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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Sildani

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice Glaug! Now, where can I find some House Steiner decals...
  2. "True events?" What, is this a big dream sequence?
  3. Still need one? Still looking to complete your SMS collection? It's here, again, if you're willing to shell out ¥21,000... http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318
  4. "And so ends our challenge." http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/16/drone_alone_us_navy_secretary_gives_up_on_manned_fighters/
  5. Do those have two different modex numbers? I want to say the one without canards is 208, and the one with is 209.
  6. Are we approaching the limits of insanity/stupidity with ground cars? And where will they test the 0-248 time? I doubt VW will let them rent that 6 mile straightaway where James May maxed the Veyron...
  7. I've been looking for a pencil cup...
  8. A new challenger appears! Nice looking toy. Dang expensive though. Many props to Evolution Toy for doing this!
  9. What was it Sir Sydney Camm said? "Military aircraft have four dimensions: length, wingspan, height, and politics."
  10. Good for you! No interest in the CAS mission may have been a poor choice of words. No liking for it, no desire to have it, no wish to support it, may have been better.
  11. Supposedly really cheap to fly though, Textron quotes $3000 per flight hour, less than $20 million each. 3,000 lb internal bay, up to 4,000 lb on six wing hardpoints. Dunno, the USAF has historically shown no interest in CAS, I think they should change the Pace-Finletter agreement from restricting Army fixed-wing aircraft based on weight, to a restriction based on top speed, say, 450mph. This way the Army can have all the A-10s and equivalents they want, and the AF gets rid of a mission requirement they never had any interest in.
  12. The term "close-coupled" was made for that... thing. What, is all its gas inside the drop tank?
  13. I wonder if someone could create a detection system based on disruption of an established signal net. I recall in the Balkan unpleasantness that our F-117s could be detected in way, not by actual radar detection, but because as they flew they disrupted cell phone service - they flew so low, and their paint was so effective at absorbing EM, they interfered with the cell towers. The opposition was then somewhat able to determine their vector. Then I remember the Star Trek TNG episode where the Feds erected a tachyon net between starships to detect cloaked Romulus ships - the ships would break the tachyon streams between two ships. I wonder if something similar - not in technology, in concept - would be achievable here. If so, the aircraft in question would have to bend the signal around itself, not block or redirect it, which could be nigh-impossible. David, mass ECM is one way to accomplish the goal, but then your enemy has the advantage, however small, of knowing exactly where and when you're going. Also, mass chaff may well diffuse a laser, but I doubt it'll be a surefire means of protection. It'd be worth developing though.
  14. Any of those may help, and a good reliable power source is one of my criteria for a "successful" laser system. Stealth may become more important, or quickly obsolete depending on whose research paper you believe.
  15. As for lasers, I forsee that when truly effective and cheap-ish AAA lasers become a reality, the warplane as we know it will become almost instantly obsolete. No airplane can evade a beam of light, and if the laser can target the aircraft it can instantly punch a good-sized hole in it. No, it can't handle BVR, but in today's combat environment, area denial is the name of the game, and a AAA laser could deny a good 2-3 mile radius or perhaps more. The same laser would be quite effective at killing missiles, I think, depending on if its targeting system is quick and discerning enough. Compound this problem by a factor of five, if not more, if such a laser system becomes man-portable. At that point, aircraft may well become BVR stand-off weapon platforms for stealthy ordnance. We'll see, I doubt a laser to my specs becomes a reality for 10-15 years yet.
  16. Nice design. The vertical stab might fold flat to the side in Battroid to keep it out of the way. The gunpod is faintly reminiscent of the YF-19's. It may well have internal missiles and wing hardpoints, otherwise it looks pretty light weight.
  17. Yeah, good looking bird. Pity about its troubles. Any idea why the 50 has such a nose-down attitude while on its landing gear?
  18. It's entirely possible that Overtechnology/space alloy/handwavium is so tough it could simply accept WHATEVER stresses and temperatures you'd care to introduce it to. OK then. What OT CANNOT do - at least I think it can't - is create extra room where none existed before. So if you've got a new engine that's half an inch greater in diameter than the old, you need to re-engineer the airframe. There's no way around it, and so that's where reality must enter, and be explained and worked through, so we can keep suspending our disbelief about the rest of it. It does for me, at least.
  19. And the engine may run hotter, so needs more cooling/different materials for the airframe/enhanced fuel flow/different air intake speed and flow/changed access panels for maintenance...
  20. That's great! Too bad about the extreme language barrier though. Still, lotsa pretty pictures I'm sure!
  21. Yeah, remember what happened when the Israelis put a J79 into their Mirage III's to make the Kfir - the engine was a tad wider and ran hotter, so IAI had to install more cooling ductwork, widen and shorten the rear fuselage a bit, and reinforce the airframe. This was in addition to the other aerodynamic changes. The result was practically a new airplane that only resembled the Mirage. So it will be for most re-engine jobs, I think.
  22. Something else too: if it's painted, that explains why this particular example looks more matte in appearance than Brera's 27 or the previous Beta version - Bandai used a matte green paint. Wonder if that's how these new Betas will be made - Bandai will take their unsold stock of Gammas and paint them.
  23. Did you buy the six-foot Daedalus?
  24. I was wondering about that. Lovely machine, regardless. I see it has all the necessary holes for the super parts - any idea if Bandai intends to re-issue them separately, or of they just can't be bothered?
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