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Everything posted by slide

  1. Nice Hervé! Love his "Iceman" Helmet from TopGun!!
  2. Do we think this will include a pilot?
  3. The Blue Angels used to pride themselves [i don't know if that's still a thing] on how short a time it would take their maintenance crews to re-convert the squadron to a combat-ready standard... the Angelbirds likely just don't carry the gunpod, but fly an otherwise standard issue [but smartly repainted] VF-1A...
  4. walked into my local gas station and saw a knock-off zippo with THIS on it as artwork... she's my new favorite lighter!
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! awesome... People love who they love, write it well and throw in some transforming-fighter-plane battles and I'm in
  6. well you certainly nailed it Kylwell!
  7. yes, yes we do... HINT HINT HASEGAWA!
  8. We're all hoping as hard as we can.
  9. ... VF-25G is restricted to "One per Customer"... gonna have to get a little nefarious, because I need 2 lol ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand they're back-ordered before I was finished shopping... nuts!
  10. hmmm... I seem to have run my mouth based on hubris, and Unconfirmed intelligence [i can't read Japanese either lol]... maybe I SHOULD run for politics Make it wave... I'll buy as many as still making my mortgage payment allows
  11. Perhaps the fact the prices are noticeably higher than other kits of the same size/detail is contributing to that... Even if it came with some stores and pylons, or a fret of photo-etch it'd be an easier price-point to swallow. A certain online retailer sells VF-4 recasts of recasts for $55US... I would venture the quality is abysmal, but it's still cheaper lol
  12. I wonder if they're going to justify that price-point with Gimmicks... If so leave 'em out and make it cheaper, we'll buy more of them!
  13. ... at that price my ambitions need to be reigned in significantly... Jesus, that's $80 Canadian... for a plastic 1/72 fighter...
  14. those are some pretty Rhinos... I have Hase's 1/72 Black Lions Rhino-F, and it's such a pretty scheme... I think most of these would be gorgeous on a VF-4. I'm particularly enamored with the Vigilantes, and of course the World Famous Golden Dragons
  15. After going over all the paint schemes I wish to do this in... I may need more than 10... eventually. I hope this isn't a limited run thing.
  16. In modern ships: The bridge is where one steers/controls the ship. The CIC (Combat Information Center) is where the radar/weapons systems and tactical info all gets displayed, and acted upon. In NuBSG navigating and fighting the ship is all done from the CIC itself.
  17. $US I assume? well it could be worse...
  18. any ideas on what the price range will be?
  19. How have I missed these until now?!?! must have...
  20. how about one with a polaroid camera, and one "Keeping up foreign relations"?
  21. As one who almost EXCLUSIVELY builds aircraft/Valk's gear-up, I wouldn't mind! It would be nice to be able to display a two-ship where it looks like the pilots are actively flying/communicating, instead of sitting like Gargoyles in their seats, supremely focused on their instruments... that said, I do plan on doing a couple on the ground, so I'm likely going to pick up a ground-crew set or two anyways... One can never have enough good 1/72 flight-crew/ground-crew!! As far as planning out your sets, how many pilots are you thinking per set? Male/Female mix does not matter to me, as this is supposed to be the future, where women who can hack being a combat pilot get to be one, just like the men who can hack it. If you're doing 10 pilots per set, I don't think you'd have any trouble mixing in 3 or 4 females.
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