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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Anyway, I'm now 6/8 episodes through, and it doesn't get much better. Oftentimes it seems like you'd have to be a fan who's already read the comics to remotely appreciate what's going on, because the show glosses over so many details about the characters, the world, the Code, the Union, the history of superheroes, etc. It expects you to be sad when character A dies, but scarcely has any time to show us anything about the character besides their costume and superpower, so I'm left just... staring blankly at a screen. Two more episodes to slog through, and then time to forget it ever existed.
  2. Unfortunately, that video didn't provide any substantial new details that we haven't already discussed to death on this forum. I was hoping it would have some leaks on the legal statuses of this and that, or future distribution plans, or even merchandising strategies. Something new. Ah well. Still just waiting patiently for proof of the supposed good tidings this way to come.
  3. After blitzing through the first 2.5 episodes for myself, I gotta say, @sqidd, you gave what has to be the most inaccurate hot take I've ever seen on this forum. It is frankly bizarre how much you got wrong, what you got wrong, and the degree to which what you got wrong was wrong. There's missing the mark, and there's constructing an entirely separate mark altogether, setting it at 180 degrees to the original and a quarter of the distance away, and then lobbing your shot into the nearby pond instead. To clarify/contextualize some points for everyone else, because it can't be overstated how far from reality sqidd's misrepresentation of the show is: My impression of the show after two episodes is pretty in line with what @Tking22 has to say. It's bland, derivative, and fairly predictable as far as superhero media go. The action and effects I can take or leave to a certain extent, but the writing and acting are too inconsistent; other superhero media have dealt with similar subject matter better. It's a shame, because I always like me some good meditation on the ethics of superhero-ing. And the show DOES have some legitimately good moments. They're just surrounded by too much bland and derivative and predictable. I disagree, veeery slightly, with the idea that The Code should have been tossed to the wayside. As Tking22 puts it, it was never a part of the original story, and I believe it. Whenever Utopian brings up The Code, I don't get the impression that it's a rule set self-imposed by him because of some deeply-held moral and ethical values. Instead, it sounds like a code of conduct forced onto him by an outside entity, and he's being forced to abide by it. I noticed that he never explains the reasoning behind the precepts of The Code, just demands that he and everyone else abide by them. But it's precisely the alien-ness of The Code that draws my interest. Without it, the show would just be about an old man with old man worldviews struggling to apply them to the modern world - which is all well and good as far as premises go, but again, other superhero media have done it better already. With it, the show unintentionally transforms into... almost a horror mystery? Like there's some unspeakable cosmic horror lurking above all of the superpowered goings-on. After all, what could possibly spook Superman so much that he does its bidding? I suspect the answer to that question will be decidedly underwhelming (if it exists at all), and it'll turn out to be nothing more than bad writing from a bad show that badly adapted a comic book.
  4. Sorry, I meant to say that there are no new announcements, just showing off what they announced previously - ie Myung YF-19 and the repops. I was hoping against hope for a VF-171 reveal to compete against Wave, or maybe a Cheyenne II, or etc.
  5. So nothing new to announce, just the re-pops mentioned earlier, at least so far as Macross goes. That's a tad disappointing.
  6. I like the carrot gunpod. I too wish for a future Sheryl and/or Cathy model.
  7. This showed up in my recc's, figured I'd share before Blackout Weekend.
  8. Honestly, I thought this was gonna be some sort of Twisted Metal origin story...
  9. I gave it the old college try, and oy vey, I had to tap out after... I think it was when Cyborg confronts Diana for the first time? I don't know what some of y'all wanted in a Justice League movie, but this can't have been it. So. Much. Slo-mo. The. Movie. Could. Have. Been. An. Hour. Shorter. If. Only. It. Didn't. Stop. To. Linger. On. Every. Third. Shot. Like. It. Was. The. Most. Important. Thing. Ever. But. You. Know. Snyder. Man. Needs. Us. To. Know. That. This. Scene. Is. E. M. O. T. I. O. N. A. L. A. N. D. O. R. S. Y. M. B. O. L. I. C. D. O. Y. O. U. S. E. E. A. M. I. G. E. T. T. I. N. G. A. C. R. O. S. S. H. O. W. A. N. N. O. Y. I. N. G. I. T. W. A. S. T. O. S. I. T. T. H. R. O. U. G. H. A. L. L. T. H. A. T.? Like I get it, he wanted to emphasize how sad Lois is, or how sad Cyborg is, or how sad Martha is, or... basically how sad any one character is, but this couldn't possibly have been the most effective way of doing so, right? This one-trick pony of slow motion footage set to pop ballads? And I admit it's a bit a-hole-ish to nitpick on a stylistic choice like that, but it just happens SO MUCH and I was so bored by everything else in the movie. Speaking of everything else in the movie... It's still bad. The writing is still awful. The actors still do all they can to act the crap out of this script, but their efforts are being wasted. I agree with I forget who here mentioned that it's important to keep in mind this movie isn't the movie Snyder originally set out to make. But I also think that, whatever differences between the Snyder cut we got and the one we didn't, it's still a bit of a wash because they're still fundamentally bad movies. The original Snyder cut is bad. The Whedon cut is bad. And this, the third version of the movie and the second Snyder cut, is bad. I thought I might try to finish it before my subscription lapses at the end of the month, but I dunno. We'll see, I guess.
  10. A tournament would give the movie some much-needed structure, which this movie lacks. But even that aside, given that they emphasize the tournament in the early parts of the movie, it's only good storytelling to pay off on it. They could have neglected the tournament altogether, that could have worked just as well, but as it is, it's just... poorly executed.
  11. I think you mean Gerwalk and Fighter modes. The Super boosters are very slightly different from their previous counterparts - I'm seeing so far - added winglets - an added recessed detail on the central white/light gray sections The 31E's central pod looks to be another dual cannon setup; the cannon on the VF's right is the standard railgun? we've seen before, and the other looks to be another unique design, different from the guns on the Armored's dual-cannon pod. It also has a different canard design from normal. IIRC there was a "Delta 06" that showed up very briefly in the last trailer. I wonder if that and this are the same, or how they're related, or...
  12. The increasingly deep lore for Scorpion and Sub-Zero has always felt particularly unnecessary to me, and so their introduction to start the movie off didn't wow me much more than MK 1995's intro did. It wasn't BAD, though, and I'm always game to see more Hiroyuki Sanada in action. The rest of it is a bit of a wash, with slightly dirty water. jenius nailed it on the head with that summary: it's a movie about a fighting tournament that has no fighting tournament. They try to make a token effort at it towards the end, but it still never gets there, and just feels all the more bizarre for it. That aside, bits of it were fine. Others were really bad, and the movie doesn't have that layer of cheese to deal with it. I really liked pretty much all the parts with Kung Lao in it. Him performing that fatality was kind of meh - in fact most of the gore in the movie, like in the games, is kind of meh - but other than that, I feel like he should have been in more of the film. Oh well.
  13. Does anyone remember if the VF-31 is capable of unassisted space fold? Part of me says that that was one of its distinguishing features, but another part of me is like 75% sure in that one episode of Delta that Messer folds in to save the day/die using a fold booster that jettisons before he enters the atmosphere.
  14. Depending how the distribution licenses(/sub-licenses???) are handled, the merch might not make it stateside anyway. BW and HG might have worked out a new distribution deal for the shows and movies - I'm guessing HG sub-licensed the trademarks to BW to make things kosher - but the announcement IIRC says nothing about merchandising. If HG's stranglehold on the US trademarks continues to be an unnecessary hassle to the likes of Bandai, Hasegawa, Arcadia, etc., they might just treat it as business as usual and continue to ignore the US market altogether. (Frankly, I might prefer to keep it that way.) This is all predicated, of course, on BW actually owning the trademarks in the other major markets, which is why my clarifying questions a few pages back. In China (and Brazil? Am I imagining that one?), yes, things were definitively settled in BW's favor, but is that the case in the EU? I know the initial court ruling was in BW's favor, but HG's appeal and the subsequent pause of the appeal might put the Macross trademarks in legally murky territory.
  15. "Turn the audio on," it asks of us while blowing out the audio balance with NOTICE ME SHAREHOLDERS music.
  16. Could Bancadia avoid HG by just (well, "just") tweaking any problematic items to be from a different entry in the franchise? Release VF-1s in Delta livery. Repaint Monsters in... I dunno, VF-X? colors. VF-4G as an M3 design. etc. etc.
  17. Gonna copypasta from the last page. Anyone got any clarification?
  18. Did BW take back the trademarks in the EU, though? IIRC, they sued, a judge initially ruled in their favor, HG appealed, and then both parties moved to... suspend the case? drop the appeal? If they (HG and BW together) have simply filed to suspend, presumably there will have to be some follow-up motions in the near future to either resume or drop the appeal? If they've (HG mainly, though in cooperation with BW) dropped the appeal, the last declaratory action (ie the judge's ruling) would put the trademarks in BW's hands? Was the initial ruling put on hold at all pending the appeal process? If so, and if the appeal is still technically in progress, that would mean the trademarks were/are still currently in HG's hands...? Or perhaps the court put an injunction barring either company from making use of the trademark pending the court ruling, and if the appeals court put the judge's decision on hold, that would put the trademarks currently in a legal no-man's land. Or maybe I'm overthinking all of this.
  19. So... HG can't make derivative works based on SDFM/DYRL. BW can... but BW can't distribute that stuff - if it contains characters and/or mecha designs from SDFM/DYRL - outside Japan without contending with HG's trademark claims, which 1) previously, they were doing so (in the EU, and before/concurrent to that in China) by way of lawsuit claiming original use; and 2) now, by way of some sort of... sublicensing agreement with HG? Is that about right? All this secondhand legal mumbo-jumbo is as mind-boggling to me as it ever was. I need to see whatever agreement(s) they signed.
  20. Would still vastly prefer if HG were thrown back into the fires of Mount Doom. I'm not getting my hopes up until I see something actually come of this.
  21. Too many, and yet, at the same time never enough. I'm more curious about the nippers. "TT43" doesn't give any google results, but "TT42" is their photo-etch nippers, which appear to be the same thing. Perhaps Hasegawa are just rebranding TT42 as a high end plastic nipper? The blades certainly seem much thinner than normal nippers...
  22. I feel like they could have done a lot more with I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. Though that said, they could have made it substantially better by substituting Godzilla with a sacrificial kaiju and going all in on paying homage. Have Kong fight a giant shark, have him pull open its jaws, have two battleships intentionally scuttle themselves and shoot the shark kaiju point blank in the mouth. I was so hoping!
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