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Everything posted by slide

  1. F-16 is capable of pulling 9G+, but you'll bend the airframe or crack a wing spar... Some Israeli pilots claim to have exceeded 10G in the F-15 Hell, one had a mid-air and lost an entire wing and brought the thing home 'safely' A human pilot could conceivably 'slam into' a 10G turn without becoming a bag of soup... though you might break your neck if your head is in the wrong position... A 12G pull is survivable, but not sustainable for any length of time, and may instantly GLOC you even if you're trained, fit and wearing a G-suit... which is a death-sentence if you're in a dogfight. at -2G or -3G you'll red-out. removing the squishy-human-element from the equation means your AI-fighter can theoretically pull up to whatever your design limitations are and not even worry about it... which is a terrifying thought considering the electronics in a M982 Excalibur shell are rated beyond 15,500 G
  2. drill a brass rod or tube deep into it and it'll stay straight forever... or are they cast that way? that should also take care of any oscillation concerns...
  3. Baller! Now I want one even more...
  4. well, it's all a matter of scale, really......
  5. likely, but they'll never be 100% autonomous Even the US Gov't won't be silly enough to let a 100% autonomous Warplane off the leash... It'll have to request weapons-release/engagement clearances etc. someone will develop jamming tech which will render EM communication effectively useless... jamming tech is usually not far behind the latest RADAR tech, and modern RADAR is very impressive... once that happens it'll be telephone wire and carrier pigeons all-over-again...
  6. Maybe we could tempt someone to release something in-scale with Hasegawa's SDF models...
  7. this trick works particularly well on Warhammer40k minis to simulate weapons burns/impacts, but could translate very well to a Destroid: Paint, Decal and Weather your model Cut the head off of a paper match [try to leave no paper attached at all, it adds to your burn-time, and you need it to stay short-as possible to avoid melting things] orient the impact surface so that it's level, and place the match-head where you want the burn/impact light the match head carefully with another match, instant realistic-looking impact/burn. >optional: seal with a clear-coat. I've never sealed any of mine after I "beat them up"... you lose a lot of the effect once it's coated... And if you want smaller burns, you can trim your match-heads to size ..... or use more than one at a time >>>can't recommend that one as I've never tried it, 1 always did the trick for me. 1 note though: I've only ever done this on GW kits/figures [they use a fairly soft plastic, not sure how it compares chemically to Bandai, Hase, or Wave's plastic], and only using acrylic paints... but man can it produce some great results! [silver undercoats can also help sell the effect, as some of the paint does literally get burned-through]
  8. well, now that I've jinxed myself, we'll see if my incoming order gets tagged by the fuzz... it's less than $100 value though, so I don't think it will [they haven't yet *knocks on wood*] ... now that I think about it, as long as Purolator [or UPS] doesn't get to hold my stuff for ransom I haven't had a problem... as long as I don't get something shipped via UPS to Canada I haven't had any unexpected issues/costs... the USPS/Canada Post combo might be slow-ish, but my stuff always arrives within the delivery window and doesn't cost half-again to get it over the border.
  9. Yea... But Mr. Mystery-box doesn't speak for Paramount/CBS, or their legal department... he can sit there and say whatever he wants to get a cheer from the crowd instead of getting asked more and more uncomfortable/unanswerable questions about the mess, which i don't think he or Bad Robot are involved in [in any way] at the moment. also that video is dated 21 May 2016... nobody is that hopeful at this point, and Paramount has released their official stance on Fan-films. THOSE are their rules, no matter what JJ said/says: Link fixed, read it and weep fellow Trekers. extra update/official comment about the guidelines from Alec Peter, Executive producer for Axanar at the bottom of the article.
  10. Welcome to Canuckistan lol the argument/explanation from the CRTC [at least back in the young days of the millennium] was that trade tariffs were high on anime because there's a domestic animation industry that must be protected [and the moment anyone in Canada makes a good anime, I'll buy that explanation]. I haven't tried to purchase any anime from a brick-and-mortar store for years now... so I'm not sure if they've come to their senses or not. Thankfully when it comes to model kits/collectibles I don't have to worry about customs because those industries just don't exist domestically, so customs doesn't seem to care...
  11. slide

    Macross figures

    they likely have some kind of standardized injection-molding-machine and the molds[Dies?] that go in are likely required to be a certain size... or like Hasegawa, they like all their boxes to stack neatly in your stash... If not that, then yes, I absolutely agree with you
  12. CBS and Paramount release official guidelines for all Star Trek fan films WELL then... In addition other things they said, i think this is very telling: "The fan production must be a real “fan” production, i.e., creators, actors and all other participants must be amateurs, cannot be compensated for their services, and cannot be currently or previously employed on any Star Trek series, films, production of DVDs or with any of CBS or Paramount Pictures’ licensees." >>>Link should be fixed<<<
  13. slide

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Make them conformal and run along the top of the legs, but still allow the legs to swing-down for Gerwalk/Battroid, then add smaller boosters to the wings [at least smaller than those hulks]... Definitely more complex, but I think it would look much better. This would also allow for partial use in-atmo, vis-à-vis the YF-19 and YF-21, which could both rock their super packs in-atmo. If i had any artistic skill with a pencil I'd sketch it up, but more along the lines of these extra boosters on the YF-19 Nothung, only larger. I have not watched past episode 1 of Delta, so I don't know if that idea would interfere too much with equipment/transformation of the '31 could also go the '29 route, and 'Glove-over' the wingtips and put an engine or two there.
  14. if they're releasing with English subs, then I'll hold-out for the complete box-set... import duties on Anime into Canada are ridiculous.. there aren't any in my City anymore, but when we DID have a store that stocked anime, single-discs with 4 episodes were treated EXACTLY the same by customs/CRTC as full-blown movies; 1 Vol of 'Full Metal Alchemist' was $60, but the complete series-set was $99... I love my country, but sometimes I hate living in it!
  15. Didn't they call that a V-chip? Looking back... my Parents must've been odd ducks, I never got things shut off, or was ushered out of the room if something 'more mature' came on... then again, we never really watched anything too gory or sexual until I was pretty much old enough to deal with it and/or ask questions... in fact my introduction to gore was Aliens when I was 6 [best friend's house]... that scene where the Dropship pilot gets it... never finished Aliens till I was 14 lol What a handy book that would be: "How to raise your kids on anime" followed by: "How to raise your kids on TV" and to round out the trilogy: "How to raise your kids on films"
  16. slide

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I like the extra armour and missile packs, but the boosters themselves are... ugly...
  17. "Nose Art" is frowned upon by the USAF, so A-10 crews hide it inside of the ladder-door... some of them are masterpieces...
  18. Looks like she's coming along nicely Rock.
  19. Actually, If that's really the fight [and I don't think it is] then Axanar's basically guaranteed to win... all they have to do is say "Hey, what about all of these other fan films? you didn't call the lawyers on them, so you've set a precedent" [Precedent is a thing in American law, yes?] I'm pretty sure they're fighting for a different reason. There are reports and accusations of shady money-handling on the production's part, resulting in alleged personal financial gain, which is why [in my opinion] they're getting Ban-Hammered... but only time will tell I suppose
  20. not familiar with that mod of the '19, or the Early launch time-frame for Galaxy. but all the '20 series' are based off of the work done on the '24 aren't they? even the VF-30 and VF-31 look like they're derivatives of that design. [NOTE: I'm not able to read Japanese, so I'm basically going off of the info I've gleaned from Macross Mecha Manual, and the TV series.] And as an Intergalactic conglomerate, such as L.A.I. Corporation, would it not be smart to be part of EVERY fleet that set-sail, just in case they discovered something new? [like Fold-Quartz] This would also put you in a position to keep abreast of any other technical developments/cultural shifts throughout the Human Diaspora. I suppose that would depend entirely on how much inter-communication occurs on the reg between colonization/exploration fleets... and relative budgets/outfitting. I'm sure there are fleets that haven't encountered ANY sort of contact which would necessitate upgrading their VF forces...If the fleets are all self-governing, and the UN-Gov't decentralized, then it's possible that fleets will have unofficial mods/MLUs to older models, non-cannon variants of older models, etc. Hell, Canada's F/A-18As and Bs have been front-liners since we purchased them in '82... other than their overall shape, I'm sure they'd be unrecognizable to anyone who wrenched on them in the '80s... 34 Years of service... it's impressive really. According to Wiki, Plus takes place in 2040, and Delta is set in 2067, so 27 years... That makes EVERY design since and including VF-11 a viable fighter by the time Delta rolls around... though they chose the VF-171 as standard at some point before Frontier, I suppose... [i'm also unfamiliar with "Macross the Ride", other than it's what gave us that gorgeous VF-11D Two-seater]
  21. Well, it's 4 block-busters an counting for Jurassic Park...
  22. I've been building scale models since I was 6, and in 24 years of building I've never been to a scale model competition. good lord... being judged against other people's work AND whatever BS personal standards the judges of the particular event-in-question have? talk about sucking the fun out of a hobby!
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