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Everything posted by slide

  1. I'm interested in a fighter-mode kit of the '17 and the '171! And I'm wiling to pay what it takes to get one of each...
  2. *searches IMDB profile* ... that's actually a difficult statement to argue against I still want to sit down and play some D&D with him though...
  3. omg that'll be so handy... and much easier to procure for myself. Thanks for that heads-up NZEOD. I'm afraid you have it backwards, sir from Macross Mecha Manual
  4. [2001 impression] My God... it's full of MACROSS!! [/2001 impression]
  5. That is super-cool Xigfrid!
  6. Looking great so far Thom! Query: "Dissolved putty"... please elaborate, I wish to know more!
  7. ES-11 so pretty... Skull squadron markings? Interesting choice... Can't wait to see her all done-up! I need to get me one or two of these...
  8. Wow.......... Deculture! must remember to keep track of this mod and add it to my Arma3...
  9. That's where they hide all the nose-art, the back of the A-10 ladder-door She looks wonderful Mintox, even with the washed-out weathering.
  10. gotta trim that defense budget somewhere I guess.....
  11. you mean the one with Ed Elirch's [Full metal alchemist] voice actor as Hikaru? I own it. It's great, no issues. in fact I'm watching disc 2 right now...
  12. I'd love to have been in that cockpit... talk about pucker-factor... I'm honestly surprised the E2 clawed it's way back into the sky!
  13. No corrections for the 1/72 engine connector peices. Not in any of the ones in my stash anyway I wonder how difficult it would be to cast a replacement/corrected part...
  14. Mr Scott needs to take his meds as directed; clearly he didn't take them while he wrote/re-wrote Prometheus... I hope Mr Blomkamp just ignores it
  15. Yes, When Nora and D.D. Ivanov get wasted by the bird-human... Ivanov especially.
  16. coming along nicely! thanks for the canopy-tint tutorial... That'll come in very handy! does your "dip" mixture keep for very long? or does it dry out in a hurry?
  17. when you're all finished the build, you need to do a stop-motion .gif of it doing the robot.... can't wait to see it all done-up, looks great so far!!
  18. I'm wanting to see a 2-seater, and what their idea of FAST Packs for the VF-4 are... I like these ones. Wonder if they'll put in a VE-4...
  19. I was not sold on the White gunpod [think of the poor grease-monkey who has to clean that fighter!!]... dat weathering tho..., Looks pretty sweet Mintox!
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