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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The Hikaru preorder was abou 2 months ago, but some may open up with cancellations or an awesome deal may pop up after release. I'm still wondering when we'll hear about something beyond the Max 1j.
  2. So I just got back from seeing it. The only theatre nearby is in Ontario CA and they only have one showing a night so I had preordered tickets the other day. It was a packed showing probably due to the limited amount of theatres playing it. We actually liked it. There really is a lot to look at. The backgrounds are spectacular, they have a mix of medieval, modern and futuristic all mixed yet separate. There may be a medieval castle surrounded by highways and modern vehicles and futuristic airships flying overhead. Anyway if you're wondering if you should go through the trouble of finding a showing, you should ask yourself if you liked either of the first 2 films Spirits Within or Advent Children. If you liked either of those you will probably like this. The film has problems like cheasy dialogue and long winded speeches and all, but even at its slow parts my eyes couldn't stop looking at the backgrounds. The action is fantastic and fast paced with spells, sword fighting and monsters and giant big bastard monsters and even mechanical enemies. If you don't like final fantasy stuff or hated both of the other films then the visuals may not be enough to keep you happy and this may not be worth the trouble to find, but for a guy like me it was worth it.
  3. I was thinking that they probably will, but we'll have to see later. The closer this gets to a release the more interested I'm becoming. When it was first announced I almost hated the idea of this. Now I'm more curious and really hoping t turns out good.
  4. Every now and then there are exclusive items I want and just wish bandai made it so international buyers could use their site.
  5. If you do watch the trailer see it on a big screen. I made the mistake of seeing it on a phone and thought it was just another cg film.
  6. I have a pretty good feeling that this has nothing connecting any previous works. The characters and backgrounds seem too different, but it may not be an origin story so an older Togusa may stil work.
  7. I'm gonna wait to see if bandai does a kit for that droid.
  8. If batman could kill him then Constantine would send his soul straight to hell. Any way a while back I was hearing that they were using this as a tool to see if the team wold be popular enough to finally give the OK to Guillermo Del Torro's live action justice league dark movie they planned, but had put on the shelf.
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I know you were joking and all, but with that much weight from a high rise may actually do some real damage. Not only that, but it has so much weight at the lower half it may just land on its feet😺
  10. Finally finished off Fist of the North Star2 and never did see that dog again. With 1 and 2 together that makes 152 episodes and the recaps are in the double digits. Part way through the last season I realized that the creators of the show needed the recaps more than the viewer because they totally redid the back story and even forgot what color Toki's hair was when he was younger.
  11. If we're talking about the 1/35 recent wave kits vs bandai1/20 kits then it's kinda like comparing a great mg gundam kit and a fairly good, but overpriced hg gundam kit. I do really like the 1/35 kits and wave has been picking subjects bandai and volks haven't. They so far have the rabidly dog, scopedog turbo custom and now this version of the berserga. If you want a pilot figure, and downform and full cockpit from wave you would probably pay close to sixty bucks. You could probably get a basic scope dog 1/20 from bandai for about half that. If you haven't seen the volks kits they are very Impresive looking. And they have a 1/35 berserga from the blue knight series that is about the same price as the upgraded wave kits. The testa rosa is 1/24 and extremely beautiful. On to the which kit to buy question is a matter of price scale and series preference. Bandai hasn't put out a new kit in a long time, wave is doing some neglected designs from the show as well as the turbo custom from the last red shoulder and volks is handling the blue knight series. Although the berserga from wave and volks will probably look good together.
  12. I think the large ones from wave are 1/24, but I could be wrong. Anyway I have never built the large wave kits, only the new 1/35 scale kits. I have seen the large ones completed and the later ones look better, I think if I'm not mistaken the old ones used old parts from takara and the later ones were original kits. The later ones have usual kit issues like seams and painting but nothing to major like old school parts not fitting. The bandai 1/20 kits are like some of their really good mg kits with no seams anywhere that I can remember, molded completely in color, clear parts for lenses, waterslide decals and rivets individually molded. The bandai kits are very tough with the inner frame and maybe the only downside I can think of would be that they looked a bit more modern rather than anime perfect for extreme diehard fans but the details outweigh the negatives.
  13. I also think transforming models are rarely good no matter the subject. I would have been happier if they did like hasegawa and released separate kits for each mode or a 3 in one bundle. I'm also not a big fan of part swapping kits, but the tomy tech valkyriesare fairly good.
  14. That's the best movie news I've heard in a while. He had the greatest attitude no matter the situation😀
  15. If it was Adam West Batman he's got everything from shark repellant to holy crosses in his utility belt🤓 Either way this looks better than the live action Justice League movie.
  16. Sorry, I saw the trailer on a cell phone a few months ago and didn't realize it was stop motion.
  17. I really do like the look of that berserga, but they fooled me twice already so I'm gonna wait a few months for the real version. I have a back log of kits anyway.
  18. This was a real sad weekend at the boxoffice. For a kids cg film with a fairly good rating to only make $12milion is kinda sad😢
  19. I've been looking at that one. It's so ugly I love it. There's a lot of surface details all over, that would be great for weathering. And it comes out in time to Christmas.
  20. If citadel paints are thinned well they won't leave brush strokes that are noticeable. They can also be thinned with water. About fifteen years ago I used them for gundam kits all the time. They clog up an airbrush in no time as a downside. If you use a good thinner like the x20 for the tamiya paints when airbrushing with tamiya acrylics the paint runs fairly smooth through an airbrush and 91% alcohol that can be bought for a dollar or two is good for cleanup of overspray and can be used to clean the airbrush itself. It's always good to have something like a cheap kit to test new things on so you don't mess up the kit that you really want to be able to show off. Good luck and whatever happens remember to have fun.👍
  21. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Probably just a sensor of some type.
  22. I just got my revive og gundam real type web exclusive and I do love the box. It's mainly a recolor of the standard gundam but oddly enough it has waterslide decals on a hg kit, but almost no stickers. There are a few foil stickers for eyes and sensors. I really hate stickers so I'm happy about waterslide decals, but it's strange that there are no stickers. From the way the kit is packaged it seems like they really wanted to give an eighties model kit feel, and maybe that's why they didn't use stickers. I hope more hg kits other than the three real types get waterslide decals, but I think it really shouldn't be that big a deal to put both types of markings like with the Star Wars kits.
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