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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. I did not read the comics, but I really enjoyed the first movie. Like Tarantino, Matthew Vaughn plays with superhero & gangster clichés with a distinct visual style and humor, including the over the top violence. It helps if you like other Vaughn/Guy Ritchie movies, like Layer Cake, Snatch, or RocknRolla. BTW Vaughn is listed as a producer on the Fantastic Four reboot, along with Josh Trank (Chronicle) as director.
  2. I think the problem is that the people who made "Machete" where fully aware that they were making a B-Movie while the people who made "Hansel & Gretel" were complete morons.
  3. Welcome to the modeling world... This kit Looks seriously over-engineered, including the packaging.
  4. Easily the best JJPrise build I've seen so far. Please don't abandon this.
  5. I think you really set the benchmark for tedious work. If only the people working on world peace & the cure for cancer had such enthusiasm... - Meanwhile, back in Olympus:
  6. Thank you for bringing up Dragonslayer, the effects work was spectacular at the time, and the rest of the movie is quite good, too. If you can do without knights, I'd like to add "The Dark Crystal" to the list of "good fantasy movies before LOTR".
  7. As it turns out, the length is the same as the Bandai version, but the profile of the canopy is higher. Probably to accommodate a correctly scaled pilot...
  8. Let's see if the magic of HJ's modelers can save this kit. Do I see a new nose here?
  9. It looks pretty short on the solid prototype, too. Maybe a re-interpretation of the design? Let the flames begin...
  10. Brilliant idea and very convincing paintwork!
  11. Dalong has en extensive photo review for people who are still on the fence: http://dalong.net/review/etc/mv01/mv01_p.htm
  12. Homeland Security Robot at SDCC: http://mecha-guy.blogspot.de/2013/07/homeland-security-robot-from-elysium-on.html It looks like a lawnmower. With a gun. Which is totally cool.
  13. Well, I actually did read the first book when the son of my GF had it with him on a vacation - I'm fully ok with the language and character setup embracing the target group, but what I found appalling is how easily the author swallowed the whole beauty contest angle. Ruined the main character and indicated a lack of maturity on the author's side.
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