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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I was looking at the death trooper kit and it looks fairly customizable with weapon and equipment options. Lots of interesting bandai products coming soon.
  2. So has anyone seen the show yet. No one I personally know has seen it and most of the people at work didn't know about the cbs streaming service.
  3. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm a toss up between the tomahawk and spartan, although I can't think of a great model or toy of the spartan to come up in the last few decades. I am still hopin for more zentraidi items as well.
  4. I was just about to mod that large blaster from the storm trooper kit when I noticed the death trooper kit has a pistol, rifle and a sniper with a scope. So I will probably just pick up a couple of the death trooper kits and pass down an extra sniper to one of my scouts.
  5. The sh Han looks good so far and the 1/12 death trooper kit seems promising. Still hoping for a kit of that droid.
  6. The price is a bit steep for me. I really like votoms, but almost $500 and no extra weapon set.
  7. So far the sh figuarts macross figures seemed to be just a tease.
  8. I guess I was confused by the wording. All that evil dead stuff confuses me as well. Any way original film with familiar director and producer that have a decent record for horror/suspense films and good reviews as well. I may have to see it.
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not really worried yet. Other lines of toys have have products that have been sitting around on shelves and they still produce them like robot spirits, or sh figuarts from bandai or even figma from max factory. The dunbine robot spirits often can be bought months after release and come close to the price of the hmr vf1a. I still see some of the sh figuarts dbz figures and more costly avengers stuff. And some figmas surprise me as far as how long a character I thought would sell out are still available like ghost in the shell or metroid figmas. I do see the hmr Valkyries selling out well for preorder. As far as I know the 1a, 1j Hikaru and the 1j Max are sold out and that's the next 3 releases. The other destroids are much smaller than the regult, glaug and of course the monster, so the cost won't be so high and people would be able to afford them. It's really only been about a month since the monster came out so I can't say it's selling bad and I haven't checked the availability of the glaug or regult but if I'm not mistaken I think the regult isn't so easy to find at this point and I haven't heard of any of those going on clearance sales yet, so again I am not worried at all at this point.
  10. Most of the descriptions say foam rubber and latex, but that sounds more like the description of the actual film one. If it is the description of materials for this there is no mention of metal and a foam rubber, latex toy doesn't sound durable in the long run.
  11. Horror remakes can be fun sometimes and have a better track record than comedies or action films mostly because the original horror subjects are obscure or just bad. Anyway Evil Dead is an odd subject because it could have been a sequel rather than a remake. And honestly I don't know which evil dead it would have been the sequel to. 2 was a remake of the original and the creators for the last film said it could take place along side the ash character and the plans for movies were very confusing. They said they wanted a sequel to that newer film and army of darkness and now we have a fun campy show so I really don't know on all that. And back to Don't Breath, I honestly didn't know this was a remake. I couldn't even answer if I had seen the old one. The premise did sound like something familiar.
  12. Well I think that out of the DC films this may be the most promising. Ben likes the comic and said he even wants the bat suit to have the white eyes and choosing a bad guy that isn't a comedic character means that we don't have to worry as much about adding in humor. The real question is if the studio will stay out of his way and let him make a great film. He is in my opinion a good director.
  13. It was the #1 film even though it only pulled in about $26 million. At least it probably didn't cost much to make.
  14. I always thought it would be fun to see one of those with the basic color scheme, but with the brown areas being done in desert storm solder uniform camo colors.
  15. That old Eva was an interesting kit at the time. Lots of rubber and wires.
  16. I think what he meant was that the only fans of the kit are fans of macross on this forum and maybe not the gundam fan or aircraft fan. Either way this showcase sure turned into an odd debate.
  17. So I finally got around to building the battroid and made a couple of minor mods for poseability. Lots of tiny parts on this kit made for a bit of a scary build around the ball joints. So I took the intake covers where the ball joint pops in and a thin round file and gave the kit a bit of a wider stance by widening the opening a bit. The other slight mod I did was in the upper chest piece where the cockpit attaches with the poly cap. I ended the inside edge just enough and now it allows for the battroid to do a slight tilt at that upper joint. Now the legs have just enough space to clear the wings so the in takes don't push the wings. The intake does still rub right up against the wing, so I'm gonna see if a bit more sanding at the upper chest helps, but it may need a slightly longer peg to fit in the poly cap.
  18. The Yamato monster is smaller than the original monster. Wave teased a 1/100 scale one, but not 1/72 and either way wave joints have always been a bit loose compared to kits from other companies and which ever scale they try to make would probably look great, but would have probably been crouched to its lowest point due to the design and weight. I still would have bought one anyway and hoped to be able to fix the issues, but that may be why wave never produced it.
  19. I was hoping the re100 line would only use subjects bandai hasn't made into a plastic kit, but some pics of this do look good and others make it look like the arms are too long or the connection at the waist is loose. Hopefully the final bawoo fixes that. And most of the exclusive kits have a cheap recolor box like if they did the box in blue and white or green or whatever color, but some have very different boxes like the new real type versions of the revive gundam, guncannon and gouf.
  20. So my thoughts on the transformation thing with the vf1 is that the shows up until recently used animation magic, so one product may have to sacrifice a perfect fighter to make a good battroid or vice versa. And the part swapping kits like wave and tomy tech both have to sacrifice the look of the inside of the knee or maybe a thigh joint that isn't so good at movement on the gerwalk. The hasegawa separate mode kits are probably the best compramise that I have seen, but I think that a different company would probably have made a more poseable kit as far as the legs go or could have added a joint to tilt the waist or upper torso forward for more leg movement without the wings getting in the way of the intake. Even on non macross kits things get sacrificed for transformation or part swapping. The rg zeta gundam is an almost scary thing to handle and its hg counterpart had some issues like a baby shield. For something like gundam most transforming mobile suits change into crap anyway, but I always feel like no matter what series they all do a compramise and almost none are perfect wether it's a pet swapper or full transforming kit. All this is just my personal thoughts and no matter what I still am usually impressed by any one who does a good job and puts in the work to complete their projects.
  21. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The Hikaru preorder was abou 2 months ago, but some may open up with cancellations or an awesome deal may pop up after release. I'm still wondering when we'll hear about something beyond the Max 1j.
  22. So I just got back from seeing it. The only theatre nearby is in Ontario CA and they only have one showing a night so I had preordered tickets the other day. It was a packed showing probably due to the limited amount of theatres playing it. We actually liked it. There really is a lot to look at. The backgrounds are spectacular, they have a mix of medieval, modern and futuristic all mixed yet separate. There may be a medieval castle surrounded by highways and modern vehicles and futuristic airships flying overhead. Anyway if you're wondering if you should go through the trouble of finding a showing, you should ask yourself if you liked either of the first 2 films Spirits Within or Advent Children. If you liked either of those you will probably like this. The film has problems like cheasy dialogue and long winded speeches and all, but even at its slow parts my eyes couldn't stop looking at the backgrounds. The action is fantastic and fast paced with spells, sword fighting and monsters and giant big bastard monsters and even mechanical enemies. If you don't like final fantasy stuff or hated both of the other films then the visuals may not be enough to keep you happy and this may not be worth the trouble to find, but for a guy like me it was worth it.
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