accounted for, in reasonable condition.
  17. Pre-ordered from NY, thanks. $185 for a 171 WITH armor parts is almost reasonable.
  18. Took a long while, but thanks to aaajin, I finally have a new Valkyrie! It's my first 1/60 V.2, and it lives up to all the good things ever said about it. I'm very pleased. That said, I have a few questions about it: 1. I have the Valk's back panel indented and the backpack hooked into place, as shown. That seems to be putting a fair amount of strain on the backpack's bottom hinge. On the other hand, if that back panel isn't indented, the backpack leans backwards. Have I missed something? Is my fear for the bottom hinge unfounded? 2. I can't transform from Battroid to airplane mode. The hip bar refuses to disengage from the nose. Look at the pic I posted - that's as far as it'll get. I did see the transformation vid on Collection DX, and the gent there said to rotate the legs downwards, assuming the Valkyrie is facing down. Well, I faced down, and I rotated, and all that happened is the legs rotated. What am I missing? 3. The shoulders in Battroid, specifically the square panels they attach to - the rear of those square panels is hinged, the fronts aren't attached to anything and just kinda move around. Is this normal? 4. Finally - this has a rainbow coated canopy, and it's perfect. How do I keep it that way? This is a great toy, and a brilliant representation. I love it. More pics when I can figure it how to unlock it!
  19. Oh? Do you just do skull leader, or could you do something else?
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