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Everything posted by Sildani

  1. Sharon Apple for me, mostly because of the music itself. Ranka is cute and positive, which is really nice, and Sheryl is just not appealing. Minmei is annoying. Never saw 7, don't intend to. Could Ishtar count?
  2. Episode archives? Wonder what that entails.
  3. That'll soon change. News reports say the various European countries will require having two persons in the cockpit at all times, and that will go into effect damn quick.
  4. Impressive. Most impressive.
  5. Ordered. By August things should have calmed down for me to afford it.
  6. It's a Tamashii Web Shop exclusive, derex, so it should be widely available thru the usual sources like Hobby Link Japan and Nippon-Yasan. No pre-order madness for this one! Oh, and bought, in case you couldn't tell. It's "my" Valkyrie, after all.
  7. I was wondering why the AF couldn't use the C variant as its own. The larger wing would confer longer range and better maneuverability, and I doubt they'd have too many pilots complain about larger control surfaces. Couldn't be that difficult to shoehorn in the GAU-12. Delete the wing folding mechanism and job's a good 'un.
  8. Yep, but on DS9, he gets some really, really good screen time. Fights the Dominion, marries Jadzia Dax, nails Ezri Dax, commands the Defiant, kills Gowron and briefly becomes Chancellor, then Federation Ambassador to the Empire, and sings Klingon opera. Oh yes, Sisko and the others occasionally LISTEN to him. And let's not forget, also has a thing with Troi. So, yes, Worf gets disrespect. But there are compensations.
  9. "There was once a young lady from Venus, Who had a body shaped like a-" "Thank you Commander, that will do!" *** "What do I have to do to convince you people I'm mortal?!" "Die."
  10. Clarkson may well take the show to wherever, and wherever will hire him, because Top Gear as a show format is pretty much a license to print money. If he does, Pinky and Perky will probably follow. Why wouldn't they? They're getting paid massively to do what they enjoy doing anyway. So, Top Gear the show may well die. Top Gear as a format will likely go on, depending on whether Clarkson actually WANTS to continue on. That's one thing I HAVEN'T read about.
  11. In the OVA Margue took a flying leap off of the SDF-1 during Sharon's Earth concert, into Sharon's image. Suicide, I think so that Sharon could be fully independent. Dunno about the chip. Might have been in the movie, I've only seen that once.
  12. One thing for certain - the Valkyrie based on her would have an amazing paint scheme.
  13. Krell was an ass, no doubt. Loved watching him work, and his fighting style was marvelous to see. He had to die, of course, but what a character!
  14. As far as the Fragarach barely keeping up with VF-25s, isn't that the idea? The 25 is an update of the clean-sheet YF-24, which incorporated all the latest tech and integrated it cleanly, with no legacy systems or materials to get in the way. The Fragarach and Crusader have the limitation of old materials and an inflexible design. Short of completely rebuilding them with the all new materials, they're already at a disadvantage from a weight and materials standpoint - and if you're going to go that far, you might as well go ahead and build new 24s, 25s, or even 27s for the same trouble. What I'm trying to say: if your bored-out and lightened 19 can barely keep up with a new 25, I'd say you've done very, very well indeed.
  15. Oh, Lord, can't that guy moderate his mouth? I feel that, at least partly, people are already gunning for him, so whatever this is might well be blown out of proportion. That said, he should KNOW people are just waiting for him to slip up, and that should make him cautious. But, then, he is the Orangutan.
  16. Yes. Not much more to say, it's completely legit.
  17. What happens when you fly a bit TOO casual.
  18. Sildani

    Hi-Metal R

    And weren't these the ones that Kawamori was tweaking at the reveal?
  19. You're not the only one.
  20. I notice they included stickers that say UN Army and UN Air Force instead of the leg tampo. Was that in the anime?
  21. A stand to support a description placard? An extra-hand holder to, uh, hold the extra hands Valkyries come with? Probably resource-intensive: a mount to display Super Parts neatly when not on the Valkyrie?
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