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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Maybe strip some leftover wire might work
  2. That’s totally one of them. There’s so many others, like the teacher getting in trouble with the student or the I hate traffic song or the I accidentally fell for a hooker song
  3. They have them on most toy stores like bbts or entertainment earth. These particular ones are original characters. Boss Fight Studios is the maker and they do have actual licenses for things like Popeye and The Phantom, Flash Gordon and a few others. But these Vitruvian Hacks figures are there own thing even if they are a bit derivative of other fantasy franchises. They’ve mostly been small 1/18 figures, but are getting into 1/12 sized ones as well. the Vitruvian Hacks figures so far have things like Roman style warriors and gladiators and gorgons for series one., knights and magicians, skeletons, elf’s ,orca and barbarians withe the series 2 and upcoming halflingish ones have been teased. Series 3 seems to be modern stuff during a zombie apocalypse and they’re teasing some futuristic stuff soon. They also have horses and different parts for different eras for those as well. They have a focus on interchangeable parts and body blanks to mix and match and make your own. There’s quite a few customization people that have created interesting characters out of them. personally, I really dig the medieval stuff, since I don’t know any other companies that do small scale highly articulated knights. I also love skeletons. The cool thing is that if you get multiples of one of the knights, there’s usually parts to make at least three or more similar, but different characters. Or you can use the most common type of head and build a little army. They also sell custom parts packs if you feel adventurous
  4. This episode was back to a slowdown. It wasn’t bad, but I feel like the tension would’ve been better if it wasn’t such a comedic episode.
  5. I always had a soft spot for these guys. I think it’s the way they’d hide a dark message in a light hearted sound yet being absolutely obvious about it at the same time
  6. I do wish hobby shops were as popular as they were when I was younger. We must have had five or six in town when I was a kid. Now they just opened one after a few closed down. I guess if you count Michael’s, it would be two but I think of that as arts and crafts even though I should just put that as a hobby. I’m probably going up to crestline as long as nothing to big comes up in the inspections, hopefully there’s something up there. Thanks for the well wishes. There’s an extra room up there that seems to want to be a project room, so hopefully I can add some stuff to these pages again soon
  7. The one that I’ve been going to in Corona is Hobby Town. They have some good stuff and sometimes even get the Mr Hobby paints. They’ve added a new store close by where I live currently, but I might be moving up to the mountains due to being priced out of the area due to increasing interest and mortgage rates. Over the summer the homes we thought we could afford after only a couple months of saving are unfortunately out of our range now, so we started looking outside the areas we were originally going for. Seems I gotta get a banjo and washboard to fit in now
  8. Seems they’ve updated the male knight and well as the evil counterpart. I was late to the game on these. Didn’t realize they’d been around for almost a decade, but there’s gonna be a ten year anniversary edition of both the knight of accord and knight of asperity with the better articulated joints in the legs as well as newer attachments for the armor more similar to how they did the recent female knights. I actually don’t have the original knight of asperity since most sellers want well over a $100.00 for it, so I went and preordered both of these little guys
  9. Gene Simmons had some of those, but his were armored for better protection
  10. Hope it’s not too hard to get the chest plate into place. It seems they couldn’t do it or just didn’t know they did it wrong
  11. Yeah, and those sizes are probably set for Japan where an xl is kinda like a medium to large at best
  12. I’ll probably play around with it to see what it’s like to use it. Also to see what bodies they have. I’d like to see if it’s possible to easily get someone to take the pictures without them knowing what it’s for, to see about a surprise gift
  13. Surprisingly the vifam kit is going up for preorder on the U.S. p-Bandai store later. Looks a bit pricey, but I really want that kit
  14. Looks like there’s a few of the newer web exclusives getting ready for preorder on the US p-Bandai store along with a few rereleases. It’s not gundam, but the Vifam kit is the one I’m looking forward to
  15. I was kinda curious about these as gifts. At my age, I don’t think I’d want an action figure of myself, but it would be cool to get some for family
  16. I wouldn’t have minded a more serious movie, but they made it in a dumb way. It’s like the problem that seems to be going around with bad writing, and bad writing unfortunately is more evident and stands out on a serious movie or show than something lighthearted. I do however feel that if they do ever reboot Superman, that it should be more lighthearted and positive rather than dark and gritty. Superman deserves a film filled with charm and splendor. Save the grit for Batman and give the humor to Shazam
  17. In the dead blackness of space the pilot said”Come at me Bro!!!!” then lights up the enemy like the Fourth of July
  18. The bigger feet and hands look better on this one
  19. I don’t think anyone with an easy ability to save a loved one would let them die that way. No matter how much convincing the father had, there’s absolutely no way a super powered kid especially Superman would let that happen. Like I said earlier, it didn’t even matter in the end. They should have done a very different scene altogether and it really ruins the character. The rest of the movie from that point forward wasn’t much better. This movie and pretty much everything following involving Superman were pretty bad with no fault to the actor. I think he would’ve been a great Superman. The DC movie verse started out a mess, had a few good moments and still seems to be a mess. They should’ve just started fresh with a real good Superman movie even if it meant recasting
  20. I don’t totally go by them, but when some are quoted as saying this film is anti entertainment, and a good majority of the good reviews sound more like bad reviews then I kinda wonder if I should waste the cash. This film seems to have slipped of everyone’s radar, because everyone I’ve tried talking to forgot it was a thing. So I probably won’t get any real input from anyone that’s not a critic. The preview doesn’t really help either, it has a very CW kinda look to it. If I hear it’s worth a shot I’ll check it out though. There have been some films in the past that have had negative buzz and turned out ok.
  21. The reviews aren’t sounding so good on this one. Maybe I’ll just wait for it to be a free watch
  22. That might have been the point, but there’s no way it works for Superman. It was also highly pointless since all those people found out anyway. It was a dumb scene that ruined the character.
  23. But Superman easily could have saved him. It’s still a terrible scene
  24. I liked the character, but feel that she just didn’t have a show. I don’t think another season is something worth watching, but I’d like to see her as a cameo character since they don’t seem to know what to do with her. If the next season happens, I really hope they get some real writers to give her a better show. I know they said they we’re giving us a legal comedy, but the jokes were pretty flat and the legal was barely there this season
  25. Yeah, it really was a steaming pile all around. It was all for nothing anyway since all the people he hid his identity from knew who he was and now know he easily could’ve saved his father. It totally was a waste of good talent
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