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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Could enamel paint work in a similar way that people were doing the sleeves on the sinanju and geara Zulu kits from gundam unicorn. Basically paint a main color, then the other color in enamel and wipe away the enamel from parts that aren’t desired in that color
  2. Don’t cut yourself short. Frustration and questioning your own abilities are a sure sign of being a “real modeler”. Sometimes you have to put things aside for a short time and compose yourself and often a solution will come. I know things for you are tough and may be getting tougher, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that has confidence that you’re still able to turn out a great project here and there.
  3. Nice job on that one I feel like a lot of people get that way nowadays. Some kits need a lot more work than others for sure, but I think the key is not to be afraid to try and put some effort and a bit of sweat and the reward is something to really be proud of.
  4. I’ve never built that or any StarTrek kits, but was curious if on your previous attempt if you tried priming the inside as well as the outside? I was just thinking on a clear kit masking where the light shines through on both sides, but going a bit heavy on the inside might make things easier on the outside. I’ve never been a ship kit guy, but I do admire the work others put into it and love seeing those projects.
  5. That cover always made him look like a super villain. The comic itself is pretty hilarious in the way he deals with bad guys that have no chance
  6. I know Cobra Commander is a bad guy, but he’s more of a pg bad guy. Throwing Rambo at him would be a bit of overkill
  7. That’s my big hope. I really love my assault suit Leynos kit, but it was a lot of work and is a bit clunky and I’d love a newer somewhat easier one that would have better articulation. Not only that , but some of the bad guys in those games looked great too and I’d really love kits of some of them
  8. I kinda thought it was an odd one as well. Plum seems to have mostly video game franchises, so they pretty much have a limited group to pick from as far as classic mecha video games and since they already did a couple kits from Power DoLLs, they probably didn’t have to do a new license. previously they had mecha kits from the Assault Suit franchise, Cloud Breaker and Power DoLLs and maybe only space ships from a few classic shooters from what I remember, but who knows, maybe they’ll get some new licenses for this new line. I’m always curious about a new line of mecha model kits and hopefully Plum has learned a few things from their older kit projects
  9. A smaller 1/48 version of the power doll kit that is designed to be more poseable and a bit simpler to build. There will still be seam lines, but it looks like the c clip joint connections allow for easier clean up and painting. There’s no hand options shown, but those may come up in an option pack since it has connections shown. They also negated the wiring on the lower legs for better movement, but it probably won’t be too difficult to modify it by drilling a few holes and adding your own. just thought I’d add some pics of the old 1/35 kit for comparison. I do think the older one looks a bit better, but it’s definitely more work and has less range of movement. I’m just really hoping this new line does well enough to get more Assault Suit Leynos kits. I wouldn’t mind an easier more poseable kit from that game
  10. Glad you have that option to save your build. It’s looking good so far
  11. I got really into anime because the stories weren’t just good against evil back in my younger days, but now I feel like It’s been so over done and the bad guys are always one simple conversation away from ending a war that shouldn’t have started and now I kinda just want to see bad guys being bad because they’re bad. I don’t need a background as to why they’re bad either, kinda a rough explanation as to what they’re after and maybe that’s all I need once in a while
  12. Those big thin decals can be tough. I have less trouble with them since I stopped using decal glue. Just water and a gloss surface. Then something like micro sol after the application and a bit of gloss over the top. I do have occasional rips and tears with those, but the water seems a bit more forgiving about wrinkled messes and repositioning. Are there any decal sets that have that one on the tail that you could use. I think hobby search had quite a few in their aircraft or military section
  13. I was thinking more about Picard or Halo, but maybe Top Gun 2’s success allowed for more financial wiggle room for the company.
  14. If it keeps them wanting to produce more kits, then I’m all for it. I’d rather have all the options available rather than having to hunt down one that is short printed. I’m just glad that they see a market in releasing the oddball items as well
  15. I have an oil color set and I may try that dot filter technique sometime. I like your results
  16. They’re probably just wanting hugs. They’re just misunderstood
  17. I sometimes am a bit lazy with primer and just do a quick dusting
  18. Paramount seems happy that it passed the expected amount that it was thought to bring in. Maybe there was something of a Merch deal or that factored in that I really don’t understand or something. The plumber was definitely the tough competition and took the nerd viewership away. Who knows, maybe Paramount is just happy that one of their products didn’t infuriate its fan base
  19. There are some older ones, but I haven’t seen anything new in a bit. There will probably be more when the preorders come up hopefully soon
  20. There’s probably gonna be a market for resin cast kits for a bit. The biggest change is that many newer garage kits will be more 3D printed and are becoming more available either by files or made to be sold by people with a printer. For example, I was on Newtpe USA and they have a 3D printed conversion for the hguc geara Doga that has the heavy weapons backpack and included sleeves for the unicorn version. Times are definitely changing, and I’m not sure how many old school resin cast garage kits will be around in a few years
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