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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. It is part of Bandai's new 1/12 Star Wars figure line. Fully poseable with joints. Basically made for beginners or more advanced modelers. Just depends on what you feel like. All Bandai's new kits don't require glue or paint unless you want to. So the model guy in me won out and I did go ahead and paint the orange shoulder pad and the grey backpack parts with Tamiya acrylics. Also going to paint all the gun parts flat black just cause.
  2. So I can report...as expected...these figure kits are awesomeness. This is about two hours work, at a slow pace today, while cooking ribs, and rewatching SDF Macross. Only tools used, Xuron snippers and Xacto knife..
  3. It's fantastic. Its definitely meant for smaller detail work and smaller kits. I now only use my Paassche for bigger jobs and clear coats as it has interchangeable needles that were included with it. The Iwata only comes with one included, and I haven't purchased any more yet. Also the Paasche is a syhpon fed and the Iwata is a gravity fed and takes less air pressure to use.
  4. I wasn't referencing anything in your post GU-11. No harm meant. I was referring to this being my 3rd Falcon paint job in about as many years. I didn't even see your post until I posted mine. And now that I have, I will say that I would think Future or any acrylic gloss coat would be fine to coat your Iron Man with. :-)
  5. This all seeeeems strangely familiar........LOL. Have I mentioned I absolutely LOVE my Iwata airbrush? Didn't have it back when I did my FineMolds 1:72. Wish I had. So much more controllable.
  6. Yes to both, however I have now switched to mostly pastel chalks.
  7. I'll be SHOCKED if Arcadia puts this up for less than $300 MSRP. For one basic reason---because they can.
  8. reissue = NO SALE One of these b*tches!! INSTA-SALE!
  9. It's easy and kinda fun. You don't really have to be super careful in most cases. I enjoyed doing this as I had my new Iwata to pre-shade with this time which gives you much more control than my older airbrush and thinner lines as well. Also doesn't hurt that the model is the size of a small moon..
  10. Never seen that, but if it is, I will!Edit..after a quick IMDB search, yes, she is the one. Mackenzie Davis http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4496875/?ref_=nmmi_mi_nm
  11. We'll see how it ends up! I'm nervous to work on other people's stuff, I know if I screw mine up, I'm the only one who has to look at it! In other news, I built a head today! I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again, these Bandai SW kits are just the business! So well designed, all snap fit and I'm not even gonna bother painting the figure ones I don't think! They look fine straight out of the box. The attention to detail is also present, for example, the eyes are not just black, you can't tell, but that peice was clear dark green. Very impressive.
  12. I'm sure everyone here is going to absolutely love whatever you end up with! Great work!
  13. Took a date to see this last night in non 3D as I just can't take it, and I'll give it a thumbs up. Beautifully shot and the Mars scenes are gorgeous. Damon did a good job as well, but for me, I was totally in love with the NASA nerd chick in the glasses ...wowwzzaa!
  14. and so you shall.....right now! 2 hours of decanting Camouflage Grey because it is NOWHERE in bottles anymore, mixing with Light Grey in bottles and had to break out the old Paasche with the BIG bottle and the BIG needle #5 for this bad boy! I think it came out pretty darn good. God this things...big...LOL. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have just used all spray paint and decanted, then I wouldn't have had to mix at all. Oh well. I didn't cover up as much of the pre-shading as I did on my Finemolds so this go around I think it will show through better in the end..hopefully. Onwaaaards! (can you tell I just wanna knock this out quick, get paid, and get back to my stuff?)
  15. That is FREAKIN BOSS!!! I want a custom saber so bad with different blade colors...but OUCH for the wallet!
  16. That's basically it yeh, just gives a darker, dirtier look to the areas after a base coat goes down. Which hopefully will happen tomorrow.
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