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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Thanks for the vote of confidence vince, but it really crimps the transform (the whole point of it! lol ). The break is clean through and it's in 2 pieces that I'm trying to rejoin into 1. Gonna have to see if plastic welder can fix it. Plan b: see if anyone here has a spare in their parts box. Stay tuned folks (or tuna'ed, as Hikaru can attest when he and minmay were trapped together).
  2. Had a bit of a set-back tonight: the chest-plate snapped in half lengthwise down the center bulge while I was working on it. (That's what I get for over-customizing I guess) Seeing if I can repair it, but it's not looking good. I'll try to get pics when it's dry.Worse case scenario: I'll have to find a new chestplate (don't have one to replace this). Stay tuned...
  3. Actually, I use masking tape as a major component in building a lot of my customs. Just use multiple layers of Krylon clear cote and it will stay on just fine. I have models from 12 years ago that the tape is still holding strong. BTW: don't use cheap masking tape: that WILL flake off no matter what. I recommend Scotch regular Masking Tape.
  4. Thanks MechTech. It's good to finally work out some issues I remember with this one. Right now I'm just waiting on some money for a two-part epoxy like adhesive by Devcon called "plastic welder". That should help with a lot of the issues and help reinforce some of the weaker areas that might not stand up to transformation stresses. Also, I'm thinking about improving the poseability on the head; that might take some thought as well, I'll look at Yamato/ Arcadia's VF-1's and see how they solved it. Stay tuned folks...
  5. Okay, some more updates folks: I got the swing-bar mechanism designed and test-fitted for the legs. This is it with the arms folded over it in fighter mode: Arms removed, slide mechanism for the arms clears the bar itself: And this is with the slide mechanism for the arms moved out of the way; the bar (plastic for the tests but will be replaced with metal for full operations) sits in a channel below the arm transform. I colored the end red so it's visible amongst the grey plastic parts: And here is the arm swung down to Battroid position for the legs: As you can see, the cross-bar for the legs isn't installed yet. I want to make sure that when the hinge is installed it remains stable; I had to cut considerable amounts of plastic away to make room for this, and the installation will require reinforcement and new support structures for the backpack hinge and the ventral panel of the fuselage. Yeah; I really don't want parts coming out at the worst possible moments! lol After the leg joints are established, then the lock mechanisms for the legs in fighter mode, Battroid mode and the head flip mechanism. Also need to address the chestplate issue. Stay tuned...
  6. Thanks! As for the legs: I plan on a swing-bar that will have clips that snap into the blisters on the nose section. It's a little hard to describe now, but I already have the swing-joint implanted in the main body. In the next day or two, i should have the setup built up enough to demonstrate what I mean.
  7. Well, a while back, I obtained the Bandai VF-1s kit, and built it... Worst. Mistake. Ever. The thing was a royal pain to assemble, parts broke or didn't stay on (and I've had more than 30 years experience building models!), and ultimately, I gave up on the blasted piece of garbage. And I thought that would be the end of my aspirations for a VF-1S transformable kit in 1/72... Until recently. I finally got my hands on a 1/72 Imai VF-1S. As I was building it, I remembered all the things I didn't like about the kit and decided to do the brave thing: use what I know of the Yamato/ Arcadia VF-1's (used to own the 1/48th VF-1S a few years back): Here you can still see the old backpack hinge system, but I used styrene card to accurize the ailerons. I also took the opportunity to do some panel line work on the dorsal surfaces: (yeah, still in progress here) Also reworked the intakes on the legs a bit; gotta see about redoing the plates on the intake covers (or maybe scratching up new ones that pull out): I also saw some blank areas on the "backpack" that could use some detail: I then saw the huge "block" of styrene that composed the upper chest and shoulder region on Battroid mode; I felt the need to do some cutting and detailing: (Yes, the thrusters are in the wrong way, but I'm redoing all the detailing). But the more I thought about it, the less I liked the exposed hinges on the tail. To that end, I decided to rework them and eliminate the issue: A better view: At this point, I admit to getting carried away: I looked at the top vents on the chestplate, and decided to rework those as well: Then the ultimate insanity hit me... TWO cockpits?! TWO? This is 2016, I think it's time for ONE: As we speak, I'm working on a swing-bar mechanism like Yamato has on theirs, and working out details like a flip-joint for the head, ad possibly their version of how the chestplate moves down into position. All of that said: suggestions are welcome on this build, as I still need to dress the work up once it's solidly set in place. I always wanted to rework one of these, but never had the courage until now. Stay tuned...
  8. Now THAT'S a tub!!! Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds...
  9. I really like what you're doing with all of this! It's really great to see you bringing the characters of Macross to life.
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