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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. 917-30 build for (and dominated) the 1973 Can-Am with an insane 1.200 bhp. I would have preferred the closed LeMans body, but this was the car I was given. I guess the scale is around 1/32. Here's the current state:
  2. Maybe it's a new paradox psychology marketing strategy: They want us to flock into the cinemas to see how bad it really is.
  3. There's a thread at Hobbyfanatics that should give you some insight: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?/topic/41397-mcmodels-1144-qubeley-early-review/
  4. The renders looked better. I hope they learn their lessons from the print.
  5. Yes, that's the 1/72 Hasegawa kit. That "E" kit is discontinued, but most of the parts are from their '94 "C" release, with holds up pretty well. I only added a pilot from their aircraft personnel kit and some plastic bits for additional details in the cockpit.
  6. Calling Yukikaze similar to Top Gun is quite a stretch. Ok they both contain some airplanes... Yukikaze is closer maybe to Solaris than to anything else. The novels are 100% nerdware, they'll need a major makeover (even more than the OVA did) to be accessible to the general audience.
  7. It's actually taller than 1/144, but not quite 1/100: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2267746519 (The Mk.II is the Master Grade kit)
  8. The MC models Qubeley should be available soon: http://www.mcmodel.com.cn/qubeley/
  9. Is there any affordable Mac software that allows you to make decent quality meshes for printing? I work with an older version of Cinema 4D and the Bolean operations are quite horrible.
  10. If it's any consolation, I just found out that PLUM produces another famed Shirow design as a plastic kit: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10223540
  11. I got it more than 10 years ago from a HK contact, so I guess I'm as clueless as you as to where to find one now.
  12. Just saw "Confessions" on TV and it was quite an experience. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1590089/
  13. I thought I'd seen this as the bad guy's jet in one of those horrible Iron Eagle flicks, but found out it was actually Rutan's Ares.
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