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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Is that for the new short film or a full length one?
  2. I thought about that and you’re right. Her voice sounded strong when she was young , but unlike most her voice didn’t get grumbly like many others. Maybe she stayed away from smoking, who knows. She also doesn’t look bad for her age, maybe she’s a clone
  3. It’s something that’s possible with moderoid. Look at all the Patlabor entries or Brain Powered or Obsolete or Escaflowne or even Robocop. They’ve been surprising me with the near completion to each of those lines of products. Who knows, there may even be a kit for that tank from the end of the ova
  4. I’d like to be good with 2, but went with three. Now hopefully I can match them and weather them so they appear to only be one for the display
  5. I was pretty far off. Well at least I can put it next to the wave 1/20 star ship troopers power armor for an interesting display. I’m kinda glad that it’s just the generic pilot, like the one from the first few minutes. But I think they should have included parts for the accidental pilot as well.
  6. A decade ago , I would have been very doubtful. Lately though, they’ve really come through with unexpected products.
  7. I kinda agree. They still haven’t exactly explained why he was so important to recruit very well. I get the points they’ve made, but it doesn’t seem like any of those reasons were enough. Maybe he’ll show more of his potential later
  8. I’m in agreement over this version. Watched it on Friday. It’s filmed well, but definitely skips a lot of content from the books and previous versions and makes quite a few changes that feel really awkward. I remember stuff that really had to do with gas attacks that got a rush treatment here. I get that they didn’t want a super predictable movie, but this could have been any random German ww1 story. It’s a pretty long movie as is, but like had been said, it’s really missing the connections with other characters. And it almost feels like if someone did a two and a half hour version of full metal jacket without the boot camp scenes. Overall it’s well acted and well filmed, but just fees like a lot of missing pieces. There’s things that did work through, so it’s not an absolute failure like the way the tanks came rolling through like unstoppable monsters, but I wish there were more scenes with that kind of impact.
  9. I could see the contract being for only three seasons. Around that time when they were starting the show Netflix had made many statements saying that they only planned three season shows. I think it was to try to get a grip on the fact that they were in a major cancellation craze at the time. Even shows like lost in space ended up planned to only have three seasons. They’ve moved away from those statements though, probably realizing that some of their shows like Stranger Things keep the subscriptions
  10. The only things I really remember him from were the hunger games and one of those expendable movies. He’s one of the lesser Hemsworths, but that might work to his advantage since no one is just gonna see Thor standing there
  11. I’ve heard that rumor as well. They were saying that every time something seemed off, he’d be the one to point it out. Supposedly he’s a real big gamer, not only video games but table top stuff as well. hopefully Liam can get his grunt on
  12. It’s probably trying their best to stay afloat in the streaming wars. I still have yet to meet a single person that has Paramount+. I know people that have peacock since it was free for a while , I don’t know if it’s still free though
  13. The 90’s film was on YouTube a while back, not sure if it’s still there. You may try amazon for it as well but I think the official one was only vhs. I don’t know if the Japanese released it with subtitles or not
  14. I like hobby town. They seem hit and miss with what they get in, but they come through with some interesting items. Lately they’ve been getting a lot of regular Bandai items, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if the got this kit and the decals as well
  15. I think anyone would be a bit protective of their fiancé as soon as the scum of the Earth, sorry Ferrix showed up. Up until that point Timm seemed respected by other characters including Bix. And he probably just expected the security to just escort Casian to jail. To be fair Bix didn’t seem to like Casian that much either and even after turning him in probably would’ve eventually forgiven him.
  16. I kinda forgot about this one. I’m getting old and sometimes I just forget some bands even existed until someone brings them up again. Or sometimes I forget a popular song from an artist, like recently realized Joe Jackson did Steppin Out even though I regularly listen to songs like Got The Time. And it’s not new info to me, just forgot due to age
  17. It may come out sooner. They had pushed the Papa 2 figure back to February, but I just received the ones I ordered last week. these issues are kinda hitting other small companies as well. Boss fights had a few figures pushed back due to shipping because the boats were stuck at sea due to a mass backlog at the ports here
  18. I misread that and thought you really wanted a Reva body
  19. The price is a bit high, but I think the novelty is really the selling point. I don’t want one for me, and there’s probably a lot of people not wanting a toy of themselves, but one for the kids or a gift for someone else seems reasonable since you’d really only buy one per person rather than a whole line. That and the price of other toys in the same scale being much more than the $20 hasbro price doesn’t seem too bad. just think of it as a one off gift rather than a line you need to collect Supposedly there’s gonna be more bodies soon. As far as the test faces I really only saw a video with the other guy from Adam Savages tested show on YouTube and it looked alright to me.
  20. I don’t know. I kinda feel like he knew about the other stuff going on as well when he made the call. He basically took her and gave her a life where she wouldn’t necessarily have to resort to crime anymore. And then this walking anus tries to drag her back into that life. They know that the empire could easily just string her up or throw her in prison for a decade, and he made a choice to try and save her from a bad element. No one at this point would have thought that bad element would’ve turned into a hero it would almost be like falling for someone that had a rough time kicking a habit and then her ex comes around getting her involved all over again, then turning that ex drug dealer in to the authorities to keep her clean If Bix had just explained everything and that she was getting the bad element removed completely from the picture, then he may not have even contacted the authorities.
  21. His face has a roll bar
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