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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Oddly, this is the one 29 out of the bunch I don't and have never wanted. I have all the others and they are great! To much red on this on or something I guess. Easy pass for me.
  2. I don't know what the actual resolution is of the screen on my phone. Settings doesn't say. It's the Samsung Galaxy S6, so whatever that is. Your pics always size perfectly, I just save them to the gallery! (Not so much on Ipad, but that's a stupid Apple thing)
  3. I'm rockin Saburo pics on cell phone, iPad, and pc! True story! Lock and home screens! Great stuff!
  4. Got a chance to panel line and sticker up my VT-1. I had forgotten the premium Yamato releases came with better sticker sheets where you did not have to painstakingly trim all the stickers before you put them on to make them look good, so this one didn't take me very long at all.
  5. Finally!!! A perfect condition VT-1! And my first and probably only 171. Good day!
  6. coming off a 70 hour work week ending at 2 am last night, I wasn't feeling like doing much today, but I did get the mount built and attached to the Falcon!
  7. derex3592

    Hi-Metal R

    Nope. Missed it again. sonofabit......
  8. If I had nothing but endless time and money, I would buy about six of these and do all custom paint jobs on them including Max, Millia, a dark grey low vis, a Roy scheme and whatever else I thought might look really cool...
  9. The Falcon itself is no more than a couple of pounds..it's very lightweight plastic.
  10. Back at it today! Bandai's droids and Falcon pole mounting attempt #1...
  11. This looks absolutely fantastic!!! Now....any idea on pricing???
  12. I'm in for one of these as the centerpiece of my collection if it comes in around the $500 mark. I could only dream of a Roy/Max/Kaki to complete the squadron!!!
  13. This thread is like a freakin crack den...
  14. Amazing work! That interior is perfect!
  15. I foresee LOTS of holes being drilled into my walls soon!!! Absolutely loving this idea Yeti!!!
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