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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. If it still fits in a box, I use paper towels or whatever and there are small antennae or fragile bits I sometimes put a plastic bagggie around them so they don’t snag
  2. I guess it might be like me trying to figure out why someone would want to build the old1/72 Regult kit from the 80’s when Hasegawa just put out a pretty great kit of it and for around twenty bucks. There are people that have a nostalgia for older kits and I love looking at the box art and such, personally I wouldn’t try building one these days. The newer IMS kits are really great as far as details and design, but I figure if someone wants to try their hands at an older version, I’ll let them have that challenge same with those that still love old Macross or Gundam kits and I definitely have to give respect to those that turn them into great builds
  3. I was asking for it back in the 90’s Same here, had so much fun back in the day jumping cars and motorcycles and even the occasional big rig or ice cream truck over buildings. Sometimes the match on that map would be won by a simple misjudgment. I can’t remember if that was in the first or second game, but we had so much fun playing them after getting out of class
  4. My daughter had read them back in high school, she said they were weirder and more brutal. Personally I didn’t really get into the idea of the series. I guess the idea of having kids fight to the death on tv seemed like something I don’t think a large majority of people could get into. Maybe adults. The movies kinda had a weird cheap made for tv kinda feel and I think that’s why it just wasn’t for me. I still took her to go see all of the films since her and her friends were all into it. Battle Royale at least felt like a punishment for terrible kids or at least one that seemed like delinquents to the public and was just so ridiculous that it didn’t need a reason. It was kinda squid game before squid game and a bit of Hunger Games before Hunger Games. Not trying to say these ideas were brand new, there’ve been stories like that since Running Man or the prisoner or even the most dangerous game.
  5. I see what you mean by the colors. I’m still not buying it, but just that choice of color is a vast improvement to the look
  6. The best episode was the one with Gwar. I was laughing when they fed him to the worm. I really didn’t much care for his show, but in the age before streaming or even dvr, what else was there to watch at that time. It was that or soap operas
  7. They have been running an American site similar to hlj. Things like preorders usually pop up a few hours later, I haven’t bought any gundam related stuff, but have gotten a few other Bandai items like kits and Macross toys here and there.
  8. Other than U.S. stores, have they sold out at other Japanese sites? Maybe check amiami I think I saw it on sale at either Usags or newtype USA for the American sites, but might be thinking of a different zeta
  9. That’s an odd one for sure. It took me a minute to realize the legs were coming out of the thrusters
  10. Most of the Japanese sites sold out on the Guts and Griffith figures, but as I expected the U.S. sites have them and at a bit of an up charge. The Bbts price is $99.99 for Guts and Griffith is $144.99. I want the figures, but I’ll wait and see if there’s a better deal first
  11. I wouldn’t mind seeing pics of your progress. Maybe post some in the workbench section if you haven’t already
  12. I just kinda feel a bit let down, even by the Keaton scene. The let’s get nuts scene was such a classic moment and now it’s like just a catchphrase.
  13. Does the scout have Grogu punching action, because that would be an instabuy if it did
  14. I prefer all at once, or a short break. The weekly thing does make it more of an event for great shows, but in the less than great ones, I’d rather just get it over with before I lose interest. I probably would’ve been more interested if this show still had the energy of season 1, but the second season wasn’t as good and the prequel thing was kinda just ok. I wouldn’t mind being surprised by a great new season though
  15. I kinda slowly checked out of Star Trek after tng, so these actually look really good in comparison to other figures from other companies in a similar size. I’m actually really tempted on these
  16. The more I see of this in previews, the less interested I am about it. It looks like they’re mostly using time travel to try and undo things in the Snyderverse movies rather than try to do something new.
  17. I have a feeling that the boomerang unit is coming soon
  18. Probably hard to get from Japanese sites, but like all the other releases, easy to get from a U.S. site. Just you have to pay the ease of preorder taxes
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