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  2. Looks like these would make for great customization. Add more armor for a more mecha kinda look or maybe soft goods and some putty to give it more of a character kinda look. Lots of fun ideas could be possible
  3. That news is actually about ten years old now. Next Generation Air Dominance requirements came out in '14, and multiple governments have been publicly working on unmanned "loyal wingman" systems since at least '15. The US has been flying prototypes since at least March '19 (with the Kratos QX-58 Valkyrie). Mind you, the idea of unmanned escorts in fiction is a pretty old one too. It goes back to at least the 1960s as far as I'm aware... and seems to have been the logical consequence of late 1910s and 1920s advances in remote control of vehicles via radio making their way into the commercial sector in the 1950s and a growing interest in the idea of AI and robotics kindled by 1940s developments in computing and popular fiction from writers like Isaac Asimov. By the late 1960's and early 1970's the idea had enough traction to get used in Star Trek at least twice, with the most blatant example being Kirk's Enterprise using two unmanned Antares-class "robot ships" as wingmen against the Klingons. That said, Macross didn't actually start doing "loyal wingman" style drones until 2008's Macross Frontier debuted the RVF-171 and RVF-25 acting as motherships for groups of QF-4000 Ghosts. The Squire used by the VF-2SS Valkyrie II in Macross II: Lovers Again is not a true unmanned fighter like the Ghosts used in other Macross titles. Rather than being an AI wingman capable of independent operation, Squires are "dumb" drones that are controlled remotely by the onboard computers of the Valkyrie II they're assigned to. All of the thinking behind their operation is done by the Valkyrie II's computers, the Squire is just a remote weapons terminal. That's why Macross II's official materials refer to Squire using a borrowed term from Gundam: they're Bits, not Ghosts... just controlled by computer over radio instead of via psychic waves from an ESPer. The Macross II timeline version of the VF-4 had funnels ala Gundam too, though with the same computer-based control system. (The distinction between funnels and bits in Macross appears to be exactly the same as in Gundam too.)
  4. Indeed. With closeups of those areas that differ in style from DX, HMR, KC, etc.
  5. By hikarumacs: https://x.com/hikarumacs/status/1796535714504655220
  6. Today
  7. Only 2 characters shown so far. Leto and Bridges.
  8. I recall that, hence I said non-cannon as I too don't remember the SP on it. @MKT Found the screenshot. No SP.
  9. Is it me, or do most of his characters all have long hair and beards..?
  10. it’s been a while since I’ve watched Zero - There were CF 0Ds in the show but never noticed if any wore the super parts. I hate to think it’s Bandai bandai-ed in some way, somehow leaving the slots there when they used the 0S’s CAD file as starting point for the 0D. Yet it’s not impossible thought haha
  11. Got this from Aliexpress. I was purchasing some rechargeables and they advertised „no shipping fees“ if I purchased something else for at least 2€. was a quick Build. faster than I thought . fully poseable
  12. This afternoon 1/6/2024 there was a youtube broadcast on May'n 20th anniversary celebration - 1/6/25 and what it brings : https://mayn.jp/news/other/mayn-road-to-20th-anniversary-with-アニメイト/ - click on left and right For those that missed the broadcast, here it is :
  13. I had plans to get a 0S cheap, repaint in camo green, but give it's super parts to the 0D... that second part is scrapped now. So all I can think of is a non-cannon 0D fodder with super parts?
  14. Thank you!!! Utterly blown away by his work!!!
  15. If not mistaken, the one who did that beautiful 0D is also a member here. @EastwindS2k. Here’s the link to his thread of his other works: Depending on the platform you are viewing this forum on, the pics might show up as thumbnails, so gotta click on them to appreciate in full.
  16. Appreciate your thoughts & pics @Raikkonen I don’t think the jointed thruster on the booster is a preamble to having the Ghost being its own accessory, because the thruster is a feature of the combined valk & booster. Nice call on the 0D’s mysterious slots at its legs. I always assumed the parts from 0S (and now the 0A) will fit, but never tried that before so now knowing that they don’t fit is a surprise. It has to be purposely designed to be there, because it’s not as if Bandai reused the 0S’s leg mold for the 0D, as the 0D’s leg sculpt is different.
  17. And here are the two new liveries I came up with for Pixie Squad 25s in fighter mode. I tried for something close to the Queadluun colors for each, since the M30 version of Klan seems more like its own thing. Thoughts, suggestions, comments all welcome.
  18. Sorry for the long silence, have been traveling for work and haven't had much time to work on this. Sitting in an airport for a few hours today and put this together. Here is Klan arguing with Klan about Klan's new colors. She certainly seems to have an opinion, but Pixie Squad appears to be intrigued!
  19. they’re something like 15 or 20 years old at this point and they aren’t Bandai, so expect more work. Seams on most parts and such
  20. Some people are already posting pics of the VF-1J
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