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  1. Past hour
  2. I had plans to get a 0S cheap, repaint in camo green, but give it's super parts to the 0D... that second part is scrapped now. So all I can think of is a non-cannon 0D fodder with super parts?
  3. Thank you!!! Utterly blown away by his work!!!
  4. If not mistaken, the one who did that beautiful 0D is also a member here. @EastwindS2k. Here’s the link to his thread of his other works: Depending on the platform you are viewing this forum on, the pics might show up as thumbnails, so gotta click on them to appreciate in full.
  5. Today
  6. Appreciate your thoughts & pics @Raikkonen I don’t think the jointed thruster on the booster is a preamble to having the Ghost being its own accessory, because the thruster is a feature of both the valk & booster combined. Nice call on the 0D’s mysterious slots at its legs. Previously, I always assumed the parts from 0S (and now the 0A) will fit, but never tried that before so that is a surprise. It has to be purposely designed to be there, because it’s not as if Bandai reused the 0S’s leg mold for the 0D, as the 0D’s leg sculpt is different.
  7. And here are the two new liveries I came up with for Pixie Squad 25s in fighter mode. I tried for something close to the Queadluun colors for each, since the M30 version of Klan seems more like its own thing. Thoughts, suggestions, comments all welcome.
  8. Sorry for the long silence, have been traveling for work and haven't had much time to work on this. Sitting in an airport for a few hours today and put this together. Here is Klan arguing with Klan about Klan's new colors. She certainly seems to have an opinion, but Pixie Squad appears to be intrigued!
  9. they’re something like 15 or 20 years old at this point and they aren’t Bandai, so expect more work. Seams on most parts and such
  10. Some people are already posting pics of the VF-1J
  11. Amiami 1/8 Strike Witches Francesca Lucchini Another random buy, again of whom I have no idea. But it’s cheap for a scaled figure, and I’m curious to see the quality of an Amiami produced figure.
  12. Wow. Epic! Bandai, we need this in these colours!!! Do you have the original link of the artist?
  13. Win: - No paint apps misses - Final production colour (albeit I like the blue tinted prototype) - No loose/floppy joints upon opening - Knee joint bends at 90 degrees, unlike the VF-1D which is around 80 degrees - Potential VF-0S reactor armour release with white Ghost connectors? - 3 UN Spacey valks released, does beckon next is a potential enemy SV-51 lineup? - Potential VF-0A fodder? Could have been better: - Artwork, not the best in capturing this beast in plane mode - After a few transformations, the bicep swivels loosened a bit, losing about half it’s initial tightness. Still holds though. - The hip connector to the swing rod is very tight, making it difficult to lock immediately the legs in plane mode and gerwalk (Here only without the stand adapter, otherwise works well.) - Tiny pilot has no feet - Lacking some deco touches in the cockpit - A coloured instruction booklet - The screws of the stands’ arms need tightening right out of the box Fail: - The stand’s thin arm connector utterly loose at both ends out of the box. (Guess mine is a lemon?) - Arms transformation for plane mode requires a lot of gentle and patient pressing to snug it into place. - Wings lacks locking, making it impossible to achieve perfect symmetric plane mode by freehand. - Gunpod trigger and guard are molded together (Common Bandai Achilles heels also present in their SFH line) - The prototype on the box still has the blue tint. - The transformation process in the upper torso feels fragile - The fists don’t snuggly fit into the backpack for plane mode. Identical issue with my VF-0D. - No white Ghost booster holder parts for VF-0S Focker release. - Possibility this wraps up Bandai’s Zero HMR lineup. By this stage, hints of a prototype SV-51 would have already dropped. (Albeit, Bandai works in weird and mysterious ways, and maybe will right drop them right after I posted this?) Epic fail: - Ghost drone lacks a hole to pose it separately on the stand and interchangeable parts for solo flight mode and landed mode. - By omitting the above, Bandai missed the opportunity for a future Ghost booster two pack. Collectors would army build these. - The above indicates the high possibility this wraps up Bandai’s Zero HMR lineup (For a while?). Recommendation: - Definitely. Get many. Overall product outweighs the fails that are mainly personal expectations. These two points of mine are loose, making it impossible to pose leaning to one side while straight on the base. The ball jointed thruster on the ghost indicates that perhaps there were plans to have it posed on it own? The hip section of mine is too tight, making it a hand sweeting process to lock the legs. In Gerwalk it's fine if you use the stand adapter that automatic aligns angle. In case you're wondering, it's still nope. The super parts are still not adoptable for the 0Ds mysterious connection points. I'll close with this.
  14. Hmmm... When I first posted, I thought this was Ozma with super parts... But it's actually with the armour, which I'm not too fund as those huge armour pants kill it in Battroid...
  15. A picture of the toy I took at the Tanashii Nations showroom:
  16. Didn't know they're a rereleased concept... watched some videos on the builds and look to have quite a bit of work involved... Maybe I'll just continue holding out for a re-re-release DYRL HMR...
  17. Love weathering there. So gritty.
  18. Light saber whip... 🤣🤦‍♂️ What's next? Light saber net launcher? Light saber nun-chuks? Light saber imagine whatever you want alla green latern ring? 🤣
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