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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. pengbuzz

    Macross figures

    I wish I didn't have to make my own.
  2. I've read somewhere that they made a version of the Rhea for their most elite pilots, whom are considered the most dangerous in the fleets. A dire version, if you will. It's best not to get in their way, especially if they're headed back to their ship at a high rate of speed...
  3. Whatever floats your boat man. I'm done.
  4. Actually, I'd love to see this on shapeways! Please don't let the low responses here get you; most of my stuff goes uncommented on much of the time.
  5. Not to mention always best to escape said aircraft (unless it is in imminent danger of exploding/ being destroyed), especially in space. Over a terrestrial planet, you can parachute to the ground and find cover; in space, you're basically a bobber waiting to get yanked by the larger "fish"...
  6. I wonder how the story would have differed if they had fully examined/ resolved that issue? I think they need to stop with the "gimmick deaths" and stupid twists already, JMO. Now, why is it I can imagine that if they ever found that the Protoculture survived, that Humanity, Zolans, Windemerans, Zentraedi/ Meltrandi, Marduk and the rest of the gang drag them into Intergalactic Court and sue the pants off them?
  7. Wow... thanks for the ad hominem attack there bud. As if I wasn't having enough of a crappy week already with folks on other sites attacking me. *activates ignore feature*
  8. So basically, she was a slave to her creators? Sad. Talk about having your life stolen even before you were born... So with this in mind, I recall reading that the Protoculture seeded life throughout the galaxy. If this is true, and the Protoculture is known for creating the Zentraedi and the Evil series, did they also engineer Humanity in some way? Wow...Messer really got the short end of the stick, didn't he?
  9. What, are you TRYING to get another Zentraedi Main Battle Fleet to SQUASH EARTH??! OoO
  10. 1/3 is correct, since 2 feet times three = 6; if it were 1/4, that would be 8 feet tall in real life!! O.O
  11. Strangely, I don't remember; I think I've come down with a bad case of CRS.
  12. Opinions are going to vary, but I noticed as a kid that they didn't look all that much like their TV counterparts (the artist and modelbuilder in me admittedly) and wasn't too impressed. Took me nearly 40 years to develop the skills to finally do something about that when I repurchased the figures. On my revision, you still can (and it fits quite well): When I first got him: (yeah, pretty sad. But workable) Out of all of them, Misa required the most work: Anyways, I'm not downing these figures; I actually like them but recognize they had their flaws and shortcomings. But just like any project: they have potential hidden in them. I noticed that about the figures; they were GI Joe compatible. So much so that I used Marine Dress Blues Gung-Ho to make Captain Global (which they hadn't made back then):
  13. I dearly hope and pray there's no such thing as Macross Country Music Television. 😱
  14. Really nice job so far on the Hover Pilder (and the Robocop isn't bad either!!!)! That reminds me: I need to dig my scratchbuild of Mazinger Z (Infinity conversion) out and redo that sometime. It's in pieces right now...
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