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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. The pandemic might have thoroughly borked the option, but I remember people were able to get a shipping estimate for these specific items individually by emailing customer support. You might be able to send it by sea as well.
  2. They revived the franchise with a new tv show back in like 2011? 2012? subtitled "Friendship is Magic" that became unexpectedly really popular, hence this series of figures. IIRC, the ponies in the show didn't transform into human form; there was some plot point or another somewhere along the line that introduced a parallel universe with human versions of the characters. But these Bishoujo line figures are different original designs with the same basic premise of "anthropomorphize the pony": vs As for MGS, who else could they have done a Bishoujo figure of? Mei Ling? Naomi Hunter? Eva? Don't get me wrong, they're all memorable characters, but I dunno, I feel like their aesthetics would clash too much. Even the Sniper Wolf one looked a bit weird. Also, apparently the Mari figure is coming out as both a (presumably styrene) model kit and a prepainted (PVC) figure. Not only that, there were already Asuka and Rei releases, too... neither of which struck my fancy that much. Shame. I had to clamp down on my immediate impulse to buy them now now now to make sure I had a complete trio.
  3. Now I'm not much a fan of the Rebuilds, but... DAYUM: https://www.hlj.com/1-8-scale-assemble-heroines-makinami-mari-illustrious-summer-queens-ots00030 July release. To be clear, it's a plastic model kit, not a pre-painted figure. It requires glue but no paint, though paint will obviously help, and the head/face will be pre-painted. And another one I've been looking forward to: https://www.hlj.com/1-7-scale-my-little-pony-bishoujo-princess-luna-figure-kbysv-297 September release. She dark and she THICCCCCCC! I'm happy to see the line ending on two real bangers, with this and the only-teased-but-surely-on-track-for-eventual-release Celestia. Or well, it might continue, but I don't really see any other characters selling enough to warrant such.
  4. The way I hear it, the 01's Rebuild design is closer to what was originally intended, and the extra lanky TV version was something of a fluke...? Anyone care to confirm/debunk that notion? Either way, I too find I prefer the TV design to the Rebuild version... Come to think of it, the EoE version had some proportion changes that put it more in line with the future Rebuild movies as well, didn't it?
  5. I'm sure there'll be a VF-25 (...or -27? EDIT: wait, I'm an idiot, of course it would be a -25) and this silhouette is just to tease the G part of this VFG.
  6. Fair's fair. I suppose I misspoke, in that my issue isn't so much that it's "sexualized," but rather what they consider "sexy." Like, you say I can't blame them for making what sells, but they (the industry writ large, not just Aoshima specifically) have only ever sold that specific... "form factor," I guess you could call it: Dainty, moe-headed cutesy loli with - as Sanity is Optional points out - V-cut leotard and/or pantsu above bare thighs (always thighs and always bare, I don't get it...) and thighhighs, with the occasional oppai and/or miniskirt thrown in when they're feeling especially creative. One line that's like that, fine. Two lines, from two different companies, that's... also fine, if a bit uninspired. But the entire industry defaulting to that aesthetic? C'mon. I'm just saying. If they want to cater to degeneracy, they could at least cater to my degeneracies. With regards to that Ranka figure specifically... eh, no accounting for taste, I suppose. But sex appeal aside, it's also just kind of a lazy attempt at the end of the day. It was lazy when(/if?) it showed up in the movie, and it was lazy when it showed up as a figure. There were so many visually interesting ways to do "sexy mecha girl Ranka," and instead they went with... that. Bah. Anyway, comparing the silhouette and figure some more, I'm something like 65% confident it'll be a Ranka-themed VFG. There are some differences, like the knee guards on the figure and the hip kibble and what seems to be a holster(/garter?) on the silhouette, but shapes generally track. My misgivings aside, I'm glad they seem to be going full hog on incorporating actual characters like they should have done from the beginning. The Klan VFG sold out really quick and has remained that way since launch, which hopefully means really good sales instead of extremely low production. A Ranka or Sheryl variant can only sell even better; after that, dare I hope for a Mirage VF-31?
  7. Same. The current lineup is already uncomfortable for me as it is; lay the lewd on any thicker, like that figure does, and I'd tap out. At least with the Klan one it's easy enough to paint everything red/purple/etc. so you get a full jumpsuit look, which has the added bonus of being canon.
  8. How did you decide on your choice for "gold"? There's often a lot of hay amongst casual modelers about whether the Hyaku Shiki has a super reflective gold plating or a flat coat, or is it mustard-colored maybe, perhaps tan?, just a simple yellow, etc. I've never given it much thought myself, not being a particularly big fan of the HS, but on second thought it seems like a good starting point for beginning modelers to sort of "guide" how they consider builds. Do you go for what it looks like on-cel? Do you go for what it's "supposed" to look like, taking into consideration its lore and its anti-beam coating? and so on.
  9. Just watched fifteen seconds of the original. Not worth a gander; it's about as low-rent as low-rent can be. If I want to play a decent shmup, I'll just emulate Einhander or Gradius V, or hit up whatever I have in my Steam library, thanks.
  10. Ranka version, maybe? The ears and hair track, at least.
  11. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    To be fair, it's not clear whether those are missile pods at all. Depicting them as such was a logical inference on the part of the modeler, given the placement and shape of the new armor parts, their derivation from the VF-25's Super equipment, etc. But they end up being a bit bulbous in the process; likely the modeler was working off of mainly just the movie footage, which IIRC never gives a good look at the height of those new armor pieces. Once official pics of the VF-19EF/A's 3D model were released, it became apparent that those parts were rather inconspicuous in design, following the existing lines and curves of the VF fairly closely. Packing missiles into such a cramped space certainly isn't impossible, but it does become more unlikely. And neither the Bandai DX toy nor the Hasegawa model kit, the only two official pieces of merchandise of it, depict them as anything more than slabs of extra armor. That said, I also like the idea of them being missile launchers, for much the same reasons as the modeler probably did. I don't exactly like their premise to begin with - slapping VF-25 Supers onto a Y/VF-19 - but if they MUST exist, I like them to do so as missile launchers.
  12. Yeah, I've never really understood what about AotC makes people put it above TPM. But then I was a kid when E1 came out and already falling out of love with the franchise when E2 did, so it's obvious where MY bias comes from. Still, though... there's just nothing in AotC on the same level as Darth Maul and Duel of the Fates. The CGI for both is about on par, or rather, it's definitely better in E2, but it's definitely less jarring in E1. The whole "green-screen EEEEEVERYTHING" idea did not do either E2 or E3 any favors. The acting is about on par, and the story is about on par, and the storytelling is about on par... Bah. That's beating the deadest horse ever. Anyway. I haven't seen this one yet, I don't know if I'll ever care enough to see it, but does it indicate any which way DC intend to go forward with their movies? I seem to recall there being talk of a Flash movie that resets everything so they can work with a blank slate again?
  13. Some of the translation quirks were intentional. The shito/Angel thing was decreed by Gainax directly IIRC. Same with the separate Japanese and English episode names (the Japanese one showing at the beginning of the show, again IIRC, and the English one showing up at the mid-episode break). Other changes were determined by the various English dub teams for localization's sake. For instance, in Japanese they use the English word "Children" to refer to both the group ("the Children") and the individual ("the First Children"); in English they use proper English grammar. (Again again IIRC, the Netflix subtitles reflect the awkward Japanese use, while its dub reflects the English use.)
  14. While we're on the subject, I like this exploration of K:SI's unorthodox remixing of ideas and themes from both King Kong and Godzilla mythoses.
  15. In case anyone's interested, HLJ just charged me for these, and it appears they have some still in stock: https://www.hlj.com/search/?q=*&productFilter=series%3AMacross%3B%3Bmanufacturer%3ABandai
  16. EDIT: Leave it to my phone to go on the fritz when I need it not to. Anyway, the VF-31D SP, which I thought was exclusive to Aoshima's webstore, is apparently a regular release: https://www.hlj.com/v-f-g-macross-f-vf-31d-skuld-sp-aos06180 https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-122315 I'm sure the other regular haunts have them on sale as well.
  17. Considering I wanted one and forgot to get in on the original Skuld, this will do very nicely. Or go with the Kairos, I dunno. I'll be honest, my only major complaint is that the girl figures continue to be stereotypical waifs. I want me some thicc mature waifus! Or hot-blooded oneesans! EDIT: Is this kit webshop exclusive?
  18. Pray tell. I was already dubious about this kit, but it's nice to get some hands-on feedback.
  19. Look, open YOUR mouth for the first time after having it sealed shut for most of your life and tell me how YOUR teeth look, okay? Sheesh, judge much?
  20. Welp. I've got something coming from Amiami that left port about... a month ago now? Nothing to do but continue to wait, now.
  21. Had to check, and yes, it's based on the old(???) Winx Club cartoon show.
  22. Yipes. That's dedication to a cause. Anyway, for whatever reason I wasn't expecting preorders to already be up, but HLJ has a preorder page: https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-vf-19a-svf-440-dullahan-s-w-fast-pack-high-maneuver-missile-hsg65870 By the by, since I was already perusing, they have the "SVF-559 Lightnings w/ High Maneuver Missiles" listed as In-Stock (3-5 Days) https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-vf-19a-svf-559-lightnings-w-high-maneuver-missiles-hsg65799
  23. Yeah, this seems pretty reasonable. I liked what little of Human Revolution that I played, and I'm not sure in retrospect why/how I drifted away from it. I should get back to that... Sigh. Maybe I should finally download it from GOG now and see what all the fuss was about... This was kind of the sense I got of what it would be. A very thorough, in-depth RPG... but there have been many thorough, in-depth RPGs in the past as well. It wouldn't bring much that's necessarily new or innovative, but it would bring everything together and do it all very well. (Aside from optimization... and bugs... and more bugs... ) I mean... there's Deus Ex mentioned above... I mean if it is just Deus Ex The Newest One, and if it's just a case of me significantly underestimating the number of people who have been really chomping at the bit for more Deus Ex, then I guess that would explain it. Bah. Well, whatever. Maybe I'll pick it up in a year or two, once all the bugs have been ironed out. I'll have plenty of time to finish up on HR and Mankind Divided, then.
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