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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I was just watching that earlier this this weekend. It’s a very impressive costume.
  2. I didn’t realize that it started. I’ve been losing track of a few things lately. is it worth watching?
  3. I’m kinda surprised they didn’t make the front of the eye and area around a separate piece to avoid the line.
  4. I didn’t realize anyone was surprised by that. It seemed kind of obvious since as you put it that he’s the opposite of Andor and in some ways , but kind of the same. Unliked failures on opposite ends of the spectrum. But you could see the jealousy of Andor’s success. It’s basically setting up his nemesis even if he’s barely a nemesis. I don’t know about disgust with him or with herself for considering it. They both seem to be portrayed as obsessed lonely people and her disgust could have just been a reaction of surprise that anyone knowing what she’s like would ever try to approach her. Giggiddy
  5. My problem with she hulk was that the jokes really didn’t land. That made it kind of a dull show. And for a day in the life thing, she didn’t really have a life. Most episodes she’d go to work and go home. She didn’t do anything at home except the occasional one night stand. And her work day wasn’t too deep either. I also felt highly disappointed by the ending. It was a gag that felt pointless. So for me as long as Willow is fun, then it already would be better than she hulk. It just has to try not to be tedious and it might be a win. There also is the bonus that it’s based off a single movie franchise, so I don’t think it has to worry about making fans too angry like what happened with obi or boba shows.
  6. The extreme feature is the gold frame in its multi colored goldness. That and its supposed golden articulation with the golden frame. I really wasn’t excited to be honest, but gundams themselves aren’t that exciting to me very often. I also wasn’t a seed fan, but I could see someone who is a fan loving it.
  7. Been rewatching the show lately since the toy went up for preorder. It’s fun friendly 80’s action from a simpler time
  8. I hope they don’t rush things. This season spent what feels like a lot of time on only a few ideas for the main character. There’s a lot going on, just not a lot for Andor himself. At this point he did one job and doesn’t feel like he set up his notoriety yet. Then again maybe the prison break will get him some major credit with the rebels One problem I have with these prequel stories about side characters is it kinda feels like they took legendary moments that happened in what seems like a short amount of time. Like in Solo, everything legendary that you thought he had been doing all his life was just one crazy weekend that he’s still reminiscing about years later and hasn’t done anything between then and when the first movie takes place
  9. That’s one of the reasons I have an interest, besides the nostalgia. I’d like to have a better reason to keep D+ than just relying on Marvel and Starwars. And if they do a good job on the show it could prove that maybe they can do something that isn’t attached to an existing franchise. I don’t think that this show could be any worse than recent shows like Rings of power or She hulk, but I don’t think anyone expects it to be the greatest show to hit streaming either. I’ll definitely watch and hope I enjoy.
  10. I do hope Willow ends up good, but to be honest most of what they complain about in that video were things that seemed to be obvious from the previews that have been up for a while. As long as it’s a fun entertaining show, I won’t mind watching.
  11. Yup, with the special thunderclap attack at the end
  12. Yeah, I never saw it. It may have been a direct to video thing. I guess it was bad enough that they decided to pretend it never happened. Hopefully this one is good. It’s tough to try to follow up a classic
  13. That’s kinda what I expected, especially after the recent shorts. Although I would like to see a sequel to Shin Godzilla
  14. It looks like it can magically change sizes. In on picture it looks huge and the next super compact. The perspective is entertaining here. At 1/100 I was aware that it will be nice and small for my limited future display area. I just like the reality bending of those pics
  15. Nice. The recent short films have been pretty good.
  16. I was just looking at tag hobby and they have that picture tagged with Arcadia regult. That’s definitely the hasegawa 1/72 model kit.
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