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  1. Past hour
  2. Yup, the illustrator. Package art will be handled by Mercy Rabbit.
  3. We watched this Sunday, we chuckled and with one scene in particular we broke out laughing damn near in tears. Greatest movie of all time? No, but it's a fun goofy quirky comedy.
  4. Today
  5. So, half the story seemed to be dumb set-up for that “shocker” ending. Anyone who’s somewhat familiar with the comic book stories won’t be too surprised. But again, it doesn’t exactly make sense from this show’s perspective. I don’t know; cooler heads should have prevailed.
  6. Nice! But what is Mercy Rabbit?? Don't tell me that's the name of the YF-19.. Is it the illustrator..?
  7. Moderoid is really pumping out some wild entries in multiple franchises. It definitely gives a lot of hope to see some designs that usually would get passed up these days.
  8. Every time I kinda think they’re done with the line, they pop out a couple more. I’m pretty sure they’ll get to those two one day and I hope for some surprises as well.
  9. I thought they were a little silly. I just watched the honest trailer yesterday and they keyed into something I thought was really stupid. That that one lady chopped off her own arms. I thought maybe she lost them in combat or something, but she did it to be able to use the sword ms instead of just wearing gloves.
  10. I didn’t notice the missing stand either
  11. Nice seeing the Ginga! Hope she survives. For the first time noticing that she is BBY-03, whereas Yamato is BBY-01. What is -02..?
  12. Watched Rebel Moon 2, and it was not bad. I know the popular approach is to deride it into the dirt for, reasons, but it was actually alright. Yes, I did fast forward through the loooooong and slooooooow harvest montage, but it got better once the action started up. Actually, I think more time could/should have been spent on the mythical aspects of the Princess than on the harvest or any worry about Noble's mental state. Since he came across as just as unstable before Kora killed him the first time, there seemed little reason to worry or waste screen time. Which, again, should have been better spent exploring the history of the Princess and where her abilities were thought to have come from. I mean, c'mon, she can bring things back to life and died with a mystical light pouring out of her! Give us more of that! Anyway, still don't like the ships. Ugly, bulbous things that look like potatoes and, apparently, run on coal!? Or a coal-like substance that somehow feeds into a massive 'statue' of a woman in bondage..? Huh..? Some weird design choices there. The only ships I did like were the Rebel's one-man fighters. I'd take a model of those, or at least a gimmicky toy like the drop-ship/popcorn bowl. Do like the power swords too! Those are cool! And apparently keyed to a bearer, seeing how Kora had to wrap the hilt of the one she used to keep from burning her hand. But, good action and passable story. The character were fleshed out a little more, enough to feel for some of their deaths at least, though to have Kora skip telling them who she was in their 'bonding over hardships' scene and just to resolve that with an 'we already knew' non-twist that went nowhere seemed like just another waste of screen time. That being said, if Snyder does do the third one, I'll watch.
  13. OOOh Finally. Python will be an instabuy and I guess I'll need to get some brockens. The python looks like it might be a simpler kit much like the three utility labors (bulldog / hercules / Boxer) so I hope it's bundled as a pair or maybe with something else simple. Really hope they get the Phantom and Saturn too
  14. A Nikick?... awesome! Bring on the Ishkicks, Ishforn and Bronco too.
  15. Just a handful of cool stuff I just saw on tag hobby
  16. Moderoid has a lot of great stuff coming up
  17. Oooh, yeah, no stand! I was in such a hurry, but I knew something looked different! - MT
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