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Steam Operating System

Mr March

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While this announcement may be equal parts tech news and gaming news, the widely used Steam gaming distribution service by Valve Software is now going to have it's own operating system too. SteamOS was announced today and while it looks like it's aimed at consoles (and the Steam Box itself) it appears any PC can run the SteamOS. This is huge!


Streaming games from your other devices...wow! My mind is officially blown!

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While this announcement may be equal parts tech news and gaming news, the widely used Steam gaming distribution service by Valve Software is now going to have it's own operating system too. SteamOS was announced today and while it looks like it's aimed at consoles (and the Steam Box itself) it appears any PC can run the SteamOS. This is huge!


Streaming games from your other devices...wow! My mind is officially blown!

I thought they were just going to announce a Steam Box console... this is so much cooler.

My only wish now is that some how Valve develops and easy way for developers to port Windows games to Steam OS, so I don't have to pollute my next gaming rig with whatever crap Microsoft tries to pass off as the future of PCs.

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I agree. The thought of a real alternative to Windows has me ready to sign my first born over to Valve :)


Actually, this announcement by Valve has me re-evaluating everything they've done for the last 10 years. THink about it: the demand for Half-Life 3 is astronomical. With that kind of demand, what could you do? Release Half-Life 3? Sure you could and you could make millions. But what if for once money was not the primary motivator? What else could one do with that consumer loyalty and demand? Why, release a new OS of course. But why would anyone move to a new OS? People are either Windows or Mac, what possible motivation could they have to use SteamOS...what possible reason could one give them...how would you do it....

...Half-Life 3 as SteamOS exclusive

...Portal 3 as SteamOS exclusive

...Left 4 Dead 3 as SteamOS exclusive

Mind blown! :)

Edited by Mr March
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Guest davidwhangchoi

i think people would riot if that actually happened... the masses would then join crappy origin out of spite. lol

HL3 expectations is approaching Duke Nukem status.

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Funny. I've been waiting for Google/Android to announce their own operating system for the PC. (Yes, I know it's Linux based) It's only been a matter of time until true competition to Microsoft emerged.....

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Maybe, maybe not. In terms of everyday use/office stuff Microsoft still rules supreme. But Valve has a lot of clout with a huge portion of the PC gaming community. If their OS really is so lightweight that people are seeing performance boosts in all of their games, that would be a large portion of the population suddenly using non-Miscrosoft software. At least when it comes to gaming. And all it takes is for one person in an internet forum to complain a game runs like crap and be told "run SteamOS" with a link to a tutorial how to do it. Others will surely have the same problems, find those posts and some will make that change as well. Not all, some people are too afraid to change any of their routine.

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What PC manufacturers are on board to ship laptops and desktops with the SteamOS installed? Which of the device manufactures, such as AMD, NVIDIA, Creative, Logitech, etc, are going to dedicate developers to produce and update device drivers for their range of products to work for the OS? What major software developers are planning to port their products to the OS? Will you be able to run software such as Microsoft Office suite or Adobe Creative Suite?


Edited by Duke Togo
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A lot of people seem to think that SteamOS will be competition for Windows. In a lot of important ways, I doubt it will be. People who use their computers for work, graphic design, videography, spreadsheets, programming, etc are still going to be using Windows or Mac OS for a long time.

Mark my words, SteamOS isn't going to be a full-blown desktop OS, at least, not as Valve intends it. It's designed to be a lightweight OS solely to facilitate the running of Steam and Steam games. It could make my future gaming rig free of Microsoft's stupid squares, but I'm sure I'll still have a Windows laptop or something for other computer stuff.

I honestly expected something about locomotives when I clicked on this thread.


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Can't see that being a concern large enough to merit any consideration. One uses Linux to spite Windows. No one uses Windows to spite Linux :)

Well, this is the first real alternative I can see having a reasonable chance of success. I'm on board and willing to give them a few chances to get it right. I want this to be good and succeed. I'm more than happy to support Valve, at least until many years down the road when Valve the hero lives long enough to become the enemy and we curse them like we now do Microsoft. Then a new company with a better idea comes along and offers us a new choice. The cycle continues :)

That power of Steam in the marketplace is what has me most excited about this. Valve's new OS doesn't have to even beat Windows/Microsoft at all. Steam's popularity and influence practically guarantee this OS WILL be adopted and widely used. They don't need everyone to leave their inured ways and abandon Windows. SteamOS will be popular enough to more than sustain itself. Now, how FAR the potential of this new OS will go is an open question, but at least now a real, widely used and broadly compatible alternative will be realized. At least, this is what I hope :)

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Guest davidwhangchoi


I agree. The thought of a real alternative to Windows has me ready to sign my first born over to Valve :)


Actually, this announcement by Valve has me re-evaluating everything they've done for the last 10 years. THink about it: the demand for Half-Life 3 is astronomical. With that kind of demand, what could you do? Release Half-Life 3? Sure you could and you could make millions. But what if for once money was not the primary motivator? What else could one do with that consumer loyalty and demand? Why, release a new OS of course. But why would anyone move to a new OS? People are either Windows or Mac, what possible motivation could they have to use SteamOS...what possible reason could one give them...how would you do it....

...Half-Life 3 as SteamOS exclusive

...Portal 3 as SteamOS exclusive

...Left 4 Dead 3 as SteamOS exclusive

Mind blown! :)

You know this may be a good idea... i'll progress it further. instead of alienating PC users by providing the above games as exclusives on steam Os, (EA tried this by pulling their games off steam and making them exclusive to Origin and was met with backlash, ie Mass Effect 3) if they released all these games normally for retail price(windows/mac) and offered them as FREE on steam Os, i think this would be a great goodwill strategy to introduce everyone to Steam Os. Offering free games to the masses without angering the pc community by forcing adoption in order to play their games,

My internet rule of thumb:

choice and more options are good. Taking away options always causes backlash.

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Actually, you're right. My idea is likely not the way Valve would do things, even though they could and get away with it. Valve would do something else. Although I seriously doubt they would offer the games for free via SteamOS, but a significant savings that people would find irresistible. like half off or something crazy. Of course, this would be motivation for the skeptics. They've already got the fans like me :)

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I see those Surface tablets just zooming out the stores too - while windows pc sales are slumped - at best...

Outside of gaming needs, there has been little reason to upgrade to newer PCs in the last four or five years. For the vast majority of computer users on the planet, five year old dual core PCs get the job done for all of their needs. The same goes for most businesses. That's the reality of current technology.

Check out the major tech sites, and tell me how many if them are giving heavy coverage to the coming SteamOS. And no, gaming sites don't count.

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Outside of gaming needs, there has been little reason to upgrade to newer PCs in the last four or five years. For the vast majority of computer users on the planet, five year old dual core PCs get the job done for all of their needs. The same goes for most businesses. That's the reality of current technology.

Check out the major tech sites, and tell me how many if them are giving heavy coverage to the coming SteamOS. And no, gaming sites don't count.

MS does not stay in business by NOT selling things. Tablets ARE selling, and quite well, if MS does not find a way to get a sizeable chunk of the tablet business they are going to be in big trouble.

At work we are in the middle of a PC replacement cycle right now, old machines are NOT capable enough any longer.

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What PC manufacturers are on board to ship laptops and desktops with the SteamOS installed? Which of the device manufactures, such as AMD, NVIDIA, Creative, Logitech, etc, are going to dedicate developers to produce and update device drivers for their range of products to work for the OS? What major software developers are planning to port their products to the OS? Will you be able to run software such as Microsoft Office suite or Adobe Creative Suite?


I don't see those vendors supporting it either, but there has to be a way to run a VM on it to get all of those windows apps running. I wish they would just include a good VM solution. I am pretty used to Linux based systems as all of the people that buy servers from were I work usually request a linux based server, primarily CentOS. There is always someone with a crazy setup running massive VM's.

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What PC manufacturers are on board to ship laptops and desktops with the SteamOS installed? Which of the device manufactures, such as AMD, NVIDIA, Creative, Logitech, etc, are going to dedicate developers to produce and update device drivers for their range of products to work for the OS? What major software developers are planning to port their products to the OS? Will you be able to run software such as Microsoft Office suite or Adobe Creative Suite?


PC's are dirt cheap. I am sitting here with two operating and I am certainly considering getting a third dedicated to gaming, so yes, experimenting with another operating system is certainly something that I am up for. Like I said, I am also waiting for google/android to give it a go as well.

Several years ago nobody would have questioned the dominance that Nokia and Apple held over the phone/smartphone market, at look at what's going on now. Things can change, and very quickly if the product is out there.

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It's the REAL possibility of mass adoption that has me most excited for this SteamOS. We were told over for 15 years that Linux was the future, but that future never happened. Sure it was always said to be great, but no one used it except for developers. And all the while I always thought to myself it would have been great, but there was never any real possibility of adoption. Humans are creatures of habit and many are just too inured by the most accessible system we have. I'm as guilty of this as anyone.

But to my eyes, SteamOS is the first time I see the true possibility of widespread adoption. All my friends on Facebook and Twitter are all fired up about this and for once I share their excitement. My interest is genuine. This doesn't have to beat Windows or Mac OS. It doesn't even have to try. All SteamOS needs is to be popular enough to sustain itself and I see that as a very real possibility.

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It seems Valve hasn't abandoned the Steam Hardware option. Both the OS and Hardware announcements are very interesting. I wonder if this is a plan to get some community involvement to optimize a final, preferred configuration?

Edited by technoblue
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The Steam Machine, nice! :)

We all knew a Steam console was coming. I'm not sure if they are so much looking for a "preferred" configuration so much as simply fine-tuning what Valve wants to release. Their announcement pretty clearly states that their intention is to released not one configuration but a varied menu of hardware options, complete with third-party versions customized for what each individual user wants to have in their Steam OS compatible machine. Like they say, it's not one-size-fits-all.

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Steam Machines, yeah! I've been waiting for something like this. Steam is awesome, but I can't be bothered to actually go and build a dedicated gaming PC (I've been a console gamer for the most part, but always looked toward switching to PC someday, but couch gaming is just so much more comfy for me :) ).

If they put out a high spec one that can out perform the PS4/Xbone, count me in for one.

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By whom?

Don't look now... :)

Steam Machines, yeah! I've been waiting for something like this. Steam is awesome, but I can't be bothered to actually go and build a dedicated gaming PC (I've been a console gamer for the most part, but always looked toward switching to PC someday, but couch gaming is just so much more comfy for me :) ).

If they put out a high spec one that can out perform the PS4/Xbone, count me in for one.

They are. There will be several tiers of the Steam Machine for different types of consumers. Plus, third party developers are already releasing machines for the SteamOS. The Xi3 Corportation is basically building small form PCs ideal for SteamOS and their computers were even introduced by Valve at the beginning of the year.


All open, can be upgraded and can be modded.

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Don't look now... :)

They are. There will be several tiers of the Steam Machine for different types of consumers. Plus, third party developers are already releasing machines for the SteamOS. The Xi3 Corportation is basically building small form PCs ideal for SteamOS and their computers were even introduced by Valve at the beginning of the year.


All open, can be upgraded and can be modded.

Which the overwhelming majority of computer owners don't do.

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Yeah, I don't see as anything other than another console entering the market. Mass market? Dunno. Can they dethrone Xbox or Playstation? We'll see in a few years what the outlook is.

Now this is a way of looking at it that actually peaks my interest. I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about both next gen console right now, if it's competitively priced and speced, I could see a Steam based PC alternative being attractive.

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