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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. If it was Adam West Batman he's got everything from shark repellant to holy crosses in his utility belt🤓 Either way this looks better than the live action Justice League movie.
  2. Sorry, I saw the trailer on a cell phone a few months ago and didn't realize it was stop motion.
  3. I really do like the look of that berserga, but they fooled me twice already so I'm gonna wait a few months for the real version. I have a back log of kits anyway.
  4. This was a real sad weekend at the boxoffice. For a kids cg film with a fairly good rating to only make $12milion is kinda sad😢
  5. I've been looking at that one. It's so ugly I love it. There's a lot of surface details all over, that would be great for weathering. And it comes out in time to Christmas.
  6. If citadel paints are thinned well they won't leave brush strokes that are noticeable. They can also be thinned with water. About fifteen years ago I used them for gundam kits all the time. They clog up an airbrush in no time as a downside. If you use a good thinner like the x20 for the tamiya paints when airbrushing with tamiya acrylics the paint runs fairly smooth through an airbrush and 91% alcohol that can be bought for a dollar or two is good for cleanup of overspray and can be used to clean the airbrush itself. It's always good to have something like a cheap kit to test new things on so you don't mess up the kit that you really want to be able to show off. Good luck and whatever happens remember to have fun.👍
  7. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Probably just a sensor of some type.
  8. I just got my revive og gundam real type web exclusive and I do love the box. It's mainly a recolor of the standard gundam but oddly enough it has waterslide decals on a hg kit, but almost no stickers. There are a few foil stickers for eyes and sensors. I really hate stickers so I'm happy about waterslide decals, but it's strange that there are no stickers. From the way the kit is packaged it seems like they really wanted to give an eighties model kit feel, and maybe that's why they didn't use stickers. I hope more hg kits other than the three real types get waterslide decals, but I think it really shouldn't be that big a deal to put both types of markings like with the Star Wars kits.
  9. Wave put up a preorder for a berserga and if I'm not mistaken it's the one from the later episodes. If wave does like their other releases this will probably be very bare bones with a release a few months later that has a pilot figure, full cockpit and can do downform. The volks berserga was also in the same scale, but I'm gonna wait on the wave version.
  10. I never was a fan of the Nobel, too much facial hair😒
  11. I think it looks great and can't wait to see it. This and Lego batman are the most exciting things dc has as far as upcoming movies.
  12. At least it was the red one.👍
  13. I tried getting tickets this weekend, but there's really only one theatre within 50 miles showing it and they're only doing one showing a day and they were all sold out. Some of the reviews are saying its bad, but still the best of the three films made, so I might try and see if it's still showing this weekend since I have some free tickets to waste.
  14. As far as cutters I still use a set of cheap finger nail clippers, but a good set of nippers can't hurt. If your hand brushing skills are great then you may want to use citadel paints for warhammer and other games, but don't run it through an airbrush. Tamiya is really good if you use an airbrush, but not as good by hand.i don't really care for enamels much since they rub off as easily as acrylics. Laquer paints are getting easier to find in hobby shops now that model master started to bottle them and they stick well to plastics and primers but they don't do well by hand although they can be easier to clean up and if you use an acrylic top coat or future before a color change you can erase mistakes with a mild thinner. You may not need primer, but it helps if the kit has moveable joints.
  15. So it looks like no one really went to the movies this weekend and suicide squad is #1 again, but with only $20 million U.S. and that's maybe the lowest I've seen a #1 film earn on a weeken in a while. At least it's not as depressing as poor Ben Hur not even getting second place and for the extreme budget.
  16. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know how the monster helps with school prep unless you count fighting off bullies or geometry lessons on figuring out how much space you need for display 🤓 either way nice promo.
  17. So Kings Glaive was sold out and I was offered a free movie for a late birthday gift, so we went to see suicide squad. I mentioned earlier I wouldn't pay to see it, due to the ratings and some of the talk online and due to the fact that no one I really knew well had seen it. I actually really liked it it was a lot of fun for me and my daughter. It wasn't perfect, but the good far outweighed the bad. It also didn't feel as choppy as most reviews have said. I do think some scenes maybe we're cut short and feel awkward and I have to agree that it looked like Batman was trying to take advantage of Harley and can see how someone would make that mistake if they hadn't heard it explained. There also seems to be a problem with editing in these dc films to the point of directors having to explain things like why the jokers teeth are messed up. Another problem I had was that I hated Killer Croc. I also hated the flash, and his overuse of the lightning. I did enjoy everyone else mostly.I think waiting on this helped because the explanations put things together better. Anyway again I really liked it and hope and extended cut has added parts to the scenes to put this film together even better.
  18. I really love tekkaman blade. That's one of my favorites of the 90's. Anyway if you think that was tough to get through, I just finished the old Fist of the North Star. There are so many recap episodes I started fast forwarding them. At the episode in the high eighties there are five recap episodes in a row and then another couple a few episodes later. There is also a lot of fluff episodes and somewhere along the way the dog is never seen again. I don't think it died and maybe it was left at a village, but I must have not payed attention and just didn't notice or forgot until around episode 95 or so. I started Fist of the North Star 2 and am a few episodes into that and still no dog even though it would be older by that point.
  19. I also think waiting a couple weeks to a month and the prices go down a lot. The character kits will start around the $40 U.S. range and will drop to the $20-$25 range with free shipping most of the time. It helps to know the standard price and give yourself a range of how much extra you would want to spend and see if it comes to that cost or even less and also if your orders qualify for free shipping.
  20. I don't mind him sounding old. I think this is embracing the cheese of the old show so it needs the king of cheese🧀
  21. I heard about this on the radio this morning. Sounds like they got as many of the old actors as possible for the voices.
  22. I had the same thing happen with the only one I ever bought. About a couple of weeks of being on a shelf the polycap in one of the legs split apart and when I picked it up the leg would just fall out of joint. I think they sized the pegs bigger than the caps slightly and cheap material added to the problem. My older smaller banpresto is a bit flimsy, but still holds up not only that but looks better since the panel lines aren't upscaled.
  23. I read an article on ign that said that same thing. He sounds really angry at wb and even hated the contracts he signed limiting his activities. Maybe he won't sign on for the role of it comes up in future films.
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