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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. I'm warming up to this. I always thought Cameron was done with Battle Angel after he did Dark Angel for TV. Guess he really did want to get a more faithful adaption together as movie, even if he didn't direct.
  2. I wouldn't mind some figures and hoverbikes in scale with whatever they do put out.
  3. Looks interesting. And somehow, familiar:
  4. Honestly out of all the GoBots, they were the only ones that looked good enough to pose next to G1 transformers.
  5. I'm down to watch that. I didn't absolutely mind the reboot of a few years ago so much as I minded that it wasn't connected to actual original GB continuity. If this is, and that's what it sounds like, I think it's already on a more solid footing. Now if they can only get that Reitman/Ackroyd comic sensibility that the reboot was lacking. That will be the icing on the cake. Anyways, remember not to cross your streams. Unless of course, you're forced to.
  6. I made my own from LEGO and there was one part of the transformation I left out. The front of the tank rotates in mid-air while becoming the backpack/skirt of the robot mode. This never seemed either practical, feasible, or necessary to me. I'd be ok with this part being left out of the transformation.
  7. I really wish someone would start producing Darkstalkers figures. I got so desperate that I started modding my own. I know the Storm's are not in scale with my Figuarts, but I would pay anything (reasonable) to have a proper vampire savior line. Those KoF figs are nice, but I've yet to dive into that franchise.
  8. Wait is that really how different the 1701 and 1701-A are? I always thought they were more or less the same dimensions. The A will always be my favorite Enterprise.
  9. Well to be honest, Michelle Yeoh is much more attractive than Lorca's actor. Now as for the high ideals of Star Trek, I think I'm gonna start watching the Orville with my nephew. Something tells me that is the most Trek show on TV right now.
  10. I do consider myself a Gatchaman fan, just not $500+ a fan. Valks take precedence and, at this point, are dramatically cheaper, which says something about the pricing. I'd love a Hi-Metal R version of the season 1 Phoenix.
  11. I can't help but think that this correlates highly with the recent flurry of activity regarding controversial posts on the hoarding/scalping of valks.
  12. I would wager that the converters version of the Orguss Nickik is about 100x’smore durable than the 1/40 takatokus. Sadly I know this from experience.
  13. From the upcoming movie? How much will it be with shipping, if you don’t mind my asking? Where are you gonna put it? Gotta takes pics when it arrives!!!
  14. Interesting IMDB is owned by Amazon. I assume it’s just more advertising revenue for The Big A. I wonder what quality of movies they put on there.
  15. Actually, since Netflix's produced these specific seasons, they probably will not be shown on another network. What's more, the characters can't even show up for two years after these shows are cancelled on another series, in case Disney wanted to reboot them. Might be a while til there's more Daredevil, which at least Disney has said will return: https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/defenders-disney-streaming-daredevil-iron-fist-luke-cage-jessica-jones-1203087219/
  16. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Being able to select between two like items at different price points for different a quality/grade of plastic might be interesting. Sadly we don't get that choice now. I might be willing to spend 5% more for the ultra-durable option if there was some guarantee on that quality. For other less essential items, I might prefer the cheaper version. KOs seem to be filling this niche.
  17. So those Ragnean seal cats from Delta decided to get in on the workroid action. I can dig that. Too bad for Hayate...
  18. I wonder how the all of the above option handles
  19. I'm not sure if this qualifies as retro with for our greying generation: The Street Fighter 3rd Strike Cooperation Cup went down in Japan over the past weekend. Essentially this is a team event where, at first teams are formed of players using the same character up until the finals portion where the surviving team players can then choose other characters. This game came out in 1990 when the arcades were closing up and consoles began to dominate. People are still discovering new "tech" to this day and character that were once considered weaker, are now, 20 years later, considered stronger, such as Oro. Anyways here are some highlights. This was recorded off of sitting style cabinets using the original Capcom CPIII boards using CRT displays. I love this game all that beautiful, hand assembled pixel art from back then. I think it's taken 20 years for 3D art to reach that same level of execution.
  20. I liked a lot of Jodorowsky's ideas, but not all of them. I also like Lynch's version a lot. I think it pulls some ideas from what Jodorowsky wanted to do and visually it was stunning. Very curious to see Villenueve's take on this, my favorite sci-fi series.
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