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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Infinite facepalms in infinite diversity - ancient Vulcan saying.
  2. Having not yet read the Hush comics I think I will watch the toon first. It's funny out of all the Batman trade paperbacks that I've read, not sure why I never read this one. Guess there was always another Batman story that I thought I needed to consume instead.
  3. My understanding is that Marvel TV and the MCU are two separate entities all together. There may have been some lip service to having it all be one integrated universe, but that really hasn't happened. Fans have always wanted characters like Daredevil to get some mention in the movies, but the division between the two didn't lend itself to the TV characters landing on the big screen. Avi Arad's history may have something to with this. Many blame him for the poor execution on earlier Spiderman movies and carelessly letting Terrence Howard walk away from Iron Man. There may also be some resentment between him and Kevin Feige who seems to have been the biggest proponent of developing the Marvel shared cinematic universe.
  4. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/14/18623977/stranger-things-amazing-lego-set-takes-the-upside-down-literally
  5. God I wish they'd do another Regult release. But first I want my Zentran power armors.
  6. You know, I would watch you guys stream your podcasts. Twitch might be lucrative enough to offset some serving costs. Just sayin'. Then we could all talk smack in the concurrent chat channels. He he.
  7. HBO has now commented officially on the shows twitter account: "News from Winterfell. The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. #Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea." https://twitter.com/GameOfThrones/status/1125502368056053762 UPDATE: https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/hbo-edits-game-of-thrones-coffee-cup-1203207545/ As of Tuesday morning, the streaming version of the ā€œGOTā€ episode available on HBO Now and HBO Go had removed the offending cup from the scene. Boooo!
  8. Apparently Jon Snow is partial to his Venti Cafe Mocha. One would think that after the battle of Winterfell it might have been hard to find an open Starbucks but they don't seem fazed in the north. https://www.thedailybeast.com/game-of-thrones-left-a-starbucks-coffee-cup-in-a-scene-and-its-hilarious
  9. Cobra Kai quoting Game of Thrones is great. Great writing all around. If you are looking for a series to start once GoT is over, you could do a lot worse than Cobra Kai.
  10. Love Gigil. Easily one of the best characters in 7. Hate Flower Girl.
  11. Police in China have uncovered a gang accused of manufacturing and selling You'll never find a more depraved or dangerous gang than LEGO traffickers. /s
  12. What is the nature of the broadcast? Is it a segment on a variety show or more like a 30 minute of something dedicated to Macross?
  13. Wow, I mean, wow. I know this series is low effort. But damn... Words fail me.
  14. Wow that likeness! I'm assuming that it's an artist/sculptor that created the face since doing a facial scan is out of the question.
  15. I want to go to that concert. Is Mazinger on bass? Who's on drums?
  16. I know I have liked quite a few posts and see the heart icon in blue on them as I browse the forums. However, I don't see posts with a highlighted heart other than the ones I liked. I'm wondering, do we see each others likes? Or could it be that I'm the only one liking posts?
  17. Yeah I like this explanation, though, admittedly I was fine with what was offered up in the movie. The fan service was strong enough, that I just didn't really need a bunch of self-consistent rules to exist in the first place. Rules, sh'mules. Canon, sh'manon.
  18. Oh man, that's bad. I got a nephew who is really into Sonic, but there's no way that I'm paying money or even giving up my time to watch that. The trailer was horrible. They should have studied everything the Detective Pikachu movie is doing to understand how to pull it off correctly. I actually want to see the Pikachu movie and I never even played Pokemon!
  19. NRS added a few combo systems so the big question is which to allow for tournaments. The player who won last years Evo tournament for Dragonball FighterZ is already "labbing" with it and naturally MK11 is the hot topic of conversation in the fighting game community at the moment. MK11 will probably have a lot of attention at ComboBreaker, one of the largest US tournaments happening at the end of May: https://combobreaker.org/games/ Yeah NRS is known for it's strange, blocky movements so I'm glad to see that they've improved a bit. I would have gotten into the Injustice series but just couldn't get passed the animation and a few other things. If there was a way to turn off the gore, I'd jump into MK11, but I can't have my kids watching me eviscerate people. Now while MK the movie might be the best fighting game movie to try to take it self seriously, nothing will ever beat SF the movie for pure joy. So bad and campy it was great. RIP Raul Julia: Also Street Fighter 5 is free to play for 6 more days should anyone want a taste.
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