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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Looking a bit more into this hg scopedog and I might pass. Seems that you just get the Scopedog and standard rifle. If you want an opening cockpit with pilot figure and optional hands with fancy effect parts, that’s an extra purchase at the exclusive store. If you want the weapon pack and standing figure, that another extra web exclusive purchase. I’m guessing the full thing would be around $60 or more after all that. I might just stick to wave kits and maybe the max factory ones
  2. USA Gundamstore already has the hg Scopedog and a bunch of other Bandai kits up for preorder
  3. A bunch of the new kits are already up for preorder at USA Gundamstore, like that gm with missile back pack
  4. Looks a bit chunky, but so far I still like it, curious about the elbow joints since there are two different ones . I’d imagine that the left arm is the design they’re going with
  5. I was excited about this until reading that it’s a multiverse thing. I might still check it out one day, but I think I just don’t care after hearing that news
  6. I have a feeling that this writers strike won’t last too long. It may put a few short delays on some shows and films, but there are still many that were already near finished that just needed things like vfx or sound. And there are some that already have the script done, and if reshoots with rewrites are needed those may just happen after the strike is finished. I think the place where production is really affected by this is with things like late night comedy, especially with so much going on and they can’t do their take on what’s happening. But to be honest I really don’t watch much of that anyway
  7. Out of the gundam stuff, the most exciting thing shown was the petite mobile suit. Hope they do more like the ones from 0080 as hg kits
  8. Hopefully soon, the 29 preorder wasn’t to far from the 19, so I’m thinking in the next couple months sometime
  9. There’s so many options these days for classic mecha between all the different toys and model kits, it might not be the best time for mecha anime but it is feels like the best time to be a mecha collector or kit builder.
  10. As shown above, definitely a drone
  11. Bandai has been doing a lot of web exclusives for classic mecha as hg kits, like the Sirbine, Dragonar1, Vifam and now a scopedog. It wouldn’t surprise me if sometime in the not so distant future that they do an hg Orgus kit. Maybe 1/72 or something, but probably not as big as the other releases.
  12. I honestly think the old school as you say “Analog” designs benefit more from this quick change approach. The 3D one’s already were designed for full transformation. I’m just glad the line is growing and hope to see a lot of great Macross designs. Hope they do non Valkyries as well eventually
  13. I’m curious to see if anyone mods it into the official version without the kitty bimbo riding its back
  14. The one in the background has a funky head, while the one in the foreground may just have the helmet tilted back can’t tell if it’s part of that ones helmet or a back unit. The one in the foreground looks a bit different from the others
  15. I have a weird feeling that they will do their best to milk the mold. Although those will probably just be p Bandai releases
  16. P Bandai high grade on the way. I couldn’t read what scale on the pics at tag hobby
  17. Just saw that teaser and really excited. Hope the vf-11 and the power armor from the intro are in the works
  18. even has a little dude and quite a bit of articulation
  19. Volume 5 of the kits are up for preorder and this set finally comes with little dudes
  20. I’m still not a seed fan, but you do great work on your kits and I appreciate the pictures. Even though I may not like the design, I really do enjoy seeing what you do with these
  21. I just finished off episode six. I don’t know if I like this show or not, it’s very uncomfortable and slow paced and even though it seems like a comedy it’s more of an absurd drama but the story kinda has me wanting to see where things go. It’s definitely an oddity for a full series and it’s so simplistic that it could have easily been done as a live action show. I’ll probably end up finishing it and might not be able to decide if it’s great or terrible by the end, it’s definitely a unique feel for an adult animated series
  22. I don’t know about better, but I can afford the moderoid
  23. It’s ok, it just went up for preorder last night and I hadn’t heard anything before seeing the listing kinda by accident. At first I thought it was just a normal rerelease, but this is an odd special metallic color with both stickers and a water slide decal sheet. I almost completely passed it by
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