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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. I'll be around, just not as involved as I usually am.
  2. I use the clear mostly from Tamiya (thinned with alcohol), as their clears are the best I've ever used. For most other stuff, I use Krylon flat (white or grey primer) for the base, and Apple Barrel for main colors (unless it's something I can get a can of Krylon for).
  3. Much appreciated, Big s!! And to everyone else showing interest in this; I felt bad for SpacePirateKeo and wanted to help him out.
  4. For the Tamiya Acrylics (which I've used in the past), I've used a hair dryer on low to bake the paint as it dried. Perhaps that could help?
  5. I wonder if Caranuba wax would help at all? Maybe test a little bit on one of your spare canopies?
  6. Well, he does paint and build his own models; you could try talking to him (he's a member here) and see if he'd be interested in doing that for you!
  7. Not even if my rear end were on fire and doing a review would put it out, TVYM.
  8. From what I understood from the books and such at the time, they first sent Kyle back, then discovered Skynet had sent back a second Terminator that was more advanced. But the story keeps skewing and changing (and admittedly, my memory isn't what it used to be) to where now that is a good point.
  9. Normally, I would have an update; but yesterday, I had a project self-destruct on me as well as another situation related to it. Going silent for a while here folks.
  10. In the original Terminator, the humans didn't do much during the day because the Machines would spot them. From what I recall of Salvation, most of the action was daytime. It lacked the horror and the edge of your teeth nightmare the future war scenes had in T1. Frankly, we don't know how time travel would actually work given we're stuck in time and haven't tried it yet. Time paradoxes could very well be a thing; you can't be dogmatic on something where we have no absolutes yet. All we absolutely know is that we cannot travel in time at this point. As for younger audiences: they didn't grow up in the 70's and 80's, anymore than we didn't grow up in the 2000's and further on. That's comparing apples and oranges, honestly.
  11. I see no reason why it can't be both: horror set in the future, with survivors trying to escape Terminators who pass for human, Hunter killers bound to destroy them, and Skynet controlling the whole thing behind the scenes. Also, show scenes where the good guys don't always figure out the traps before it's too late, and the Machines commit carnage.
  12. They need to give us the Future War as depicted in the first 2 movies; that would work.
  13. No worries; I'd just hate to see you give up because of no one replying. Note to the rest of MWF: Space Pirate Guy put a LOT of work into this!! Could folks out there at least acknowledge this fact? Not to mention that it'd make a nice addition to a hangar diorama or city scene!
  14. Devcon Plastic Welder: two part adhesive that's stronger and more resilient than the original plastic. You can use it to reattach parts and reinforce those that are at risk; I used it in my rebuild of the Matchbox SDF-1.
  15. At the rate things are going, he's going to need all 19 of the geneseed organs to get that done.
  16. pengbuzz

    Macross figures

    I wish I didn't have to make my own.
  17. I've read somewhere that they made a version of the Rhea for their most elite pilots, whom are considered the most dangerous in the fleets. A dire version, if you will. It's best not to get in their way, especially if they're headed back to their ship at a high rate of speed...
  18. Whatever floats your boat man. I'm done.
  19. Actually, I'd love to see this on shapeways! Please don't let the low responses here get you; most of my stuff goes uncommented on much of the time.
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