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  1. Past hour
  2. Because we have a 15+ year old example of what a properly proportioned YF-21 fighter mode AND a battroid mode with a nicely proportioned backpack are supposed to look like.
  3. just doubting a few stuff has tweaked before the final release
  4. idk why you do this when we have this
  5. Today
  6. Not my favorite design, but that's awesome work on the model! Do you have an ALPS printer to make the decals?
  7. Based on the video @treatment posted just above, the white parts are painted. At first I’m wondering if the nosecone tip could be molded in white, but when I look at the other VF-0 molds, the tip is not a separate piece from the rest of the nose, so it would have to be white-painted as well.
  8. May'n Journey to Asari station, on the way to Hokkaido https://x.com/mayn_tw/status/1801938069114777922?s=46&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1RTr4rWSAhf5iwHIvuixXOs2xDXrePekEVpjvtZSOOtTHdvMrILXqPGeE_aem_6wDQBjcXsVtS_f2G_kgcog
  9. Mommar

    Macross 30

    Hmm, I only get either a black screen or it generates a new save file, picks a difficulty level and then restarts the intro/start menu.
  10. Those softer plastics can be a pain sometimes
  11. Total height is 10 inch complete. As far as articulation, the PC’s are very tight and I have no problem posing and not having it fall over or sag with shield extended if that makes sense. Hip sockets and ankles are very tight and strong in a good way. I would highly suggest attaching legs before skirt is glued in place since I don’t think you’ll have room without a chance of breaking something. Space is very limited. Oh one more thing to mention. The cables/power cords details are made of the PC material and I am having issues with paint simply flaking off of those parts and I think it looks messy. I’d avoid painting those all together if I get another kit with similar details/material usage. Just a heads up.
  12. So how does this look in official Pengroid mode? Now this YF-21 looks like Rob Liefield designed it with a itty bitty nose cone, stubby neck and super hyper roided out extended body.
  13. Great job. I love that design.
  14. Not gonna lie, the pink goo bits are my favourite in the whole process.
  15. The connection of the reaction missiles with red tip from DX Chogokin VF-31S Siegfried, VF-31J Kai Siegfried and Super Parts Set for VF-31C Siegfried to the pylon is different from the reaction missiles with yellow tip, does anyone have the single missiles pylon stl file for these reaction missiles with red tip?
  16. Beautiful work... the care and attention to detail you've put into this is truly impressive. 👍
  17. Looks like you’re heavy work paid off
  18. This is the carrier in Macross VF-X2. The resin has a lot of bubbles. The solution was then to sand the deck and then customise the decals.
  19. Yesterday
  20. Excellent episode, really looking forward to the last one of the season. I've heard that viewership is not what was planned. I hope that does not stop production on another season. Finally, I forgot most of the callback this one has, I only just started remembering the original when I started typing this.
  21. Got lucky with the timing of my preorder with a decent payday sale discount from a local online shop. Plus a 6 mo. 0% interest installment deal which is gonna help make it easier to pay for this TWE MF.
  22. Ghost Toys? A Blatant KO version from we_studios from what I read on another 1/6 website. Their other 1/6 product is totally dumpster fire.
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