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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. ^^This. Thanks for mentioning it, Mommar. I thought we would actually have Arcadia's Max 1S by now, or at least have word of some future release. Having all three of these to display would plant me firmly in the "I don't care" group. Good point, spanner. I wonder if this would happen if Arcadia was able to license Macross The First designs? If a reworked VF-1 sculpt became v3, then would v2 really become obsolete or would it retain its value because of nostalgia for the original series?
  2. ^^Light dawns. I have a 30th Anniversary 1J waiting in my hlj private warehouse, which means I should have known.
  3. Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1A CF TV Type: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261524123124?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 It was holding at $150 all week. I was expecting a few more sniper bids at the end.
  4. Fixed that for you. And I almost feel bad for the fifth guy who was only able to pledge $3,000. Almost.
  5. If this in any way means that Arcadia is thinking about a proper TV Roy, then I'm all over it (please keep the triangle).
  6. Yes. Better stand is better. I wonder if those will be (or are) available separately online? One or two would work well to break up a display.
  7. Man, Creavision received a sucker punch. They were producing fan-made content on a regular basis. It was fun and it worked for their audience. However, this Kickstarter project is going a long, long way in showing how inept the remaining Robotech management is at producing any kind of entertainment anywhere. It is a pariah. At least Carl could produce 'borrowed' and 'taped together' content. If this Kickstarter is showing us the same kind of shenanigans that WB had to deal with, then no wonder Jem is beating Rick Hunter to the big screen (not that I mind; Jem is outrageous). I'm getting more and more excited about the end result. Because the longer it takes those involved to update the project with any work in progerss (actual animation, updates on the pilot itself, or bonus tiers related to taking this idea further than their initial pilot), the more it looks like this Kickstarter may be a nail in the coffin for Robotech. I want to see that new world. I really do. Keep up the good work!
  8. Yes. Skip ahead to 10:52 in the installation video to see how you can modify the knurled pin. I think I'll get a couple of these for my rainbow canopy Yamato Roy.
  9. That would be very cool, and it would be interesting to see what Arcadia would improve on a v3 release.
  10. Haha! Good point. Thanks, jvmacross. And yes, I was talking about the Yamato DYRL Valks above. The only TV Valkyrie I have today is the 1/60 VF-1D. I used to have a nice set of 1/48 TV Valkyries (including Max and Milia), but I had to sell them some years back during a rough spot.
  11. That's a good question. I think Yamato may have covered everything, but there are others who would know better than me. I'm facing a conundrum because I have more Yamato Valkyries than when I started, and I want those whites to match! LoL! Yeah. Like I noted above, I'm at the same crossroads (which is why I 'm holding my vote). Going all Yamato would be great for my DYRL display, but it will be a nightmare for my wallet, unless I can borrow some of your luck. HaHa! If Arcadia would commit to doing their own white DYRL set, then my choice would be easier. It's tough not having any news, and being antsy.
  12. After two VF-1S releases, Arcadia has also released the YF-19 and has been quietly focusing on the VF-0D, and a few side projects. No new VF-1 announcements have been made to date. The initial DYRL releases were something of a mixed bag for a few reasons: Missing Tampo markings A large bulky stand that replaced the preferred Strike/Super Parts Arcadia's new DYRL white This poll focuses solely on point 3. Think of it as a fun, unscientific exercise to see where MacrossWorld leans, or to determine if this issue is even important anymore. And if you have anything else to add, feel free to comment! I also thought it would be fun to try the poll widget. Edit: The polls are closed and the final results are in. A big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who voted!
  13. I'm stoked, even though I have a fraction's fraction of a chance of getting this. How cool would a Sayonara no Tsubasa.YF-19 have been for the official Arcadia release? It's too bad about the licensing. Oh well.
  14. it's sort of off topic since were are discussing Valkyries, but given the thread title: If I came across a genie and had one wish, then that wish would be for the technology to build the SDF-1. Because then we all win and that discovery could lead to Valkyries too. It may take longer to get there, and the real world will certainly have different obstacles than the fiction we know, but it would be a nice alternate timeline to visit.
  15. For giggles (and since the kickstarter is only offering unfinished artwork) I decided to ask myself, what might Robotech Academy look like? We already have the obvious answer: Macross Frontier. And then HG offered it's own odd answer some time ago: Robotech x Voltron. But then, the discussion on poor Carl (RIP) sent me to a darker place: Robotech x High School of the Dead Hm. Actually, the overused zombie trope may be too creative for this project.
  16. HAHA! This is so ridiculous. In fact, it's awesome. It seems a lot happened during the Time War.
  17. I think the point is that the super-duper water filter is more of a plot device, like Chekhov's gun or a MacGuffin. It doesn't really do anything or add anything necessary to the overall story related to Sidonia and the Gauna. What it does do is serve to create a situation that provides more character development between Tanikaze and Hoshijiro, and another topic of debate for us geeks.
  18. That is what I thought too. The character can choose male or female sexuality when reaching maturity and finding a partner, or can choose to remain asexual.
  19. I like the consistency in the lower body detail. The Zero-esque flight helmet looks great too. I'm excited to see these with paint.
  20. Ouch. Now I am curious to see what's inside that box. Out my way, YOTH Prime was still in the wild over the holiday weekend. The only problem is that every TRU is starting to use the spider-like security devices again, and these things dig into boxes if they are strapped on too tightly. I don't like them, although I understand why they exist.
  21. Yeah. Does this mean that potato salad is now the pineapple salad of the Robotech Universe?.
  22. Neat. This had been on my mind too, but my impression was slightly different since I've only seen the anime.
  23. What a great room, Old Man! Those cables were looking mighty clean to start, but now they look immaculate. The LEDs look to be a warm white color in the photos, are you satisfied with the light and shadow detail. That is, do the colors look okay during the day and at night when the lights are on? Now I have a conundrum: Do I get RGB LEDs so that I can use mood lighting or do I get nice white LEDs? Hm. Maybe I should keep it simple for my first two display cabinets. Heh.
  24. Macross releases have been pretty steady since SDFM, whether in film or in print: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macross Oh, you mean Robotech releases? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotech
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